Supreme Lord

Chapter 2222

hong long long ——

The loud noise came, like the sound of the ancient gate that has sealed millions and millions of years when it slowly opens, revealing a kind of ancient vastness.

“Fate is immortal, and original sin is not ending!”

“Destiny is endless, original sin is immortal!”

“The true meaning of the road, Heaven and Earth profound mystery, is all in the original sin , All are vain!”

The sound of shouting is like a divine cry, like a demon howl, like a dragon roar, like a phoenix cry, revealing a kind of anger, but also a kind of unwillingness.

In the desolate ancient black hole, all kinds of turbulence are like stormy sea, and the big monk who took out his golden body looks like a Buddha statue.

Both of his hands put together, closed his eyes slightly, as if feeling the loud sound of the ancient vastness, and as if feeling the angry but unwilling shout.

Just feel this way. I don’t know how long it has passed. The Daxing Monk opened his eyes, frowned deeply, stared into the depths of the ancient black hole, and muttered: “This is its will. , Or its consciousness?”

“It should be just its will? After all, it has been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in the ancient times, and consciousness still exists, right?”

The Daxing Monk said to himself, “Yes, it should be, its consciousness closed as early as the age of innocence and scattered ashes and dispersed smoke… Impossible still exists, this must be It’s its will, it must be!”

hong long long ——

Another loud noise came, and the trembling barren ancient black hole overwhelmed the river.

The Daxing Monk said: “Even its will is terrifying enough, and it can affect the ancient black hole.”

As he said, he seemed to realize something. , My heart suddenly startled, and muttered: “Is its will integrated into this ridiculous ancient black hole, or…this ridiculous ancient black hole is originally related to it?”

“If it just merged its will into the ancient black hole So everything is fine, but if this barren ancient black hole is originally related to it… then it is more than terrifying as simple as it is.”

“This barren ancient black hole must be a game, but I don’t know that it was made by fate. The game is still made by the original sin, or the road, this world.”

“It’s too messy! It’s too messy.”

The big monk shook his head and sighed. , Said: “Gu boy, Gu boy, where have you been, shouldn’t you really go to find the source of this loud shout?”

“Now the situation is so chaotic, you brat can be a thousand Don’t be reckless, this ridiculous black hole is full of traps and pits everywhere. One step wrong is the ten thousand zhang abyss. You have to think twice before acting. Don’t stand in line until the last moment, let alone let Anyone who knows your attitude, including original sin is no exception!”


Thinking of Gu Qingfeng, the monk sighed again and again, saying: “You always say Lao Na Hidden and reluctant to dig your heart out, in fact, your mother really misunderstood Lao Na. Lao Na didn’t want to tell you, but… a lot of things, Lao Na is also confused. Why do you ask Lao Na to dig your heart? In case you are wrong, doesn’t Lao Na hurt you?”

“Even an ancient nameless existence has to think twice when seeing you, think and think, you brat, don’t you understand? “

“And the witch, she saw that you didn’t even dare to put another fart, you brat can’t detect it?”

“The situation is too chaotic now , Neither the ancient nameless nor the witch Empress can understand. Because of this, they are afraid of affecting you brat.”

“The existence of you brat is too special, not to be exaggerated, even You brat is a chess piece, and it is also a chess piece that affects all existence. As long as you brat does not express its attitude for a day, whether it is original sin or destiny, it is still the avenue Heaven and Earth. No one dare to move!”

“Let’s consume it, just consume it like this, now it’s up to who consumes the energy, who can afford it!”

It was another sigh.

The big monk looked up and whispered: “immortal dao, demonic path, demon way, ghost way, and our Buddhist way have all appeared… all that should come out, not even Everything that should have come out has come out, I don’t know when Heavenly Dao will show up?”

“Heavenly Dao It shouldn’t be missed by such a big thing that happened in the ancient black hole. I have been dormant for so many years, I am afraid it is for this A barren ancient black hole.”

“36 cave sky, seventy two blessed land…Also almost show up.”

“Then eighteen Sacred Domain, nine restricted areas should also show up… “

As I was talking about the Daxing Monk, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and felt that someone was staring at him in secret.

He turned around and looked around, not at all, and immediately took out Divine Consciousness, when he was about to explore, a strong murderous intention came!


murderous intention.

Moreover, the murderous intention is so big that it is like hiding the sky and covering the earth. I saw a ray of magnificent light breaking through all kinds of turbulence and attacking him.

Guanghua is a colorful brilliance, when it hits, it turns into a huge palm.

The mysterious of this palm, the palm is like the sky, the palm prints are like mountains and rivers, and the five fingers are more like five spiritual gods. It not only contains a kind of ancient domineering power, but also contains infinite Power of Heaven and Earth.

What the hell is that?

Even though the Daxing monk has lived for countless years, experienced and knowledgeable, and is known as a living Buddha, he has never encountered such a terrifying and mysterious palm.

I didn’t dare to think too much, and there was no time to think too much, because when he found this palm, it was already forced down from top to bottom.

The Daxing lunatic raised his palms to support the palm of the strong pressure.

There was a loud explosion.

The terrifying power contained in the palm of the hand, the trembling Daxing Monk’s face instantly paled, he couldn’t help groaned, and his body couldn’t stop sinking.


The big monk furiously shouted, and the golden body bloomed Buddha’s radiance, the vast Dharma burst out, crackle made a crisp sound, the fluctuation spread, All the turbulence around the earthquake collapsed.

“Infinite Buddha, infinite light, break the old man!”

The big monk put his hands together, and his golden body turned into a golden beam of light that instantly disappeared his palm.

“Who is it!”

The Daxing monk stared angrily, looked all around, and yelled: “Who motherfucker so to have no shame, dare to sneak attack Lao Na!”

Before the voice fell, one silhouette appeared out of thin air, and he raised his hand and struck it directly.

The opponent’s speed is very fast, almost blinking. However, the Daxing Monk also not to be trifled with. When the opponent shot, he also slapped it out.


The two sides slapped each other, and the trembling monk took three steps back!

Bang peng~ peng~!

Five palms in a row. One palm is stronger than the other, and each palm makes the Daxing Monk beat back.

“bastard! It’s quite powerful!”

The big monk yelled and drew a circle with his arms, just like drawing a golden day, and launched again With a palm, the silhouette of the other party rushed forward like an arrow.

The two play together like a spear and a shield.

hong long long! Huh!

This time, the monk did not back down, but the other party did not back down either.

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