Supreme Lord

Chapter 2140

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are both humanitarian legends and Heaven and Earth myths.

No one does not know Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the hordes of All Heavens Myriad Realms.

The three emperors refer to Fuxi, Nuwa, and Shennong.

The five emperors are Huangdi Xuanyuan, Azure Emperor Taihao, Chidi Kuiwei, Baidi Shaohao, and Black Emperor Zhuanxu.

About the legend of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, any record not at all in historical documents has been handed down from generation to generation. Because of this, some people think that Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are not The true legend may just be an ethereal myth.

Whether the legends of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are true or false, there has been controversy all the time. Gu Qingfeng has not figured it out. Over the years, he has also heard many legends of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and what myriad said All have.

For example, the so-called Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors do exist, but they are not humane Old Ancestor. Their true identities are very complicated. For example, Fuxi, some people say it is Heavenly Dao’s Old Ancestor. If not, Fuxi will not be hailed as the emperor.

As for Nuwa, let alone the authentic Old Ancestor, it is also the well known Mother of the Earth, known as the Earth Sovereign.

It is also said that the Azure Emperor Taihao is the Old Ancestor of immortal dao, and the Black Emperor Shaohao is the Old Ancestor of the demon way and so on.

In some myths, it’s said that Empress Nuwa and the Heaven and Earth Immortal Buddha Demon and other avenues jointly created humanity, and the purpose of creating humanity is also for the vitality between Heaven and Earth, and also for training The foundation of Three Thousand Great Daos.

This is the most widely spread legend about Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in All Heavens Myriad Realms.

Of course.

There are also many people who think that this legend is deliberately fabricated by Three Thousand Great Daos to fool all living beings, in order to conceal the truth that they slaughtered the humanity and removed the three souls from the origin of humanity.

There are even some conspiracy theorists who say that the so-called identity of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors is indeed related to Heaven and Earth and even Three Thousand Great Daos. However, according to legend, a long, long time ago, between Three Thousand Great Daos Frequent fighting, open strife and veiled struggle, everyone wants to dominate Heaven and Earth, and no one accepts anyone.

Empress Nuwa hates these fights, so he unites Fuxi, Shennong and other avenues Old Ancestor to create humanity. The purpose is not to cultivate the foundation of Three Thousand Great Daos, but to balance the fight of Three Thousand Great Daos, and also I want to create humanity into the existence of the advantages of Three Thousand Great Daos in one body.

Apart from this, Gu Qingfeng has also heard a more evil and more conspiracy theory.

It is said that several old Ancestors such as Fuxi, Shennong, Taihao, Shaohao, etc. have betrayed their own avenues, and combined with Empress Nuwa and the director of Three Thousand Great Daos to create a perfect humanity, with the purpose to rule the avenue , Dominate Heaven and Earth.

To be honest.

About the legend of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Gu Qingfeng has really heard too much. Although some sayings may sound unattractive at first, they feel like that after careful consideration.

“Daxing, the legendary Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are not really humane Old Ancestor, but have something to do with Heaven and Earth and even Three Thousand Great Daos. You should have heard of this. “

“Didn’t I just talk about it. Regarding the big battle, you brat should just listen to it as a story, don’t take it seriously.”

Big The monk raised his head and took a sip of wine, and said, “The water of those things in the Great Dao and those of the Nine Heavens is one by one deep. Except for those Dao ancestors, no one else can tell, even if it is ancient and unknown. “

Sighed then said, as if sighed with emotion, Daxing Monk said again: “If this world is a chess game, even those great ancestors are chess pieces, they are also on the chessboard. The most fallen ones affect the overall situation.”

The Daxing monk is known as the Living Buddha of Myriad Realms. His previous life belongs to the barren ancient era. This life has been from the Great Ancient Era to the present. He knows, he knows, he knows what others don’t know, what others have seen, he has seen, he has seen what others have not seen, and the things he has experienced are countless, and he feels more and more about this world from the very beginning is a game of chess.

To say who is playing chess, he may not know, but he can still guess the rules of the game, which is cause and effect.

After all, World’s All Living Things revolves around the law of cause and effect.

As he said, if the ancestors of the Great Dao are also considered chess pieces, they must be the first ones placed on the Heaven and Earth chess game, and they must have been deduced before they were placed. , Once the ancestor of the great avenue drops the word, it is like the frame of a chess game.

The framework of this world is nothing but Three Thousand Great Daos.

The so-called destiny of the Dao Dao is only the chess pieces of Dao Dao, but some are Heavenly Dao, some are authentic, some are Immortal Buddha Avenue, and some are Demon Avenue, even if they have a common purpose, they absolutely all I’m playing my own selfish calculations.

When I thought of this, the Daxing Monk suddenly laughed,

As if he was smiling bitterly, but also as if he was laughing, Gu Qingfeng glanced at him and felt a little unfathomable mystery. Asked: “Why are you giggling?”

“Suddenly remembering something makes me funny.”

“Such things make me happy too.”

“Don’t say it, you brat will be happy if you tell me about this.”

The Daxing monk also learns to sit on the ground casually like Gu Qingfeng, and then uses his fingers deliberately He drew a chess game, and drew several circles, and said: “These circles are like those great ancestors.”

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t understand what he was talking about, and asked: “Then what? ?”

“Let’s ignore what these Dao ancestors want to do, and what calculations are made. No matter what they do, the first game will just crash.”

“Crash What do you mean?”

The monk drew some messy chess pieces on the chess board. These chess pieces were everywhere, almost covering the entire chessboard. While drawing, he said, “Gu kid, you I should have heard that there were many original sinners in the ancient times, right?”

“Have heard.”

“You should also know that the era of innocence was opened in the ancient times, right? It is precisely because the opening of the era of innocence has directly led to the end of the ancient era.”

Gu Qingfeng has not spoken yet, the Daxing monk first said: “Don’t ask me why I opened the era of innocence. The end, I also want to know about this question.”

“You mean the collapse of the ancient times?”

“Yes, after the end of the ancient times, although there are many original sins The people died and died, but the ancestors of the Great Daos were not good, and almost all fell. Fortunately, the Three Thousand Great Daos framework is still there, and it is becoming more and more powerful. It is a pity, it is a pity that the original sin has not completely perished. , While Three Thousand Great Daos is developing, original sin is not idle.”

The Daxing monk erased all the chess pieces previously drawn on the chess board, and then drew some white chess pieces on it, saying : “These chess pieces represent the destiny of Dadao.”

I drew a few black chess pieces up and said: “These black chess pieces represent original sin.”

“Starting from Great Ancient Era, original sin When there is one Three Thousand Great Daos, one will be destroyed!”

“This is true of Great Ancient Era, this is true of Ancient Era, and that of Ancient Era So, as long as the original sin dared to show up, it would either be obliterated or beaten into the ruins of the ruins. “

“Until now and ancient times! “

After erasing all the black chess pieces that represent the original sin, the monk drew a black chess piece again and said: “This chess piece represents you brat.” “

“Starting from the Great Ancient Era, it was the Three Thousand Great Daos extermination of original sins. In the present and ancient times, when it was your turn, the reverse was reversed and replaced by the original sin extermination avenue. “

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