Supreme Lord

Chapter 2221

Gu Qingfeng looked at the endless space turbulence here, just looking at it, a pair of gloomy eyes were filled with countless doubts.

He had always thought that behind this Heaven and Earth Chess Match was the game between original sin and fate.

I never thought that besides the original sin of fate, there was also a road and Heaven and Earth.

At the same time.

He is also increasingly unable to understand what kind of existence the original sin is.

Gu Qingfeng has always felt that the existence of original sin is a mistake and the source of a causal error. The source of this error is like a virus that causes the chaos of cause and effect today.

He still thinks so.

What he doesn’t understand is how the source of the wrong cause and effect of original sin appeared, and what is the meaning of existence?

Is it a destiny or is it causal?

If it is the arrangement of fate, then it means that fate has conceived the original sin, let it slaughter the avenue, rebirth Heaven and Earth, and start the era of innocence?

Why did destiny do this?

The avenue was slaughtered and Heaven and Earth was reborn. What good is it for fate?

The most important thing is that destiny itself is one of the great avenues. If the great avenue is slaughtered, wouldn’t it be that fate itself is also destroyed.

It doesn’t make sense.

But if it is not the arrangement of fate, is the existence of the original sin stumped by cause and effect?

In other words, a certain antecedent conceived the consequence of original sin.

The meaning of its existence is to slaughter the Dao and open the era of innocence?

It’s just…what kind of antecedent will give birth to consequences like original sin?

Or it should be said that the Book of Destiny records that when the original sin finds Allah, the road falls, the ancient and the present ends, Heaven and Earth are reborn, and the era of innocence begins.

All of this is predestined, and even fate cannot be changed by itself.

I don’t understand.

Gu Qingfeng became more confused as he thought about it, and felt confused as he thought about it. He shook his head and sighed then said. At this time, hong long long, loud noises came again.

“Fate is immortal, and original sin is not ending!”

“Destiny is endless, original sin is immortal!”

“The true meaning of the road, Heaven and Earth profound mystery, is all in the original sin , All are vain…”

It is this familiar and unfamiliar voice again.

Gu Qingfeng can’t figure out who is shouting in this ridiculous black hole even if he wants to break his head, who is the owner of this voice, why every time he shouts, he has a very complicated feeling in his heart, It’s like excitement, like upset, more like summon.


He suddenly remembered what Profound Nether Old Ancestor said. Profound Nether Old Ancestor said that original sin in the barren age once conceived an independent consciousness. It is this independent consciousness that killed the road and opened In the era of innocence, it was just that the era of innocence was closed inexplicably later, and the sense of autonomy that was conceived by original sin was also whereabouts unknown.

Feeling the cry that came from an unknown place in the ancient black hole, Gu Qingfeng wondered if original sin had really impregnated a sense of autonomy, and this sense of autonomy had once slaughtered the great road and opened up nothing. In the Taoist era, does this cry belong to that sense of autonomy?

Whether it is the original sin of immortality of fate, or the immortal sin of fate, these two sentences express a kind of unwillingness and anger, and they are unwilling to fate, but also angry at fate.

This makes Gu Qingfeng a little confused.

In his thoughts, if original sin really conceived independent consciousness, and this independent consciousness really slaughtered the great road in the barren age and opened the era of innocence, logically speaking, it should be considered complete Mission.

Whether it is destined or caused by cause and effect, the mission of original sin has been completed.

Since this is the case, why is it unwilling.

And still unwilling to fate?

This kind of unwillingness is unwilling to be the minions of fate, or the fate of unwilling to original sin is arranged like this.

Thinking about it, Gu Qingfeng suddenly felt a headache, the original sin destiny and the great road between Heaven and Earth, his head was about to explode.

If he can, he really doesn’t want to participate in this kind of mess. However, he is in the game, even if he doesn’t want to, he has to participate in it. Originally thinking about maintaining a normal heart, Just let everything go. After arriving at the ancient black hole, he found that even if he wanted to go with the flow, he would naturally not get up. Too many mysterious and weird things entangled him, making him very entangled.

Furthermore, he found that his state of mind had already begun to change at some point. He was no longer able to go with the flow as before, and his state of mind was unable to maintain peace. This feeling was like being trapped in the ancient world. Just like in the mystery, just want to find the answer and uncover the confusion in the joy.

Said it is a mystery trapped in the ancient era, Gu Qingfeng feels that he may be in whose way, and feels fooled.

Either it was previously affected by the words of the ancient nameless, and the mood changed quietly, or it was the way of the monk, and the mood was affected by this old bald ass.

“Motherfucker! Whether it’s an eternal unknown or a great monk, the routines are deeper than the other. Although the master has been watching them, didn’t expect still follow their way.”

While speaking, Gu Qingfeng sighed then said.

In any case, since the matter is at this point, now I can only take one step.

hong long long! ka-cha!

“Fate is immortal, and original sin is not ending!”

“Destiny is endless, original sin is immortal!”

“The true meaning of the road, Heaven and Earth profound mystery, is all in the original sin , All are vain…”

The loud noise came again, accompanied by a mysterious cry.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingfeng feels that it is better to figure out the source of the sound first.

hong long long ——

The sound of loud noises continued to come, and the entire deserted black hole shook violently, and all kinds of turbulence rolled and roared, nine huge The turbulent vortex rotates slowly, like nine Heavenly Gods running through a desolate black hole, and like the Great Desolate Giant Beast, swallowing one after another turbulence.


A golden silhouette is running madly in the turbulence, looking like headless flies everywhere, as if looking for something.

This silhouette is wearing a shabby gray monk robe, a torn hat on his head, a broken fan on the left side of his waist, and a bottle gourd on the right.

It’s not someone else, it’s a monk.

Since Gu Qingfeng left, the monk has been searching for it.

Although he has an immovable golden body, he is not afraid of the turbulent flow of ancient times, but searching in the turbulent flow for so long has really exhausted him.

What makes the Daxing monk crazy is that after searching for so long, I still haven’t found Gu Qingfeng. The ancient black hole is too big, it is simply boundless.

What should I do?

The Daxing Monk doesn’t know what to do.

Obviously knowing that searching for Gu Qingfeng in the ancient black hole is ten thousand times more difficult than to find a needle in a haystack, but he still looks for it, because he doesn’t know what to do except searching for Gu Qingfeng .

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