Supreme Lord

Chapter 2150

Although no one can really say the fate of causality, you can feel the existence of both more or less. Some powerful people have tried to cut the cause and effect many times, although in the end all are lost without exception. In Sea of ​​Bitterness, at least it can be proved that cause and effect are real.


The original sin is different.

What kind of existence is the original sin, not to mention those ordinary persons, those who seek the original sin of the original sin, are not clear, even if it is Gu Qingfeng, who is regarded by many people as the destined God of original sin It’s not clear what the original sin motherfucker is.

Are you exaggerating?

This is not an exaggeration at all.

Don’t watch Gu Qingfeng go further and further on the road of original sin, it seems that he is getting deeper and deeper, but at the same time, he is also more and more confused about original sin. Every time he has an insight, It will be even more confusing, and it feels like being caught in an endless vortex mystery. There are ten millions of mysteries waiting for you outside of opening a mystery.


Original sin is not the one that confuses him the most. What confuses him the most is the word vain.

What is falsehood.

At first, Gu Qingfeng believed that the so-called falsehood meant falsehood.

Later, I gradually realized that falsehood is not false, but nothingness.

Later, he realized that illusion is not nothingness. He didn’t know what it was.

It’s about the saying that everything is false.

According to Gu Qingfeng’s understanding, thinking about all things that have phases, they are actually not true phases. The fundamentals of impermanence that Buddhism talks about are all in change, and even thoughts are one after another. In an instant, there will be countless thoughts that change. When looking at the essence of things, it is reality. Reality is emptiness, but it is not nothing. emptiness is gestating, so it is called vacuum wonderful existence.

The old monk who lives in the nirvana bone jade once said that looking at the invisible things, hearing the inaudible sounds, knowing the things that you don’t know, is true!

The so-called truth may be a kind of detachment.

If you are detached, you will find the truth.

Before detachment, what you see, hear, know, everything is false.

What confuses Gu Qingfeng is whether it is cause and effect, destiny, plus original sin, how can this motherfucker have something to do with falsehood?

Before transcendence, cause and effect are cause and effect, fate is destiny, original sin is original sin, and after transcendence, the so-called illusion does not exist, the so-called cause and effect is no longer causation, and destiny is no longer It is destiny, and original sin is no longer original sin.

Is that so?

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know.


Gu Qingfeng looked at the vast and mysterious ancient black hole, and said: “How come I feel more and more that all this is related to your Buddhism and Taoism “

When I heard this, the face of the monk changed slightly, said solemnly: “I said, Gu, can you motherfucker stop buckling the shit and urinal.”

“Is this a random button? As far as I know, Buddhism talks about causation, right? Karma has something to do with your Buddhism? And it is most likely to be things made by your Buddhism. Buddhism also talks about good and evil, right? Isn’t the root cause of original sin? This seems to have been made by your Buddhist school? Apart from this also has the word vain. Everything is vain. This is a famous saying of your Buddhism. Don’t you dare to say it?”


The Daxing monk was speechless for a while, opening his mouth and trying to refute, but he couldn’t find any reason.

Even if he didn’t want to, he still had to admit that what Gu Qingfeng said was the truth.

“Well, you brat is right. Karma, fate, and original sin seem to have something to do with our Buddhism. In fact, you brat, Lao Tzu has already felt this way. , I have been searching for these years, but unfortunately I didn’t find anything.”

When it came to this, the monk sighed then said, “Old Ancestor of Three Thousand Great Daos All of them have stopped cooking in the ancient times, and our Buddhist family is no exception. I don’t know who I am asking. At present, I can only find my Senior Brother as soon as possible. He may know what to order.”

” I wondered, you Senior Brother Bai Sheng Mei has always been in the ancient black hole, did you guys be together before? I seem to remember that when immortal dao tried to kill me in the secular world, I saw you Senior Brother. At that time, you didn’t ask?”

“What do you say about some things, you brat don’t know.” Daxing monk opened a jar of fine wine, raised his head and poured two sips, and said: “I did I often see Senior Brother, but the problem is, at that time, my Senior Brother previous life memory was as vague as mine.”

“putting it that way, now your Senior Brother previous life memory is awakened?”

“It should be, my Senior Brother came to this ridiculous black hole, one to guard the remains of our Zen Sect, and the other is to awaken the previous life memory.”

“Why not yourself Awakening previous life memory?”

The Daxing monk gave Gu Qingfeng a white look, and looked at Gu Qingfeng’s eyes with disgust, just like looking at an idiot, and said: “You think the previous life memory just means awakening Awakened?”


“This thing depends on fate, is there that opportunity, is there that good fortune, and… once awakened, It may not be a good thing. Even after awakening, you will no longer be yourself, and you will lose yourself…”

“What do you say?”

“There is a sentence you Brat should have heard of it.”

“What is it?”

“Heaven and Eart h Yan, endless samsara reincarnation Now that we see cause and effect in the past and present lives, whoever lives depends on the sky. “

Gu Qingfeng nodded, he has indeed heard this sentence, and more than once, almost all the causal people he met in this life said this sentence to him, Jun Xuanji said, Yun Nishang also said.

“I don’t need to say what this sentence means. You brat also knows that when cause and effect are chaotic, why cause and effect are chaotic, original sin is naturally the culprit. If you want to awaken the previous life Memory, the first thing you have to face is your past life, two selves, one past life and one present life. You can only have one self. In other words, either your self is swallowed by the past self, or the past self swallows your self. Drop. “

“Can’t you merge with each other?” “

“It’s difficult, almost impossible. Take a step back and talk about it. Even if you merge with each other, you can only have one ego in the end, and this ego can have several points of belonging to yourself. Of consciousness? “

“That’s true. “

“That’s why I said that awakening previous life memory is not necessarily a good thing. Of course, then again, if the self in the previous life appears, you will inevitably face the choice between two and no one can escape. . “

Gu Qingfeng asked curiously: “Have you seen your past life?” “

“Not yet. “

Gu Qingfeng said, “Daxing, ask you one thing, do everyone have a previous life?” “

” In common sense, everyone has a past life, but you brat is an exception and does not fall within the scope of common sense. “

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