Supreme Lord

Chapter 2359

The Daxing Monk has fought against Cangyan many times. He admitted that Cangyan has a high cultivation base, strong strength, many good fortunes, and a wide range of Magical Powers. Both the mind and the means are extremely brilliant. Every time he fights, the Daxing monk is The beaten were defeated and covered in dirt, and sometimes they were even beaten helpless.

But even so.

To say that Cangyan did not move, and did not make a move, he could obliterate his External Body Incarnation without warning.

Daxing lunatic thinks that Cangyan’s ability can’t do it.

He does not think that this All Heavens Myriad Realms, who is so powerful, powerful enough to quietly obliterate his External Body Incarnation.

If so.

Then this person must be unknown.

Except for her, no one else has this ability.

Although, the Daxing Monk has never fought with the ancient nameless, not only that, since the ancient times, he has never seen the ancient nameless shot at all.

But he still firmly believes that Eternal Wuming has extremely terrifying power.

Firstly, he feels this way. Secondly, although he has never seen the ancient unknown, it does not mean the ancient unknown existence. It is just cause and effect incarnation, the messenger of fate. He has always felt that the ancient Wuming absolutely possesses the power of terrifying beyond imagination.

If this is not the case, how did the original sin Old Ancestor be suppressed in Guixu?

We must know that the original sin that appeared after the immemorial age, Old Ancestor, was either obliterated by the lonely war on behalf of Heavenly Dao, or was infiltrated into the ruins by the eternal unknown.

Think about those Old Ancestors of Guixu, which one is not terrifying existence. If there is no terrifying power in the ancient namelessness, how can they be beaten into Guixu with no difficulty?


The monk felt that he suddenly lost contact with the External Body Incarnation in Kham Palace. It must have been an unknown hand.

What made him angry and frightened was that he had no idea what was going on with his External Body Incarnation.

If it’s just being obliterated by the eternal namelessness, the monk will not be afraid.

The loss of an External Body Incarnation has an impact on his real body, but it is not a major event. It is also worthy of the loss.

I’m afraid that I’m afraid that my External Body Incarnation has not been obliterated, but that it will fall into the hands of the ancient unknown.

This thing is not uncommon.

Previously, Blood River of Demon Sovereign played this hand. The reason why the Old Senior of Mysterious Dongtian brace oneself to ask Daxing Monk to come forward, is afraid that the purpose of Demon Sovereign Blood River is not just to refine the Emperor Musashi Divine Consciousness with Heavenly Dragon is so simple.

Others may not know.

The Daxing Monk knows very well, holding the Divine Consciousness of others, there are so many things he can do.

Don’t say anything else.

Just throw your Divine Consciousness into the cauldron and burn it, and you can make your body and soul feel painful. This method of boiling a frog in warm water is like taking a needle to pierce you all the time, it can refresh your spirit The collapse left a lingering shadow on the mind.

even more how.

Everyone knows that through a touch of Divine Consciousness, the secrets of the real body can be clearly understood. Even if you erase the secrets of the real body, it can be deduced from some memories.

Daxing lunatic is not afraid that the ancient nameless will use his touch of Divine Consciousness to torture his true body, mind and spirit.

He is afraid that Wuming will use his touch of Divine Consciousness to deduce his secret.

Although he had guarded against this a long time ago, and deliberately erased the secrets about the real body in External Body Incarnation, he couldn’t stand the ancient nameless use of Divine Consciousness to push the performance.

The most worrying thing about the monk is that if the eternal namelessness uses one of his own Divine Consciousness to arrange cause and effect, or arrange some fate, then motherfucker…

Only With a touch of Divine Consciousness, can you arrange cause and effect and arrange fate?

Others may not be able to do it, but eternal and unknown may not be able to do it. After all, she is a causal incarnation, a messenger of destiny, using a Divine Consciousness to arrange a cause and effect and arrange a destiny, it should not be for her What a difficult thing.

Think of this.

In the Daxing Epilogue, you have to be as suffocated and suffocated in your heart, as much as you are afraid of it.

However, in addition to being frustrated and afraid, there is more regret!

Endless regrets.

I was thinking about being hard-headed in front of Cangyan and Angu Wuming, and straightened his waist to be an uncle. For this reason, Daxing Monk also prepared for the worst, nothing more than loss. It’s just an External Body Incarnation.

He pondered, he tried his best and escaped even if he couldn’t fight, at worst he stopped External Body Incarnation.

What made him collapse is that he didn’t even think that if he didn’t even make a move, motherfucker was finished.

Now that External Body Incarnation is unclear.

What can I do?

Go to Kan Gong to see?

The Daxing monk thought for a while, and immediately killed the idea.

An External Body Incarnation has already been put in. If you put your real body in again, it will be completely finished.

Would you like to stop letting other incarnations come and see?

No way!

This method does not work either.

I went there for nothing, maybe I will send another Divine Consciousness to the ancient Wuming.


The Daxing monk’s face was like ashes, he pulled the cap off his head and slumped in the sky, muttering in despair: ” It’s pleated, it’s really pleated now.”


In addition to regret or regret.

The big monk regrets that he should not go to see the excitement, nor should he go to the excitement.

Should not be too idle and have to chase Blood River, let alone curse Cang Yan and the eternal namelessness in front of Blood River!

