Supreme Lord

Chapter 2360

“An incarnation, a Divine Consciousness, if it just falls into the hands of other people, it will be tortured and painful at best, but at most it is nothing more than its own secret that is taken away by others.”

Gu Qingfeng More than anyone knows, what a headache for incarnation Divine Consciousness to fall into the hands of others.

It’s not that his previous incarnation Divine Consciousness fell into the hands of other people. On the contrary, he used to refining other people’s Divine Consciousness, and tortured the other’s mind and mind through other people’s Divine Consciousness, thereby bringing the other’s true body If the opponent is powerful, know yourself and know your enemy emerge victorious in every battle through Divine Consciousness clearly understood, and then carry out pit kills. This kind of deed has been done before.

“But if Divine Consciousness falls into the hands of an ancient namelessness…it’s hard to say, after all, that girl is a causal incarnation and an envoy of destiny. Through your Divine Consciousness, you will be protected Arrange a cause and effect, or arrange a destiny…”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, patted the shoulders of the monk, comforted: “However, this is just my guess, maybe eternal. Wuming could have looked at you a long time ago, and can’t get your real body, so he can only snatch your incarnation to comfort her lonely heart that thinks about you day and night!”

After that, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but laughed heartily up.

The one who laughs is called a panic, and that is called a taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Guy boy! Old Na is a motherfucker who is almost afraid to die. If your motherfucker doesn’t help Lao Na, it’s all, and motherfucker also teased Lao Na! Do you have a conscience? Your conscience has been eaten by the dog! “

Daxing’s monk flew like a thunder, and his face flushed and cursed.

“It’s not that I won’t help you, but the question is…how to help?” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Why don’t we kill a sudden thrust and go to Kan Palace together to find you Divine Consciousness is coming back?”

As soon as I heard this, the Da Xing Monk suddenly became energetic and said: “This is a good way.”

The more I think about it, the more I think it is better. The Daxing monk excitedly said: “As long as you brat come forward, the eternal nameless dare not give you this face.”

“Oh, is it? Does the Lord have such a face?”

“Is there? Remove the word?, other people may not be in front of the ancient unknown, but you brat must have, she doesn’t give face to anyone, and dare not give you face!”

“How do you say this?”

“You brat’s attitude, in a sense, determines the future destiny of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. In other words, the ancient nameless dare not dare at all now If you offend you, you might even ask you. As long as you brat speaks, the ancient nameless will definitely give you this face.”

The Daxing Monk patted his chest and said: “Even the old man dare to say, Even if you let Eternal Unknown accompany you all night, she will don’t dare disagree.”

“Does the Lord have such a great face?”

“Others may not, but you brat There must be!”

Without waiting for Gu Qingfeng’s response, the Daxing Monk urged: “It should not be too late, let’s go to Kan Palace.”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Master just casually talk about it, are you serious?”

His words immediately stunned the monk and said: “Whatever you say, dare you brat Am I teasing Lao Na?”

“Otherwise? Are you really going to ask the Lord to intercede with you?”

“Nonsense! Lao Na didn’t joke with you!”


“Come on, I don’t have that Xianxin now.”

“How can this be called Xianxin, Lao Na is in trouble, shouldn’t you brat motherfucker help? You brat touch Let’s talk about my conscience. How many times has Lao Na helped you over the years? The grievances between you brat and Eight Sects of the Western Heavenly Buddhism, did Lao Na come forward to ask grandfather to sue grandma to settle it for you, and the Old Ancestors of Heavenly Paradise that year will be wiped out. You, did Old Ancestor come forward to beg you, and you bra t Falling into the demonic path back then, if it weren’t for Lao Ya’s face to protect you, you brat would have motherfucker scattered ashes and dispersed smoke…”

The Daxing Monk will help Gu Qingfeng for these years Said one by one.

To tell the truth, these things he said are true or false. Gu Qingfeng can’t remember clearly. Based on his understanding of the monk, even if this old bald donkey helped himself, he helped him. Favorable, and the purpose of helping oneself is definitely not simple.

Looking at the Daxing Monk with a nose and tears, he told how he helped himself over the years, how he had no conscience to forget favors and violate justice, etc.

For this.

Gu Qingfeng is very speechless saying: “Okay, stop it, you’re not done forever, it’s not that you won’t help you, but… if it’s someone else, if you don’t say anything, you must come to help You took Divine Consciousness back, as for the old nameless lady…”

Speaking of the old namelessness, Gu Qingfeng also had a headache, and said: “Daxing, I am not afraid of you jokes when you say it, I don’t want to see the old age. Nameless, to be exact, it’s not that I don’t want to, but I don’t dare to see it. That girl makes my master uncomfortable. Seeing her always feels walking right into a trap.”

This is not Gu Qingfeng’s. Words of evasion, but facts.

He didn’t want to see the ancient nameless in his heart.

To say that being afraid is not afraid, he is not afraid of anything, and there is nothing that makes him afraid of being unknown.

But he just doesn’t want to meet the eternal nameless.

This kind of thinking is an instinctive resistance.

