Supreme Lord

Chapter 2178

According to the legend, there are thousands of Myriad Transformations in the Daxing Monk. These incarnations are all wandering in All Heavens Myriad Realms, punishing rape and eliminating evil, hanging pots to help the world, and saving all living beings.

No one knows whether this matter is true or false.

Anyway, since ancient times, everyone has spread it like this. As for the identity of the Myriad Transformations of the great monk, it can be said that there are different opinions. Some say that the great monk had been incarnation and beggar, and some Some say that incarnation has been a high monk, and some say that incarnation has been the Old Daoist Priest, and they have also been incarnation as the overlord of the Megatron. I heard that the Daxing Monk has also been incarnation and Demon. In short, they have everything.

“Hey! Do you really think that the incarnation monk incarnation wanders in All Heavens Myriad Realms, really for the hanging pot to save the world and all living beings?”

The tone of the witch Empress sounds like It is satirizing the Daxing Monk, and he is quite disdainful of the Daxing Monk in words.

For this.

Bai Chou not at all speak, of course she knows that things are not that simple. The great Myriad Transformations of the monk may punish and punish evil, or hang the pot to help the world, but it’s definitely more than that. I am afraid that more is for cause and effect.

“Everyone says that the ancient nameless is the incarnation of fate, the messenger of cause and effect…actually.” The witch Empress said: “Compared with the ancient nameless, the monk is more like a cause and effect messenger. “

Between Heaven and Earth has many illusions and many secrets.

For example, cause and effect and destiny.

From the perspective of an ordinary person, the so-called cause and effect and fate are actually the same thing.

But the witch Empress knows that cause and effect is cause and effect, and destiny is destiny. The two are definitely not the same thing. Although cause and effect is a great way, destiny is also a great way, but cause and effect are more like the rules and order of World’s All Living Things. , And destiny is the existence of World’s All Living Things that dominates all living things.

If this world is a game of chess, then cause and effect are the rules of this game, and fate is more like the Ruler of this game.

“You are to be exact with the Daxing Monk…” Bai Chou said: “You seem to have never had a good impression of Buddhism.”


The witch Empress has never had a good impression of Buddhism.

The reason is simple.

Cause and effect are derived from Buddhism.

She knows that the original intention of Buddhism and Taoism to create cause and effect is good. Whether it is for Heaven and Earth Grand Dao or for all living beings, there is a customary restraint, following the cycle of cause and effect, and good and evil are rewarded. Conducive to the development of everything.

However, although Buddhism creates cause and effect, it does not manage it well.

So much so that fate appeared.

Destiny is conceived by cause and effect, but in the end it overrides cause and effect and becomes a Supreme ruler.

In order to counter the fate, the original sin appeared again.

Fate is conceived by cause and effect, and so is original sin.

The difference is that the root of destiny is the word cis, while the root of original sin is the reverse.

Others may not know that the witch Empress’s heart is the same as Der Spiegel. She knows very well that since ancient times, including the mysterious era of innocence and even the barren ancient times, from the ancient times to the present and ancient times, everything is It is a fight around original sin and destiny.

I want to come to Empress, even if original sin and fate are not the real players behind the game of Heaven and Earth, the two are definitely one of them.

The reason why the witch Empress has no good impression of Buddhism and Taoism is precisely because of this. Since Buddhism and Taoism created cause and effect, but did not manage and maintain it properly, this led to the fight between fate and original sin.

This is the negligence of Buddhism and Taoism, and it is also the culprit of everything.

Bai Chou said again: “I heard you say that it seems that the monk led him into this ancient black hole. If the monk did not appear, would he come to this ancient black hole? “

The witch Empress shook her head. She didn’t know the answer to this question.

In that case, what does the Daxing Monk intend to introduce him into the ancient black hole? Does he not know the consequences? I think the Daxing Monk is impossible, right? The appearance of the ancient black hole is enough It’s chaotic. After he comes in, the situation will only become more chaotic.”

“The monk does not know the consequences.”

Bai Chou was even more puzzled and asked: “Since I don’t know, why would he do this?”

“Because he doesn’t know the consequences, so the monk will bet on it desperately.”

“Got a gamble?” Bai Chou said dumbly, “Unexpectedly, the monk would also like to lend him a gamble. Isn’t he afraid of losing the gamble?

The witch Empress whispered softly: ” If this big monk loses the gambling, it also means that it has lost causally, and it will lose completely. “

“What if this bet is won?” “

The witch Empress shook her head and said: “This one, he won’t win the bet!” “

“What do you mean…Is this great monk going to lose?” “

“If you don’t win, it doesn’t mean you will lose. “

Bai Chou frowned and thought, as if he understood, but also seemed to be more confused.

“The result of a game is never just about winning or losing. “

Ancient vestige.

The sky is a boundless turbulent vortex.

The earth is an endless desert.

There are also many mysterious light beams in Desert. Each light beam represents a desert ancient vestige in this world. Looking up, crowds of people are rushing to each light beam.

After all, it is a relic of the ancient era. Even a stone is invaluable. If you get good luck, you can get a treasure from then on.

Furthermore, this time Without exception, those who enter the deserted ancient black hole are either the expert of the giant giant or the expert of Heavenly Paradise. They know the value of the ancient vestige better than anyone.

In Desert.

Two people are walking aimlessly.

One is a clean-looking white clothed man, the other is looking sloppy and wearing ragged clothes and a ragged hat, A man with a broken fan.

It’s not someone else, but Gu Qingfeng and the Daxing Monk.

Gu Qingfeng walks in Desert like this, holding a jar of fine wine in one hand , Drinking without a sip, his expression is a bit low.

Speaking of reason, he should be happy to learn that Feng Zhuyue, Mandala and Wuyou Empress are past and present lives. After all, The guilt that has troubled him for many years has been eliminated, and he is relieved.

I don’t know why, not only is he not happy, but also a little melancholy.

Maybe I learned that the wind is month by month, the mandala. 、Wuyou Empress is after his past and present life, let him know more clearly that the people he faces along the way are involved in conspiracy after conspiracy.

Although he has already experienced I have experienced such things, such as Yun Nishang and Jun Xuanji, but this stuff is not something that I can get used to.

Even if Gu Qingfeng’s state of mind is detached, it doesn’t matter, no matter how much he doesn’t care, he doesn’t care much. It’s a bit uncomfortable.

It’s not that I feel cheated.

I just feel that this World is fake.


It’s not that this World is fake, but I feel that my life is fake.

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