Thousands shouldn’t be absolutely, shouldn’t have a hot brain, have to be hard-headed in front of those two girls!

If you encounter Cangyan and Eternal Namelessness at that time, it is still the same as the previous few times, lower your head and recognize it, although you are a little frustrated and useless, it is better than a Divine Consciousness to fall into the eternal namelessness. I feel better in my hands.

The more you think about it, the more you regret it, the more you think about it, the more you want to slap in the flace fiercely and smoke yourself!

When he wants to come, all this blames motherfucker mysterious cave sky!

If it weren’t for mysterious Dongtian’s Old Guy gangs who smashed their faces and flickered, Lao Na came forward to intercede for the two bastards, he would not end up like this!


In the end, Demon Sovereign Blood River directly killed the two bastard Divine Consciousness of Emperor Musashi, and the old guys in mysterious Dongtian finally don’t have to worry.

Can motherfucker! The old Divine Consciousness fell into the hands of the unknown.

Lao Na intercedes for mysterious Dongtian, who motherfucker intercedes for Lao Na?

Next to it.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t know what happened to the Daxing Monk in Kan Gong. At this moment, seeing the Daxing Monk looking like he was going to die, he was very puzzled and asked: “I said you What’s wrong with an old bald donkey? Look at your appearance, people who don’t know thought you were rounded up.”

“It’s good to be rounded off! Lao Na now prefers to be rounded off instead of A Divine Consciousness fell into the hands of the ancient nameless lady.”

“Divine Consciousness? Into the ancient nameless hands?” Gu Qingfeng frowned and asked: “When is this happening? , Lord, why don’t I know?”

“Just not long ago!”

“Just now?”

“It’s not Lao Na, but Lao Na’s one External Body Incarnation!”

The Daxing Monk didn’t hide it, and said roughly what he had encountered in Kan Gong.

Gu Qingfeng is not surprised that there is External Body Incarnation about the Daxing Monk. He met the Daxing Monk not long after he entered the palace, he knew that this old bald donkey must There is External Body Incarnation, and there is definitely more than one. It is very likely to be scattered in the ancient nine palaces. If not, Gu Qingfeng has just entered the palace, and it is impossible to meet the big monk by such a coincidence.

It’s not a brilliant means to conceive External Body Incarnation. Gu Qingfeng did it a long time ago. It did it when it was in the secular world before it entered the great wilderness, and later for Avoiding the avenue trial, but also deliberately conceived a lot of External Body Incarnation.

It’s just that, without exception, all of them were scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

At the end of the wilderness, the real body of Gu Qingfeng was judged by Nirvana Rebirth. All External Body Incarnations are naturally hard to avoid calamity.

After the opening of the ancient times, although the real body was reborn, he has never been pregnant with External Body Incarnation, not even one.

The reason is simple.


I don’t have the enthusiasm anymore.

Especially contact with cause and effect, after embarking on the path of original sin, I am even more lazy to conceive External Body Incarnation.

Even with such a real body, I feel so tired of living, how can I worry about External Body Incarnation?

After listening to the experience of the Daxing Monk in Kan Gong, Gu Qingfeng was quite surprised. Didn’t expect such a big thing to happen in Kan Gong, Demon Sovereign, there is still a wonderful Tathagata here. When the Dadao Overlord came forward, and listening to the words of the Daxing Monk, it seemed that he had taken action.

“I said Daxing, are you too interesting? There is such a big excitement in Kan Gong, why don’t you say to call the Lord?”

Gu Qingfeng is one Like to see the lively master.


He was somewhat upset to learn that there was such a big excitement in Kan Gong, but he didn’t even see it.

“Old boy! Old uncle! My ancient ancestor!” Da Xing monk stared at a pair of angry eyes, and shouted very angry: “Lao Na’s Divine Consciousness motherfucker has fallen into the ancient nameless one. in the hands of a bitch child, you brat does not care about it that’s all, surprising motherfucker complain old monk did not take you to watch! “

” originally Well! if you say, two go together Cancun Look at the excitement, there is a master, can your Divine Consciousness still fall into the hands of the ancient nameless? We can’t help but beat the ancient nameless girl? Let alone the ancient nameless girl, just add the Cangyan girl Well, it’s more than enough for the two of us to fight them together.”

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, Da Xing Feng Seng suddenly regretted it. He thought for a while, if he really took Gu Qingfeng to Kan Gong Watching the excitement, maybe you can really avoid this disaster.

To say that he and Gu Qingfeng are more than enough to fight Eternal Wuming and Cangyan together, this may be a bit exaggerated, but if Gu Qingfeng was present at the time, both Cangyan and Eternal Wuming would have to be weighed.

“You brat is right!”

The monk scratched his bald head vigorously, and said, “Why did you say that Lao Na forgot to take you? I want a kid to watch the excitement together! If you brat is present, Lao Na will not be affected by the pent-up frustration of the little lady Cangyan, let alone Divine Consciousness falling into the hands of an ancient unknown!”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said: “So let’s talk about it! In the future, remember to call Lao Tzu, don’t motherfucker patronize by one person.”

“Now that these are still useful, Lao Na Na I don’t know whether External Body Incarnation is alive or dead. If Lao Na’s Divine Consciousness really falls into the hands of the ancient and unknown, what can Lao Na do!”

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