“You brat is scared of a hairy! Lao Na has already told you just now that you brat’s attitude determines the future destiny of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. The ancient nameless dare not do anything to you.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said: “I haven’t discussed this matter. Even if you kneel down and beg for the Lord, the Lord will not go.”

After that, he continued to leave the palace. Go deep.

The Daxing monk finally grabbed a life-saving straw, how could he give up easily, pestering Gu Qingfeng and keep talking about not listening, first he knew it with affection, and then moved it with reason, coax And pester, the reason is that it is a set, if Gu Qingfeng said that if he does not help him, it is unjust to forget favors and violate justice and so on.

Gu Qingfeng heard it for a while, but in the end he couldn’t help it. He could only say: “Okay, I will convince you, I promise you.”

” Gu boy! Lao Na knows that you are not the kind of person who to forget favors and violate justice!” The monk said, “Then let’s go quickly.”

“If you go now, it will be too late. Now, when the Lord sees the ancient nameless, he will definitely help you get Divine Consciousness back.”

“What does it mean to wait for you to see the ancient nameless?” Upon hearing this, the monk became anxious on the spot. , Said: “Wait for you brat to see the ancient nameless, the cucumber dishes are all the motherfucker cold!”

“Don’t worry, you old bald donkey, first listen to the Lord and finish. Your incarnation is in Kan Gong It fell into the hands of the ancient nameless, right?”

“That’s right.”

“We are in the palace now, even if we rush to the palace now, it will take a long time, here It’s not a great waste, and the Lord has no ability smashing void, so he jumped directly to Kan Palace. Of course, if you have a way to get the Lord to Kan Palace now, you will be the Lord without saying anything.”

“Old Na I…”

The Daxing monk was speechless for a while.

As Gu Qingfeng said, this is not the emptiness of the great wilderness, but the emptiness of the ancient nine palaces. Its countless changes contain infinite profound mystery.

If it is in the Great Wilderness, he can distort the void and move instantly.

Here, Void couldn’t twist at all. Even if he twisted, facing the nine palaces of countless changes, he didn’t dare to twist. If he twisted, he twisted into a desolate ancient black hole.

“Furthermore, even if you can take the master to Kan Palace in an instant, you will guarantee that people will be waiting for you in the old place without a name? How long has this fucking been? If it were us When you reach the Kan Palace, you can’t find the ancient namelessness. Wouldn’t it be go on an errand for nothing? Where can you find the ancient namelessness in the huge deserted nine palaces? It’s easy for you to find the ancient namelessness in this deserted ancient nine palaces, doesn’t it mean it’s also easy to find the ancient namelessness. ?”

“If she doesn’t want to be found by you, you will just blindly look for a pair of Dharma eyes. I am afraid that you will not find the shadow of others. Do you think this is the reason?”

“How do we know where the ancient nameless is or not if we don’t go there?” Daxing lunatic said unwillingly: “If she is still there.”

“I’m not afraid that she is not here, I am afraid that he is still there! “

“What does this mean?”

“If the ancient nameless is still waiting for you in the old place, then this is a big deal, maybe people have already put inescapable net is waiting for you to find her to settle the account, when the time comes, I am afraid that it is not just an incarnation and a Divine Consciousness that fell into the hands of the ancient nameless. It is very possible that your real body and your consciousness have all fallen into the hands of others. “

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, Da Xing Tan Seng thought about it carefully, it seems that it is so reasonable.


The big monk feels wrong again. He slaps his head and shouted: “No! It’s not the reason!”


“Lao Na was almost confused by you brat. I admit that if Lao Na had passed by himself, he would probably fall into an ancient and unknown trap, but now I want to ask you brat to come forward?”

“Big Okay! Why don’t you be a bald donkey.”

Gu Qingfeng continued to go deep while drinking a little wine, while persuading him to fool the monk, saying: “Think about it. Look, the ancient nameless is who, that is clearly understood Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow, who knows the past and the future, will she not know that we are together? Can you think of letting the Lord help you out, but she can’t figure it out? “

“What if that lady kidnapped you for a Divine Consciousness, not just to deal with you, but also to deal with the Lord? People set an inescapable net, let’s go stupid. I was looking for someone to settle the account, but I was in an ambush in the place. When the time comes, I couldn’t find the tomb if I cried.”

“This…motherfucker!…Old Na…”

The big monk opened his mouth, hesitated and stopped.

Although the Daxing Monk doesn’t want to, he has to admit that what Gu Qingfeng said is not impossible.

“Just now you said that the attitude of the Lord determines the future destiny of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao in a sense. If this is the case, do you think that the ancient nameless will let me go? I also said that the ancient nameless dare not to offend the Lord, I am afraid that the girl has already suffocated the bad water and is ready to deal with the Lord.”

The Daxing monk stammered: “No…no you Brat is so serious, isn’t it?”

“You should know the ancient nameless better than your master, do you think that woman is a good bird?”

His head shook like a rattle, and said: “If that girl is a good bird, then motherfucker since ancient times, above heaven under earth, there will be no good bird.”

” Up.”

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