Supreme Lord

Chapter 2113

When this Azure Dragon appeared, Heaven and Earth seemed to change color.

Loulan Fudi, Yuhua Immortal Realm, Zixia Immortal Realm and other Old Ancestors in the stadium looked at this scene, dumbfounded.

Even the five powerful Divine Consciousness were shocked by the sudden appearance of Azure Dragon.

“Leave me all away!”

The Great Emperor Changfeng stood in the sky, holding a large blue sky sword and slammed down, and the Azure Dragon in the sky shook his head. With bursts of dragon roar, the shaking five powerful Divine Consciousness could not stop backing.

“Azure Dragon…It really is Azure Dragon…”

The expression of the Demon woman has changed again and again.

When the Great Emperor Changfeng took out the Great Grand Duke Sword, although she guessed in her heart that Great Emperor Changfeng might be the inheritance of the Old Ancestor of Qingtian, she was not quite sure, and there were some doubts. .


When Changfeng Great took out Azure Dragon, the only trace of doubt in her heart also disappeared. She was almost 100% sure that Changfeng Great was definitely the inheritor of Qingtian Old Ancestor. It is the blue sky Ruler of the future.

You must know that the blue sword represents the blue sky trial.

And this Azure Dragon represents the guardian of the sky!

Although she can see that Azure Dragon is just a Dao Void fantasy incarnation, this is not important anymore. Whether the incarnation or the real body is not important, the important thing is that the Great Emperor Changfeng has the blue sky. Dagong knife also has Azure Dragon guardian, which is enough.

It’s a pity.

It is a pity.

In the eyes of the Demon woman, the Great Emperor Changfeng may not be able to save Gu Qingfeng today.

If it’s not Gu Qingfeng who is deeply trapped in the blood-devouring cauldron, as long as the Great Emperor Changfeng comes forward, the old guys of the ancient era will not give him this face, even if they do not give him face. , You have to give Qingtian Old Ancestor face, even if you don’t give Qingtian Old Ancestor this face, you have to give Qingtian the word face.

The weight of the word “blue sky” is not weaker than that of the sky.

Unfortunately, it is Gu Qingfeng who is deeply trapped in the blood-devouring cauldron, a person who ignited the original sin karma in Wudao Mountain and awakened the existence of original sin. A person who is called the greatest variable in the present and ancient times, a possibility Become a person of the original sin of Allah.

The Old Guys of these ancient times may not be interested in the original sin of Gu Qingfeng, but they absolutely do not allow Gu Qingfeng to become the God of original sin.

The reason is very simple, because it is a variable and the biggest variable.

If you become the Allah of Original Sin, no one can predict the consequences.


The Great Emperor Changfeng cannot save Gu Qingfeng today.

The Old Guys of the ancient times will not give him this face. Not only will they not, but the idea of ​​obliterating Gu Qingfeng will be more determined.

Sure enough.

When Azure Dragon Guardian appeared, whiz whiz whiz, there were several Divine Consciousness incarnation dropping from the sky.

“youngster, although you have taken the Qingtian, but today’s matter, the old man advises you not to take care of it.”

“The people of Qingtian’s inheritance want to save the son of original sin, really The irony is extremely ironic, you don’t know why Qingtian collapsed?”

whiz whiz whiz ——

Divine Consciousness incarnation appeared one after another, one more powerful than one, and one more mysterious than one.

The Great Emperor Changfeng is very strong.

He is invincible with the Azure Dragon in his hand and Azure Dragon guardianship.


As the saying goes, two fists are harder than four hands. No matter how strong Changfeng Great Emperor is, he is only alone. Moreover, these dropping from the sky Divine Consciousness incarnation are all Old Guy in the ancient era, or survived the ancient era The Old Guy who came down, the strength of the cultivation base, was absolutely terrifying, even if it was just a Divine Consciousness incarnation, it was definitely not imaginable by an ordinary person.

Now one after another Divine Consciousness incarnation dropping from the sky, less than a few breaths before and after, there are more than a dozen, and there is also Divine Consciousness incarnation. At the beginning, Changfeng The emperor can resist it. With the emergence of more and more Divine Consciousness incarnations, he is also more and more struggling. Not to mention that Gu Qingfeng, who is deeply trapped in the blood-devouring cauldron, has been beaten by many Divine Consciousness incarnations. Power.

Taking this opportunity, many Divine Consciousness incarnations began to attack Gu Qingfeng. The method of take out not only contains mysterious, but also Magical Powers, such as might of Grand Dao, such as might of Grand Dao, and every trick can be described as a rule change. extremely mysterious and abstruse. After taking out, they all attacked Gu Qingfeng without exception.


The Old Guys of these ancient times are not ready to snatch the original sin from Gu Qingfeng. Judging from the methods they took out, there is only one purpose, and that is to let Gu Qingfeng die, die without a burial site.

Gu Qingfeng, who was deeply trapped in the blood-devouring cauldron, still lowered his head and closed his eyes. The vitality of his body became weaker and weaker, but his silence became stronger and stronger.

It is not only the Old Guy who wants him to die, but also this blood-devouring cauldron. The blood-colored vortex in the blood-devouring cauldron has been spinning and has never stopped, with a terrifying roar inside. The sound became stronger and stronger, the mysterious rune of the cauldron also changed more and more, and the whole blood-devouring cauldron became more and more like a blood-colored ominous beast.

That’s it.

Gu Qingfeng allows many Old Ancestors to obliterate, let the blood-devouring cauldron swallow.

In the distance.

Old Ancestor of Loulan Fudi, Yuhua Immortal Realm and Zixia Immortal Realm all looked nervously. When Changfeng Great took out Azure Dragon, they were really shocked. They The impression of Changfeng Great Emperor is still in Ancient Era, only knowing that Changfeng Great Emperor has an extremely powerful Blue Sky Grand Duke Sword, absolutely did not expect him to have such a terrifying Azure Dragon guardian.

According to the legend, the Blue Sky Grand Knife represents the Blue Sky trial.

Azure Dragon represents the guardian of the blue sky.

No one knows whether this matter is true or false, and they have no way to verify it now.

What made them even more unbelievable was that Changfeng Great was able to compete with many Old Seniors in ancient times by strength of oneself.

Fortunately, the Great Emperor Changfeng is only alone, able to block a Divine Consciousness incarnation, two, three, four or five… But he can’t block seven or even more Divine Consciousness incarnation.

Looking at the Great Emperor Changfeng being beaten by many Divine Consciousness incarnations with no power to fight back, and seeing many Divine Consciousness incarnations like take out and various means to violently attack Gu Qingfeng, which is deep in the blood-devouring cauldron.

They can be said to be very excited inside, and they have even imagined the end of Gu Qingfeng being obliterated.


A group of dozens of grandiose people killed the past.

Looking at others, it is Loulan Fudi and dozens Old Ancestor headed by King Qingli.

“hmph! Youdi! Take it to death!!”

Tiankui, who had long been unable to bear it, saw King Loulan Fudi Qingli taking action, he also drew his sword, this time Lieyin Old Ancestor did not stop, not only did not stop, when Tian Kui rushed over, he waved his hand, shouted: “Start!”

Followingly, Yuyang Immortal King including Zixia Immortal More than ten Old Ancestors from Realm all rushed past.

At the same time, the feathered Immortal Realm headed by Kunwu Immortal King also rushed over with a 20 Old Ancestor to completely wipe out Gu Qingfeng, who was deeply trapped in the blood-devouring cauldron.

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