Supreme Lord

Chapter 2245

There is no firmament above the desolate black hole, no earth below, neither space nor time.

Only the endless turbulence is surging.

Nine huge turbulence vortex slowly rotates, swallowing all the turbulence, it looks like nine time and space gates leading to the past and the future, and like the crack gate of this ridiculous black hole, It seems to be buried the secrets of ancient times, and it seems to determine the cause, effect and destiny of Heaven and Earth.


There are not only these nine huge turbulence vortex in this boundless vast and boundless barren black hole.

At least.

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng found a strange turbulence vortex in the depths of the ancient black hole.

He has been looking for the source of the loud noise after he separated from the Daxing Monk before.

Every time the loud noise comes, it is like summon him, making him more and more curious in his heart, and more and more want to find the source of the loud noise.

He just looked for it.

I don’t know how long I have been looking for.

I found a strange turbulence vortex when I looked for it.

As for whether the loud noise came from this turbulent vortex, Gu Qingfeng was not sure, because when he found this turbulent vortex, the loud noise had already disappeared. It just feels that this turbulent vortex should have a certain relationship with that loud noise.

I thought that this turbulent vortex might be another ridiculous ancient vestige, but after entering, I realized that it was not like this.

Those barren ancient vestige that entered before are without exception, they are all endless Desert ruins, and there are neither Desert nor ruins inside, and some are just empty spaces.

If it’s just a pure empty space, it’s not a rare thing. Many of the turbulence flowing in the desolate black hole are abandoned spaces, most of which are nothingness and nothing.

But there are many fragments floating in this empty space.

These fragments are floating quietly like dust in the sun. The fragments are large and small, the small ones are like snowflakes, and the big ones are like a mountain. Gu Qingfeng wants to see these fragments. What kind of stuff, just reached out and touched, the fragments disappeared instantly.

Extend your hand again, still the same.

Whether it is the snowflake-like fragments or the mountain-like fragments, they are almost like foam boards, and they collapse as soon as they are touched.

Gu Qingfeng tried to take out Divine Consciousness again, and wanted to investigate one or two. What surprised him was that after Divine Consciousness was touched, the large and small fragments were also disappeared between his fingers.

He tried several times in a row, and the results were the same.

Not even cautiously.

This is really evil.

Where is this?

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t think of a reason for a while. While wandering in the space of this evil door, while studying the fragments of the sky, he found that this thing could not withstand any power, even if The subtle power, even the spirit of Divine Consciousness, or even a touch of disability, is not enough.

Gu Qingfeng along the way, I have seen a lot of scenes of large and small, all kinds of weird things, I have never seen something so fragile, fragile to even a trace of spirit, I can’t bear a thought.

According to common sense, something so fragile is impossible to exist.

Thinking about it, even a little bit of strength can’t bear it. Any disturbance will disappear. It should have been extinct long ago.

Not to mention the All Heavens Myriad Realms in the Great Wilderness, they are all shrouded in nature, and all these fragments will collapse when a storm comes.

Don’t say that the All Heavens Myriad Realms of the Great Wilderness can not survive even in the abandoned space turbulence of this desolate ancient black hole.

The space turbulence of the ancient black hole may be outside of nature. There is no sun, moon, wind, thunder, rain or electricity, but the problem is that these space turbulences have neither origin nor laws, and they don’t even have a structure. They are there all the time. It changes, and every change is like a spatial reorganization. If it gets stuck, the weak cultivation base will be crushed on the spot, not to mention these weak fragments.

Why are these fragments unaffected in this void space?

This empty space seems to be the turbulent space of an ancient black hole, right?

Gu Qingfeng observed carefully for a while, and found no difference in this space. Except for a piece of nothingness, it was almost the same as the ancient ancient vestige. It has no origin, no laws, no structure, and also They are all evolving all the time, there are no rules at all.

I can’t figure it out, nor can I understand it.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t continue to think about it. Since entering the ridiculous black hole, he has encountered many incomprehensible strange things, which is not bad.

Wandering inside for a while, I still found nothing. I thought that this empty space might have something to do with the loud noise, but now it seems that I think too much.

While hesitating to leave, suddenly, a loud noise came from Hong Long Long.

There was a loud noise, deafening, like heaven falls and earth rends, the shattering sky fragments disappeared in an instant, and the entire space that was also shaking was changing crazily.

Hearing this loud noise, Gu Qingfeng’s heart was shocked and happy, because this loud noise was exactly the sound he had been looking for!

Good guy!

Finally found it!

This should be the source of the loud noise.


It should be the source.

When the loud noise came, Gu Qingfeng within the body’s blood of original sin was boiling like water and burning like fire. A nose is infinitely evil, Asura, and the poor blue falls to Yellow Springs. The swallowing heaven devouring earth, the bloody gluttony and the ominous thing are also trembling uncontrollably, and are more excited than when they heard the loud noise before.

hong long long!

The loud noise came again, and this void space began to tremble violently, twisted and blurred, as if it would collapse at any time.


I’m not so bad luck?

As soon as I found the source, motherfucker was going to collapse?

Gu Qingfeng did not think too much, taking advantage of this empty space has not collapsed, he hurriedly searched for the source of the loud noise.

“Destiny is immortal, and original sin is not end!”

“Destiny is immortal, original sin is immortal!”

“The true meaning of the road, Heaven and Earth profound mystery, is all in the original sin , All are vain!” The familiar and unfamiliar roar was endless. Gu Qingfeng was so excited that he could not speak. He felt that the source of the sound was right in front of him. He looked over as if he saw a mountain, a mountain. illusory, faintly discernible mountains.

Mountains are fictitious and real, true and false, like reflections in the water, and like a mirage, like dreams and illusions, giving people a very unreal feeling.

What Gu Qingfeng didn’t expect was that when he took out Divine Consciousness, he didn’t find out anything, as if that emptiness and misty mountain didn’t exist.

However, what Gu Qingfeng did not expect even more was that after Divine Consciousness took out, he did not detect the existence of the mountain, but instead detected two people.

That’s right!

It is two people.

The two men are also rushing towards the mountains desperately like Gu Qingfeng.

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