Supreme Lord

Chapter 2217

Of course.

Gu Qingfeng also only doubted, he did not know whether the era of innocence belongs to the past or the future.

And now that voice claims to be Supreme Master Wudao.

He didn’t know the truth for a while.

After all, every word and sound of the other party deeply affects him. Otherwise, his mind, consciousness, and soul fleshy body impossible are so distorted and erratic, and even more impossible, they will collapse at any time.

The most important thing is that Gu Qingfeng always feels that the source avatar of the other party’s voice is summoning himself, and it is a summon that cannot be resisted.

If the blood of the original sin within the body really belongs to Wudaozun, I am afraid that only when you meet the real Wudaozun will you be so excited, right?

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng can’t help but wonder, is it really a legendary god to be stumped?

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Gu Qingfeng asked again: “Are you Wudaozun?”

“ha ha ha ha ha!”

That voice burst into bursts of laughter again, and the laughter was as old as the ancient domineering, just like the Spiritual God dominating all things.

“You are wrong! I’m not innocent!”

The other party’s response was beyond Gu Qingfeng’s expectation. When he was puzzled, the voice said again:” Destiny has not yet perished, and the era of innocence has not yet begun, where did the innocent god come from!”

Gu Qingfeng understands that the other party meant that the era of innocence does not belong to the past, but It belongs to the future. In other words, the legendary Wudaozun has not yet been born, which coincides with his guess.

“Since you are not the Supreme Lord, why do you say that I am within the body is flowing with your blood?”

When Gu Qingfeng asked, the voice was loud again. laugh.

“Youngster! Did you make a mistake.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Wu Dao Zun can represent original sin, but he does not It is equivalent to the original sin! ha ha ha ha! As long as I want, I can make anyone an Innocent Master!”

I have to say that the other person’s tone is not big!

Gu Qingfeng carefully tasted this sentence.


My heart startled, remembering the prophecy recorded in the book of destiny, when the original sin finds Allah, the road will fall, the present and the ancient will end, Heaven and Earth will be reborn, and the era of no way will Turn it on…

Now this voice says that as long as it wants to, it can make anyone an Innocent Master.

What does this mean?

Gu Qingfeng seemed to have realized something, but felt his scalp numb, and asked: “Are you… the original sin?”

“ha ha ha ha ha! youngster! You finally Know who I am!”

Good guy!

Gu Qingfeng’s shock in his heart is beyond words, let alone what to say. He always thought that the existence of original sin might be a kind of avenue, or one law, or a kind of origin. This thing motherfucker has self-awareness?

This is too evil!

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know the truth and does not believe it in his heart.

“youngster, do you know the prophecies recorded in the book of fate?”

“I know.”

“Since I know, then I don’t need to say more, You are the Allah I am looking for. When this great road falls, the present and the ancients end, when this world is reborn, and the destiny dies, when the era of innocence opens, you are the noble Lord!”

With laughed heartily The sound, like a fire sea hell-like wild black hole burns wildly, and Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body is more distorted. The fleshy body is, mind, soul, and consciousness are all, as if everything of oneself is buried in the fire sea, like Rather than fuse, it’s more like being swallowed.

At this moment.

Gu Qingfeng adheres to his self-consciousness with an unyielding will, allowing his mind to collapse, his fleshy body to twist, and his soul to burn.

Maybe it was discovered that Gu Qingfeng was resisting, and the voice shouted angrily: “You are resisting?”

“yes and how?”

“Why resist , Do you want to be the Noble Master?”


Gu Qingfeng directly responded without thinking.

He really does not want to be the innocent lord of Rao Shizi.

As a result, the matter between fate and original sin is too complicated, and the water is too deep, so far he has not figured out what is going on.

Although I heard that the ancient clansman wanted to use fate to dominate World’s All Living Things, I also heard that only by becoming the Lord of Original Sin can we obliterate fate.

But after all, it was only heard, and he did not know the truth of the matter.

This is only second.

Previously, the monk said that if he is really the destined Allah of Original Sin, then all this is most likely a conspiracy of fate, and fate waits for him to become Allah of Original Sin, thus obliterating him , Get rid of the original sin.

Although this matter is not true or false, Gu Qingfeng has to guard against it. He does not want to be a pawn of fate.

There is another point called Gu Qingfeng who had to think twice. He wanted to come, if he really became the Allah of Original Sin, he would really obliterate his destiny and become a legendary Wudaozun, which opened up the so-called The era of innocence.

And then?

Fate is obliterated, but there is original sin.

Gu Qingfeng does not think that the original sin exists only to obliterate fate.

Those ancient clansman can dominate World’s All Living Things through fate.

Who can guarantee that original sin will not become a second destiny?

Just now, the other party said very well that Wudaozun can represent original sin, but it does not mean original sin. To put it plainly, the born Wudaozun is just the spokesperson of original sin, but It’s just a puppet of original sin.

Gu Qingfeng does not want to be a pawn of fate, but he does not want to be a pawn of original sin.

Although the monk has been hiding and pretending to be stupid with Gu Qingfeng, the words he said make Gu Qingfeng’s memory still fresh, and that is the four words to be alone. The current situation is like this. Chaos, the most important thing is to live, live for yourself, don’t believe anyone and don’t participate in anything.


There is another more important reason for Gu Qingfeng’s resistance at this moment.

That is that he doesn’t quite believe that this voice is the so-called original sin.

Even if this voice made him fearful, as if he was born with deep roots, even if this voice deeply affected him and continued to summon him, he still had some doubts about the truth and falsehood.

He had previously merged with the blood of original sin. It was not such a feeling at all. When he merged before, there was no discomfort, as if he belonged to him originally. That feeling cannot even be called a fusion.

And now.

It is not as simple as discomfort, nor is it fusing with myself, but devouring myself.

That’s right!

It’s swallowing!

Take ten thousand steps, even if the other party is really the so-called original sin, Gu Qingfeng is absolutely impossible to integrate with it. After all, the other party already has self-awareness. Once fuse together, then whose self-awareness will dominate the so-called Original Sin Allah?

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t think the other party’s self-consciousness will disappear obediently.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng insists on his inner thoughts, embraces the origin and unity, clings to his mind, and abides by the self-awareness.

“youngster! Answer me, why do you want to resist, why don’t you want to be an innocent lord, stupid you do not want to become a god, do you want to control your own destiny?”

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