Supreme Lord

Chapter 2244

“If he doesn’t recognize his fate and doesn’t care, but he remains indifferent after entering the ridiculous black hole, then there is only one explanation…Like you and me, like many existences above heaven under earth, facing this chaos He doesn’t know what to do or what to do…”


Anonymously replied: “You are wrong.”

“Am I wrong?” Cangyan was puzzled and asked: “Where did I go wrong?”

“He knows what he should do.”

“Since Knowing what to do, why is he still indifferent until now?”

“He is waiting!”

“What is he waiting for?”

“He is waiting We, waiting for all the existence of this above heaven under earth, waiting for the Three Thousand Great Daos, waiting for this original sin, and waiting for this causal destiny.” Cang Yan heard a little confused.

“Faced with the mysterious and unknown black hole, we all lost our way. I don’t know who the Allah of the Original Sin will be, whether the Three Thousand Great Daos will fall, whether Heaven and Earth will be reborn, let alone the future What will happen to his fate.”

An ancient nameless muttered to himself: “But he is different.”

“Why not the same?”

“He doesn’t care at all Who is the Allah of Original Sin, he doesn’t care whether the Three Thousand Great Daos will fall, whether Heaven and Earth will be reborn, what will happen to the future destiny, he doesn’t care at all, he doesn’t even care about his own cause and effect, how can he care about it, He only cares about what he cares about… it used to be, it is now, and it will be more in the future.”

The ancient and unnamed silhouette is like smoke or fog, more like a reflection in the water, surging with all kinds of turbulence , She said: “Do you remember the last time we met him in the secular world? Little Jin’er asked him four questions at the time.”

“Little Jin’er asked him the first The question is, if the avenue Heaven and Earth cannot accommodate him, Gu Qingfeng, will he destroy this world.”

” He replied that as long as Little Jin’er is in this world, he will not Will destroy this world.”

“The second question Little Jin’er asks is, if this avenue Heaven and Earth cannot accommodate Little Jin’er, will he destroy this world.”


“He replied that if this avenue cannot accommodate Little Jin’er, he will destroy this avenue, and if Heaven and Earth cannot accommodate Little Jin’er, he will destroy this world.”

“The third question Little Jin’er asked was, if he and Little Jin’er are destined to live only one, how would he choose?”

“He replied, He doesn’t believe in fate. If the fate is so destined, he will do whatever it takes to defying heaven changing fate!”

After the ancient nameless finished speaking, Cangyan fell into contemplation. After a while, he asked: “Do you believe it?” ?”


“Will he do this?”

“He will.”

“He can Can you do it?”

Cang Yan doesn’t know this question, and it’s unknown. I don’t know, if they knew, they wouldn’t be as confused as they are now.


Cang Yan looked up and asked: “You said that Little Jin’er asked four questions, but you only said three. The fourth question Little Jin’er asked was What?”

“The fourth question asked by Little Jin’er is only two words, if…”

“If? If what?”

“Only if two words.”

“How did he answer?”

“He replied that as long as he is there, there is no if.”



Cang Yan closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and it took a long time to spit out slowly.

She understands.

Understand these words that the ancient nameless said.

Gu Qingfeng may not know what to do, but he knows what to do.

He just hasn’t done it yet.

What he wants to do is not in what he wants to do, but in this road, Heaven and Earth, this causal destiny, including what the original sin does to the people he cares about.

As the ancient nameless said.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t care whether this road falls, he doesn’t care whether Heaven and Earth is reborn, he doesn’t care who the original sin is, and what the future causal destiny will be. He only cares about himself.

As promised by Gu Qingfeng to Little Jin’er.

He slaughtered the Three Thousand Great Daos if the avenue could not tolerate it. Heaven and Earth could not tolerate it. He destroyed the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth. If the fate could not tolerate it, he would change this causal destiny!


sorry, he said that as long as he is there, there is no if.

Gu Qingfeng said so.

Regardless of whether it is Cangyan or Unknown, I believe he will do this.

As for whether Gu Qingfeng can slaughter Heaven and Earth, and defying heaven changing fate, no one knows, and it is unknown.

Because I don’t know, I am confused, so I am at a loss, so I am hesitant.


The ancient nameless unfathomable mystery turned around and looked in the other direction, a pair of originally calm eyes contained a kind of surprise.

Cang Yan still has something wrong with it. When she was about to ask, she seemed to have noticed the abnormality. She also turned around and looked over, her beautiful face was also solemn, her eyes There is an astonished expression in it.


There was a burst of strange voices.

It’s a kind of chained sound, like someone walking on the ground dragging a chain,

This kind of sound is very strange, shocking Divine Soul, breathtaking, and very impressive. terror.


The sound of the chains was dull and lengthy. When it came, all the turbulence was severely affected.

It’s near.

Get closer.

A shadow gradually emerged, like a person.

Maybe it’s a person, it looks like a huge nine meters, this person has disheveled hair, wears a shabby robe, is entangled with black and white chains, neck, shoulders, hands, Both feet and waist are tightly locked by chains.

The chain is covered with extremely mysterious and abstruse rune, just like a black and white flame burning.

The weirdest thing is that this man is also carrying a huge sarcophagus on his shoulder. The sarcophagus is also covered with mysterious runes, and the whole sarcophagus is entangled with chains.

He lowered his head like this, with his hair scattered, holding the sarcophagus on his shoulders in one hand, he was wrapped in chains and walked slowly, dragging his legs, his whole body was billowing black smoke. There is no vitality, only death, endless silence.

Like the Demon God returning from hell, it is extremely terrifying, and every step taken is like the trial of Death God.

The ancient Wuming on the other side stared at him with a strange look, Cangyan frowned, and there was a surprise in his eyes.

The man came, walked to the side of the pavilion, and then stopped.

But it did not look up.

I didn’t even look at it.

Just stand like this.

Not a word.

At this moment, time seems to have stopped, and the surrounding turbulence will not know when it will dissipate. Everywhere all is full of dead black smoke, really like hell.

I don’t know how long it has been.

The man moved.

Turned around and left.

After taking nine steps, it stopped.

“Tell them…I…I’m back…”

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