Supreme Lord

Chapter 2139

Gu Qingfeng has never suffered such a shock as it is today.

The power that the man has erupted is too powerful, as powerful as the ancient and modern, like Megatron.

The shock that comes from the soul is indescribable, like seeing a god, more like an innate fear.

Speaking of which Gu Qingfeng I have never known the word fear in this life.

Through childhood, cultivation so far, he has never been afraid, nor has he been afraid.

It’s not ignorance, so it’s fearless.

But he is free and easy by nature, he doesn’t care about the so-called life and death, so he is not afraid of everything in the world.


I don’t know why this time, when facing that mysterious person, Gu Qingfeng felt a sense of fear in his heart.

It is not only an innate, but also a deep-rooted, like the bloodline inheritance.

“Daxing, you really don’t know who that person is?”

Gu Qingfeng asked.

At this moment, the Daxing Monk looked quite embarrassed. He lost even the torn hat he had been wearing on his head. He looked into the distance with horror, as if he was still in shock. After hearing Gu Qingfeng’s question, he shook the head.

“When you face that person…is there a kind of inherent fear?”

hearing this.

The Daxing Monk took a deep look at Gu Qingfeng with staring eyes, then took a deep breath and murmured: “Everyone should have an innate fear of him. “

“What do you mean by this?” Gu Qingfeng asked a little puzzled: “Do you know the identity of the person just now?”

Swallowed saliva , The Daxing monk said: “This is not a place to talk, come with me!”

After the Daxing monk took Gu Qingfeng away from this place, he found a wild ancient vestige and got in. , Arranged a Formation to hide, took out the fine wine and started drinking.

“It’s messed up! Motherfucker is all messed up!”

“Although everything is revived in the modern and ancient times, the resurrection is too powerful, how can it even be the Old Ancestor of Huangtian They are all recovered and returned!”

The Daxing monk was pacing back and forth, drinking alcohol to suppress his surprise.

After drinking three altars in a row, it seems that this is gradually slowing down.

Gu Qingfeng next to him couldn’t help cursing: “Don’t you know the identity of that person, motherfucker?”

“I really don’t know who the master is, but there is One thing is certain, that master is definitely one of the Huangtian Old Ancestors who rebelled against the sky at that time!” The Daxing monk said: “Yes! It must be, except for Huangtian Old Ancestor, no one can have such terrifying. Powerful!”

As he was talking, the monk suddenly remembered something, and slapped his head, Aiya said, “I’m really stupid. Humanity is destined to recover in the ancient times. , Huang Tian Old Ancestor will naturally recover too!”

Gu Qingfeng did not move, and asked: “What does this motherfucker have to do with humanity?”

“Gu boy, you just now Didn’t you still ask why Lao Tzu feels an innate fear of that master?”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, waiting for the following.

“It is right that you have a sense of fear for that lord, it means that you brat is still alone, at least not lost in the way of original sin.”

Gu Qingfeng Patience shouted: “Hurry up if you have any farts!”

“I have already said so clearly, how can you brat still not understand? The old man just now is not only Huang Tian’s Old Ancestor, but also humane Old Ancestor!”

“How did you hear about it?”

“You brat is really…” Da Xing monk pointed at Gu Qingfeng, as if disappointed. Said: “You brat haven’t heard of Huang Tian?”

“Of course I have heard of Huang Tian, ​​but I only heard that Huang Tian wanted to replace the sky and was destroyed by the sky… …I haven’t heard that it has anything to do with humanity!”

“It’s no wonder you brat doesn’t know. Not many people know about it even in All Heavens Myriad Realms.”

“I’ll take it as a fuck, you old bald donkey, can’t you don’t make a fool of yourself!”

“Do you think I am willing to make a fool of me? I am a motherfucker. I don’t know where to start. It’s more complicated than you think, and…”

Gu Qingfeng interrupted the Daxing Monk directly and asked: “Just tell me what Huang Tian has to do with humanity. “

“The relationship between Huang Tian and humanity is like the relationship between Xuantian and immortal Dao, and the relationship between West Heaven and Buddhism and Tao is also like the relationship between Heaven and Heavenly Dao. Lao Tzu said that you brat should understand. Right.”


Gu Qingfeng got it.

If he doesn’t understand this, then he is really a fool.

Just to understand, Gu Qingfeng never thought that legendary Huang Tian would be the ruler of humanity.

He has heard of this kind of thing for the first time.

“The yellow sky was annihilated by the sky, which means that humanity was annihilated by Heavenly Dao?”

“You can hear this as a story, don’t Seriously, since ancient times, no one can tell the truth about the great battles, and there are too many secrets hidden in them. People who have not experienced it cannot understand the truth at all, but there is one thing that cannot be denied. Humanity was indeed annihilated back then, and the origin of humanity has been taken away from the Three Souls.”

Gu Qingfeng has also heard of this matter, and it is still heard from his Master.

It is said that a long time ago, the avenues were equal to each other, and the status and status were not divided into high and low, including the immortals Devil, Demon, Buddha, and the people at that time. It has a powerful fleshy body and infinite power.

Later, after the Great Dao contended and the humanity was destroyed, I heard that the origin was also taken away from the three souls, so that later generations were born disabled, like a trivial ant in front of the immortals Devil, Demon, and Buddha.

“At that time, the origin of humanity was removed from the three souls, not only to prevent the rise of the humane posterity, but also to suppress the humane Old Ancestor. Their Old Ancestors were fuse together with the humane origin. The three souls are equivalent to pulling away from their three souls.”

The Daxing monk said: “The humane Old Ancestor of the yellow sky just now was crazy and mad and kept talking about the sky is dead and the yellow sky should stand. Most likely, the consciousness is also blurred.”

Speaking of this, he shook his head and sighed, and said: “However, although the consciousness is blurred, the obsession is still there. If the humanity of Huangtian Old Ancestor really recovers and returns If it’s not, I’m afraid it’s really going to be messy…”

“Why do you say that?”

“The reason is very simple. Huang Tian’s humane Old Ancestor will definitely report it back then. Qiu, if there is only one humane Old Ancestor resurrecting, it would be nice to say, if there are more than one, then when the time comes is really lively.”

“How many Old Ancestors are there in humanity?”

“There are a few Old Ancestors in humanity, this…I can’t say that, but you brat must have heard of the most famous of the few Old Ancestors in humanity.”

“You mean Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors?”


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