Supreme Lord

Chapter 2177

Gu Qingfeng stopped for a while and left without saying anything.

The monk looked quite hesitant. He wanted to go to Empress, but he was a little tangled. He looked at Gu Qingfeng, who was drifting away. In the end, he clenched the teeth and followed Gu. Qingfeng left.

Huang ancient vestige.

Whether it is mountains, rivers, or flowers, trees, everything has been reduced to ashes.

Bai Chou, wrapped in white cloth, stands in the remains of scattered ashes and smoke dispersed, a pair of quiet eyes staring at the faintly discernible vortex, and muttering: “She is going to find the lost self Is it?”


Besides, the witch Empress replied softly, saying: “She should have realized something…”

“What did you realize?”

The witch Empress not at all responded to this question, just shaking her head slightly.

“Is she… the person who is in the game or the person in the game? Or is she both the person in the game and the person in the game?”

The witch Empress no Answered a rhetorical question: “Is there a difference?”

“Yes…Is there a difference?”

The witch Empress said: “Too many people with layout are now Some of the people in the middle seem to be in the game, in fact they are in the layout, some seem to be in the layout, but in fact they are in the game, and they are still outside. I am afraid that no one can say clearly. There are too many games. It’s in the middle of the game.”

“Are you also in the game?”

“We are all pawns, we are all in the game.”

“Then Who is the real outsider of the game?”

“This question is not at the end…no one can answer.”

“Nowadays, ancient black holes have appeared. Isn’t it the last?”

The witch Empress did not answer this question.

And Bai Chou seemed to know the answer, saying: “If the ancient black hole is not the last, does it mean that this is also a midgame?”

The witch Empress was silent Without saying a word, Bai Chou continued to ask: “If this is also a midgame, then is fate capturing the original sin or the original sin capturing the fate?”

The witch Empress looked at scattered ashes and The ancient vestige of the dispersed smoke murmured: “Believe me, I want to know the answer to this question more than you.”

Bai Chou looked at the other end of the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, that was Gu In the direction Qingfeng left, he asked: “So what about him?”


The witch Empress also looked at the direction and was silent for a moment before she said: “At first, I have been I think there must be someone behind him. Either fate uses him as a pawn to capture original sin, or original sin uses him as a pawn to capture fate, or there are other existences who use him as a pawn to capture original sin and fate at the same time, but now I am more I don’t understand it…”

Bai Chou asked: “What can’t you understand?”

“His appearance made everything confused. The game and the game are all intertwined, making a mess.”

“You said that if he is a variable, then it must be the original sin.”

” Yeah…I thought he was a pawn of original sin. The purpose was to disrupt cause and effect and capture fate. But now he is not only disrupting cause and effect, even the situation of original sin has been disrupted by him. You are one A good example.”


Bai Chou laughed, a little self-deprecating, but also very helpless, and said: “I should feel lucky, right?”

“You should really feel fortunate that his appearance saved you, otherwise…you are one of the many sons of original sin.”

“If he did not appear , I, the son of original sin, may not survive today.”

“That’s why I said you should feel lucky.”

“There is a question, I have always wanted to ask you.” Bai Chou asked: “How many sons of original sin are there so far between Heaven and Earth?”

“Although not many, it is definitely not a few.”

Bai Chou continues to ask Said: “How many pieces of destiny are there, and how many pieces of original sin?”

“I don’t know, no one knows, even the person involved may not know it.”

” Abi Asura is infinite evil, on the poor blue and down on the Yellow Springs, swallowing heaven devouring earth, bloody gluttonous…… These sons of original sin, who is the pawn of fate? Who is the pawn of original sin? “

When Bai Chou asked again, the witch Empress still shook her head, not sure if she didn’t want to answer, or she didn’t know.

“He…know? “

“Even if he didn’t know before, he should be aware of it now. “The witch Empress said: “I have to say that his state of mind is really good. He has not lost himself all the way to the present… It is really admirable. “

“It is true. He is either in the middle of the game or in the middle of the game. He is either grafted with cause and effect, or arranged by fate, not planted with emotional fetters, or blended with good fortune. If it is me, I am afraid that he would have collapsed and lost myself…”

“The things he endured were far more complicated than you think, true and false, false and true. “The witch Empress sighed: “What I admire the most is that among all the truths and falsehoods, he has not been affected much. “

“Are you not affected? Not at all? “Bai Chou said: “I feel that the Buddha has a great influence on him. “

“The Buddha’s influence on him is indeed not small, but the influence does not seem to be a bad thing. At least, so far, it is not a bad thing for him, not only is it not a bad thing, in a sense, He can go to this day thanks to the influence of the Buddha. “

“It is true, great freedom, great illusion, great compassion, great illusion…” Bai Chou said: “Now that I think about it, Buddhism still has the foresight, but…”

As soon as the conversation turned, Bai Chou seemed to have realized something, and then said: “This also shows that the Buddhism has already laid out on him, right? Ok? “Suddenly remembered something again, Bai Chou hesitated for a moment, wondering: “You said…Is he a chess piece of the Buddhist school?” After all, cause and effect originate from Buddhism. The fight between fate and original sin leads to chaos in cause and effect. Buddhism It shouldn’t be ignored? For a long time, I haven’t seen any actions by the Buddhists. If the Buddhists use him to restrict fate and original sin, this is not impossible. “

Go ahead.

Bai Chou shook his head again, denying his own statement, and said: “It is his appearance that makes the cause and effect chaotic. I think he is impossible. The Buddhist chess pieces, no matter how confused the Buddhists are, they won’t make the situation as chaotic as it is now. “

“Do you know why the Daxing Monk is called the Living Buddha?” “


The witch Empress asked a question, and it was a bit unfathomable mystery. Bai Chou couldn’t understand why the good witch Empress suddenly mentioned the great monk. , She thought for a while, and responded: “The legendary monk travels between Heaven and Earth, walks All Heavens Myriad Realms, incarnation is tens of millions, hangs pots to help the world, and saves all beings…”

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