Supreme Lord

Chapter 2383

“Changfeng, there is actually something I have kept in my heart for a long time, but I never know whether I should tell you or not.”

Looking at the serious Chiba Immortal King, Changfeng The emperor was very confused in his heart, and felt a little strange, until now, there is no secret between him and the Chiba Immortal King. If there is anything to say, there will be no taboos at all, and he will not hide from each other.

Hearing Qianba Immortal King say this, Changfeng Great Emperor couldn’t think of anything that would make Qianba Immortal King hide in his heart, and he even hesitated to tell himself.

“Ye’er, what’s the matter?”

Qianba Immortal King broke free from the arms of the Great Emperor Changfeng, frowning deeply, and his expression seemed very hesitant, thinking For a moment, he shook his head and said: “I don’t know if you are so persistent in guarding Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, whether it is right or wrong.”

Although Changfeng Great has been mentally prepared, he also expected it. There must be some major event hidden in the heart of the Immortal King in Chiba, but he never thought that the secret hidden in the heart of Immortal King in Chiba turned out to be this.

What is guarding Heaven and Earth? Is it right or wrong?

I need to ask.

It is definitely right to guard Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

“Ye’er, what’s wrong with you, why are you so confused?”

“Do you think it’s right to guard Heaven and Earth?”

” Isn’t it stumped?”

“Why do you think it is right?” Chiba Immortal King asked: “Is it because you are the immortal dao who has passed the destiny, or because you are the true Is it because you are the Young Master who has inherited the name of Qingtian? It is your duty and your duty to guard Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, right?”

“This… …”

The Great Emperor Changfeng complexion sank, said: “Ye’er, you know, even if I, Gu Changfeng, did not accept the destiny and the true destiny, I would guard Heaven without the slightest hesitation. and Earth Grand Dao.”


“Ye’er, what’s wrong with you? Why do you suddenly become so weird?”

Qian Ye Immortal King asked: “You can answer me, why?”

“The reason is simple, Heaven and Earth is our Heaven and Earth, and the avenue is also our avenue, our relatives, our friends , Everything about us, including our acquaintance and love, all our beautiful memories are in Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. If Heaven and Earth is our home, the avenue is our parents. Now our home parents are facing catastrophe and stumped Shouldn’t we protect it?”

“Do you think that Heaven and Earth will not be Heaven and Earth, and the avenue will not be a avenue, and our family and friends will die? “

“It is recorded in the Book of Destiny that when the original sin finds Allah, the Great Way will fall, Heaven and Earth will be reborn, the present and the ancient will end, and the era of innocence will begin…”


Qianba Immortal King A pair of beautiful eyes is full of confusion and hesitation, saying: “It’s just the fall of the avenue, Heaven and Earth rebirth, and the end of the present and ancient times. The fall of the avenue does not mean that it will not recover, Heaven and Earth. Rebirth does not mean destruction, nor does the end of the present and the past mean that the new era will not start.”

paused, Chiba Immortal King continued: In ancient times, the avenue fell, Heaven and Earth was reborn, and the era ended, but so what, Heaven and Earth is still Heaven and Earth, the avenue is also the avenue, and the era is still that era. The only difference is that, The deserted ancient has become the ancient, nothing more. “

Although Changfeng Great didn’t understand what Chiba Immortal King said, one thing he was sure of was that Chiba Immortal King would never say these words for no reason.

The identity of the Immortal King of Chiba is not just the immortal dao throne.

It is the mysterious mountain.

Mysterious Mountain and Black Mountain and Kunlun Mountains are both It’s a forbidden place between Heaven and Earth. It has a long and long history. I also know many secrets of between Heaven and Earth.

“Ye’er, you know that my brain is not very bright, and some words I don’t quite understand, what you want to say, just tell me simply and directly. “

“I don’t know what I want to say, I just…”

Chiba Immortal King shook his head and said: “I am getting more and more confused, more and more hesitant. . “

“What is lost?” What are you hesitating about? “

“Whether the confused guardian of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is right or wrong, or should we believe in destiny or not, to be precise…Should we obey our destiny or go against it. “


The Great Emperor Changfeng was shocked. Just as he was talking, Chiba Immortal King turned around and stared at him before he could speak. Asked: “If… I mean if… if there is an opportunity to dominate your own destiny, what would you do? “

“Dominate your own destiny? “

The Great Emperor Changfeng scratched his head, his eyebrows wrinkled, and said, “This…I haven’t thought about it.” “


The Great Emperor Changfeng is a relatively simple-minded person. They are both until now. Apart from fighting well, there is no other hobby in this life. Now, he is either in cultivation or fighting.

Other people’s cultivation, or to clearly understand Heaven and Earth profound mystery, to understand the great emperor, or to become a god, and so on. The purpose of Changfeng’s cultivation is very simple, it is to fight.

Of course, in addition to fighting, it is also to better protect his beloved women, relatives and friends, etc.

apart from this, there is nothing else.

As for the cause and effect and the fate.

The Great Emperor Changfeng never thought about it.

For him, the so-called Cause and effect are very complicated and remote. The so-called destiny is even more sacred and inviolable.

“You haven’t answered my question yet, if there is an opportunity, do you want to control your own destiny? “

“Ye’er, I really haven’t thought about this issue. “

“It doesn’t matter if you haven’t thought about it before. Now, it’s still too late to think about it. Answer me, if there is an opportunity, do you want to control your own destiny? “


The great emperor Changfeng was worried about scratching his head and pacing back and forth, because his brain was not enough to think about fate. Mysterious and abstruse is hailed as the most mysterious existence between Heaven and Earth.

He thought for a long time, but still couldn’t figure it out. He replied helplessly: “Ye’er, I really don’t have I thought about this question, but I don’t know how to answer you. “

“You are really…” Chiba Immortal King pointed to the Great Emperor Changfeng, angrily and helplessly, and said: “I was not so sure before, but now I finally understand why Destiny chooses you , True Fate will choose you, and Qingtian Fate will choose you too. “

The Great Emperor Changfeng asked seriously, “Why?” “

“Why? Why? Because the mind is simple! Give you destiny, you will work for destiny, give you true destiny, you will die for true destiny, give you the name of blue sky, you will also work for blue sky justice, in a word, what fate tells you to do, What do you do willingly. “

“What do you mean by fate, Ye Er, do you say that is too ugly? I told you that I protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, not for the destiny, nor for Being fair in the sky is not just what fate tells me to do. I protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao for ourselves. “

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