Supreme Lord

Chapter 2149

The sound came along with a loud noise, like someone shouting in the thunder of the sky. If you don’t listen carefully, you can’t tell it.

hong long long ——ka-cha!


The loud noise came again, and the voice echoed again.

Every time it comes, it seems to come from all directions, as if it comes from above heaven under earth. It is emptiness and misty, giving people a very unreal feeling.

“Who is shouting?”

The monk is very curious, thinking about who is shouting. The original sin of shouting is not sin, but what are the meanings? ?

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question.

He doesn’t know.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t even know it.

Gu Qingfeng can’t catch the source of the sound, nor can the Daxing Monk.

In the face of this strange sound, the two of them can only stare, and can’t do anything else.

“Cause-effect-no-death, original-sin-no-stop!”

“Fate-luck-no-stop, Original-sin-immortality!”

“hahaha ——”

“Fantasy——All appearances are vain——”

With the continuous loud noise, the shouts continued to come, and there was also an inexplicable laughter.

From the beginning, the original sin is not sin, then to the causal fate, and finally it is vain.

“The profound mystery of Heaven and Earth, the true meaning of the great road-all in the original sin-all are false”

“ha ha ha ha!!!”

The shouting began to laugh again, it felt like a madman was talking nonsense.

I don’t know how long it has been. As the loud noise disappeared, the shouts gradually disappeared. The chaotic and trembling barren black hole also restored the previous tranquility like the ocean after calm and tranquil. Gu Qingfeng and Da The monk was froze there, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

“What the hell…what’s the situation?”

The Daxing monk swallowed, stared at a pair of eyes, and murmured in surprise: “Cause and effect are not dead, original sin More than that, the fate is endless, the original sin is immortal! How come these words are so familiar, it feels like they have been heard somewhere.”

Gu Qingfeng asked: “Have you heard?”

Daxing monk nodded, after thinking about it carefully, shook his head, and replied: “It feels like I’ve heard it. I can’t remember it, and I don’t have any impression.”

“This is really evil.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Like you, I also think this sentence is very familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere. The problem is that I don’t have any impression, but that sentence All appearances are vain…”

Gu Qingfeng has heard a legend before, a legend about original sin and vain.

It is said that in the era of innocence, before the innocent deity disappeared, the fleshy body turned into all kinds of original sins, and the soul turned into all kinds of vanity.

Original sin is the body of original sin, and falsehood is the false self.

The body of original sin is divided into incarnation, sabaya, dharma body, true body and so on.

The false self is also divided into non-self, ego, id, true self and so on.

This is what he realized from the sudden enlightenment in the illusion of the era of innocence.

It is unknown whether the legend is true or false.

“By the way! I remember it!”


The Daxing monk patted his head and shouted: “I remember listening to my Senior Brother saying that the original sin of cause and effect is more than that!”

“You Senior Brother?” Gu Qingfeng Asked: “You mean white eyebrow holy monk?”

“Yes! My Senior Brother has chanted this sentence more than once.”

“And then?”

“Then? There is no more. I just remember Senior Brother chanting this sentence. I also asked Senior Brother what it means at the time, but he told me not at all, just saying I will know later.”

“You are not talking nonsense!”

“What is nonsense, as long as we find my Senior Brother and ask him if we can know !”

“Your Senior Brother is also in this ridiculous black hole?”

“You must be there! Gu boy, why did you forget, when I called you to help, I didn’t tell After you, the remains of our Zen Sect will appear soon. When we rushed past, the remains of our Zen Sect had disappeared, and then we also fell into this deserted ancient black hole.”

“This is with you What’s the relationship with Senior Brother?”

“My Senior Brother has been guarding the remains of our Zen Sect. As long as we find the remains of Zen Sect, I will definitely be able to find my Senior Brother.”

“It’s easy to say, this ridiculous ancient black hole is worse than the Great Wilderness. To find your Zen Sect ruins in this place is similar to to find a needle in a haystack.”

“This ……”

The Daxing Lian Monk was speechless for a while, although he didn’t want to, he had to admit that what Gu Qingfeng said was the truth.

Since he came to the deserted black hole, he has been looking for the Zen Sect relics, but unfortunately, he has not found it now, not even a clue, as Gu Qingfeng said, the deserted black hole Boundless is also endless, and it contains endless turbulence and endless space. If you want to find the Zen Sect ruins, unless it emerges by itself, otherwise, it is almost impossible to find.

Looking at the looking thoughtful Gu Qingfeng, Da Xing Dian Seng said: “Gu boy, you taste this sentence carefully, do you feel anything?”

“Which sentence Words?”

“Causality is immortal, original sin does not end, destiny is endless, original sin is immortal! Don’t you think that the meaning of this sentence is like saying that original sin is trying to die with the destiny of cause and effect?”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, he also felt that has several points of death mean, and asked: “What’s the matter?”

“What’s the matter? You brat is really stupid or pretending to be stupid! Who is the person who shouted this sentence? If original sin is really going to be deadlocked with causal destiny, then in other words, causal destiny will also at all costs obliterate original sin, in other words, if you brat is the destined original sin of Allah , Then this must be a trap set by causal destiny, just waiting for you brat to jump in!”

“It seems very reasonable to hear you say that, but…”

As soon as the conversation turned, Gu Qingfeng said, “Compared with this level of meaning, I am more interested in another level of meaning.”

The Daxing monk didn’t understand, and asked: “In addition One level of meaning?”

“What kind of relationship is between original sin and causal destiny, what kind of existence is original sin, and why it makes causal error one after another error, purpose What is it?”

Gu Qingfeng frowned deeply, and said in a concentrated voice: “What makes me most curious is, what is the relationship between all this and the word vain?”


Beside, what Daxing Lian Seng listened to was scratching his head. It was not that he could not understand Gu Qingfeng’s words. On the contrary, he could understand. Because he could understand, he was even more confused.

Because Gu Qingfeng’s sentence contains the four most mysterious, most evil and most mysterious beings between Heaven and Earth.

One is cause and effect.

One is destiny.

One is original sin.

One is false.

Everyone knows what cause and effect are and what fate is.

If you want to say what is cause and effect, what is fate, since ancient times, I am afraid that no one can really say clearly.

As long as the destiny of cause and effect is like this, original sin is more mysterious and evil than it is.

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