Supreme Lord

Chapter 2216

The turbulence of the former black hole as surging waves tumbling and flowing.

And the turbulence at this moment burns and spreads like wild flames.

Why did this happen?

Gu Qingfeng also doesn’t know.

He didn’t even know that it was not an ancient black hole.

He doesn’t want to know this now, just want to know who the owner of this voice is, whether he is shouting, roaring and shaking the entire ancient black hole, and whether he is summoning himself.

Gu Qingfeng has too many doubts in his mind.

“hahaha! What’s the fear of death?”

The other party asked again.

Gu Qingfeng responded: “There is no terrifying to death.”

“Since there is no terrifying, why are you afraid of death?”

“Because I don’t want to Death, at least, I don’t want to die now, besides…” Gu Qingfeng solemnly said: “Even if I must die, I must die perfectly clear. Just die so silly, I am unwilling, and worthless for myself.”

This is his inner portrayal and his true thoughts.

He is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid of death.

He does not seek death for what he deserves, nor does he seek death for its worth.

Perfectly clear who just want to die, the dead can be worthy of their life.

He wanted to figure out what was going on with summon himself, but if the price was to lose his life, he would be so sorry for his life.

“ha ha ha ha ha! Don’t want to die?”

“hahaha! Dead perfectly clear?”

“hahaha! Are you unwilling to die? For yourself Not worth it?”

The roar came, full of disdain and ridicule.

I don’t know who the other party is. The laughter is too terrifying and too terrifying.

Gu Qingfeng’s heart trembled more and more, the soul burned, the blood boiled, the fleshy body became more distorted, and his consciousness became more blurred.

Everything about him is in an extremely dangerous state.

Including Asura, Shangqiongbi and Yellow Springs, swallowing heaven devouring earth, bloody gluttony, and the ominous thing.

Before I heard a loud noise, when I heard this roar, Asura, Yellow Springs, Gourmet and other big presences began to stir, Gu Qingfeng never understood why this happened. Until this moment, he Only then did I know the reason, it was fear, it was fear!

That’s right!

Fear is fear.

And it’s still a deep-rooted fear.

Not only them, even Gu Qingfeng himself has a kind of inexplicable fear.

He didn’t know what he was afraid of, and he didn’t know what he was afraid of, but to be afraid was to be afraid. This kind of fear was like he was born with him.

Gu Qingfeng knows that whether it is Asura or the Yellow Springs, including the swallowing heaven devouring earth, the blood gluttony and the ominous thing, they have all merged with the blood of original sin in the ancient times. , Are also the sons of original sin not just in name only, but also in reality.

Also, he himself has been fused with the blood of original sin, and he is also regarded as the son of original sin.

Now all of them, the sons of original sin who have been fused with the blood of original sin, are in fear. From this, it can be judged that the other party must be related to original sin, and its existence is probably beyond imagination.

“youngster! How do you think you die will make you willing, and how you die will make you worthy of your whole life!”

Gu Qingfeng responded without hesitation: “When will I I feel that I live enough to die willingly.”

“Enough to live? ha ha ha ha! How to live enough? How to live to live again?”

“When I don’t have any regrets, when I’m all four are empty, it’s when I live enough.”

The other party laughed heartily, just like hearing the funniest joke between Heaven and Earth, shouted: “Youngster, do you know what the four emptiness mean?”

“I don’t know.”

“It means becoming a god!”

“Oh? Really?” Gu Qingfeng said: “If all four of them are empty means becoming gods, then wait until I become gods.”

“ha ha ha ha!”

The voice laughed again and laughed. After that, she shouted: “Impossible!”

“There is nothing impossible!”


All kinds of turbulence burn like a fire sea, looking terrifying like hell.

Gu Qingfeng sits cross-legged, eyes closed, hands clasped together.

The mind is still trembling, the soul is still burning, the fleshy body is still distorted, and the consciousness is still blurred.

No matter how Gu Qingfeng adjusts it, it is of no avail. On the contrary, it becomes stronger and stronger. He seems to have realized something, giving up the conditioning, letting it go, without distracting thoughts, and entering a state of selfless silence, just like that Let your mind tremble and your soul burns…


The voice shouted again: “As long as your destiny is alive, you will never become a god!”


“Because destiny does not allow any existence to jump out of the avenue to become gods, let alone any gods between this Heaven and Earth! If you want to become gods, only To obliterate fate, this is the only way you can go, and it is also the way you are destined to go!”

Listening to what the other party said, Gu Qingfeng felt quite reasonable after thinking about it.

Fate can dominate World’s All Living Things, relying on cause and effect. As long as you are in the cause and effect, you will inevitably be controlled by fate.

If you want not to be controlled by fate, you can only jump out of cause and effect.

How to break out of cause and effect?

Cut it off?

Causality is constant.

So how can we break out of cause and effect?

The answer is: The four are all empty.

It’s just that Gu Qingfeng really doesn’t understand, why the other party is who, and why he said these things to him.

“Who are you?”

When he asked again, the other party laughed heartily again, and Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body was not human-like, accompanied by turbulence. The scourge flickered.

“youngster, my blood is flowing on you, who do you say I am!”

hearing this.

Gu Qingfeng suddenly moved in his heart and was horrified. A pair of closed eyes also opened. Although his fleshy body was not distorted at the moment, it did not collapse. He opened his eyes. , Staring at him, yelled: “Are you stupefied by the Supreme Being Innocent?”

He has heard others say more than once that the blood of original sin on his body may belong to the Supreme Being Innocent.

Bai Chou said something like this, and the old monk of Nirvana also said it.

To be honest.

If someone claims to be Wudaozun in front of Gu Qingfeng, Gu Qingfeng will not believe it at all.

It’s not because he believes that the Supreme Being Wudao is dead and impossible is still alive, nor is he doubting whether the Supreme Being Wudao ever existed.

It’s because he hasn’t figured out whether the legendary age of innocence belongs to the past or the future.

If it belongs to the past, Huo De’s previous life is a person from the era of innocence, why would he know himself?

If it belongs to the past, it is recorded in the Book of Destiny that the original sin Allah will open the era of innocence. The opened impossible is the era of innocence in the past. Since impossible is the era of innocence in the past, it is also legendary innocence. It is very likely that the Dao Zun is not the past, but the future. In other words, the real Wu Dao Zun has not yet been born.

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