Supreme Lord

Chapter 2112

Fortunately, the Great Emperor Changfeng is not in vain.

He has neither the background of Heavenly Paradise, nor the family background of a great wilderness giant, nor the existence of the forbidden land of Holy Land. Even the major event of immortal dao rarely participates in it, but he can What do you rely on to gain a foothold in Jiutian? It depends on the ability that is absolutely hard enough.

With a roar, I am fighting fiercely with this Divine Consciousness incarnation.

It’s just that not long after he started, another Divine Consciousness incarnation appeared from nowhere, and just like the first Divine Consciousness incarnation, after it appeared, it directly attacked the deep trapped blood-devouring cauldron. Gu Qingfeng seems to want to obliterate it.

The Great Emperor Changfeng didn’t know when he had a sword in his hand.

The knife is a long knife.

The handle is like a dragon body, and the blade is like a dragon’s head.

I saw him holding the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade with a sudden wave and a scream like Azure Dragon groaning, extremely domineering.

This blade formidable power is so powerful that it stopped 2nd Divine Consciousness incarnation forcibly.

The two Divine Consciousness incarnations were shocked when they saw the cyan long knife in the hands of the Great Emperor Changfeng. The shock was only a moment, and the two Divine Consciousness incarnations not at all hesitated and continued to obliterate Gu Qingfeng.

In the distance.

The Demon woman who has been watching this scene was shocked when she saw the cyan long sword in the hands of the Great Emperor Changfeng, and said in surprise: “This is…but it’s the Azure Great Duke’s sword?”

If you can’t believe it, the Demon woman carefully identified it with her eyes, and said: “Yes, yes, that’s right! This is the Azure Great Duke’s sword. I didn’t expect this sword to have been born, and it was still in the hands of an immortal dao great emperor! “

Qing Tian Da Gong Dao.

It is the Innate Magical Treasure.

Moreover, it is also a very famous Dao Innate Magical Treasure in the ancient times. It is rumored to be based on the innate essence of Dao, and it is refined with the dragon scales of 81 Azure Dragons, and then Azure Dragon The blood is perfused, the formidable power is endless, and every knife taken out is like an Azure Dragon’s anger.

However, this is not the most terrifying aspect of Qingtian Dagongdao.

The real terrifying part of this knife is its name, the word Qingtian.

In the legend.

This great blue sword is made by Naiqingtian Old Ancestor. It represents the blue sky. It can be the Behead Immortal Buddha at the top and the Demon at the bottom. It will eliminate all injustice and all wrongs in the world.

Therefore, there is another name for Qingtian Great Dagger, which is Qingtian Judgment.

It is said that there is a blue sky when you lift your head three feet. People can be bullied, but the sky cannot be bullied.

This sentence can also perfectly interpret the word “blue sky”.

When I first met the Great Emperor Changfeng, the Demon woman had already seen that the Great Emperor Changfeng was out of the ordinary, but she never thought that the Great Emperor Changfeng would have such an inconceivable Qingtian Great Duke Sword in his hands. Avenue Innate Magical Treasure.

Furthermore, she could see that the Great Emperor Changfeng seemed to have fuse together with the Great Duke Qingtian. What does this mean?

It shows that he has been recognized by Qingtian Grand Dagger.

Innate Magical Treasure, such as the Great Duke Qingtian Sword, has independent consciousness. To truly own the Great Duke Qingtian Sword, you can only get the recognition of Qingtian consciousness.

“Since he has been acknowledged by Qingtian Da Gongdao, that means he is probably also acknowledged by Qingtian Old Ancestor?”

“Wait! The rumor is Qingtian. Old Ancestor is already dead, and it’s still dead in the age of innocence. If Qingtian Old Ancestor is still alive, then…”

The Demon woman seemed to think of something, and couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath .

What is blue sky?

Answer, one of nine days.

It’s just that the blue sky collapsed with the fall of the blue sky Old Ancestor in the Age of Innocence, and with the fall of the blue sky, Heaven and Earth Grand Dao no longer has any justice.

Qingtian Old Ancestor is the famous ancestor of the great road, and also the ruler of Qingtian. Unfortunately, it has fallen in the era of innocence…

The modern and ancient era is an extremely complicated Era is even related to causal destiny, and even the past and the future.

When the Demon girl wants to come, no one will miss this era, including the Blue Sky Old Ancestor that fell in the era of innocence.

Because the ancient times may be only one opportunity to return the broken sky to nine days, and it is also the only opportunity to return to Heaven and Earth Grand Dao justice.

If Qingtian Old Ancestor is still alive, it will definitely come back.

If his Senior really died in the era of innocence, he would definitely choose someone with inheritance.


The Qingtian Grand Duke’s sword representing Qingtian Judgment is in the hands of Changfeng Great Emperor. It is difficult for him to be the inheritance chosen by Qingtian Old Ancestor?

Not sure.

The Demon woman is not sure.

One thing she knew, if the Great Emperor Changfeng is really the inheritance person Qingtian Old Ancestor chose, then he must have more than the Qingtian Grand Duke Sword in his hands.

In the field.

Emperor Changfeng holds a large blue sword and wears a ten thousand zhang azure light, which is as mighty as a War God returned from the past. Although the two Divine Consciousness incarnations are so powerful, Magical Powers are ever-changing. But the person who was caught by the Great Emperor Changfeng could never pass his level.

The two Divine Consciousness incarnations seem to have recognized the great Qingtian sword in the hands of Emperor Changfeng. They were very cautious when they shot them, and even did not dare to carry the formidable power of the great Qingtian sword.

whiz whiz whiz!

In an instant!

There are three more Divine Consciousness incarnations coming, and one is stronger than the other. The five Divine Consciousness is unpredictable, like clouds and mists, like immortals and Buddhas, like demons and demons, just like Ghost God general.

“youngster, where did this knife in your hand come from?”

A Divine Consciousness asked aloud, the voice was extremely mysterious, as if from the sky.

“You don’t need to know.”

The Great Emperor Changfeng stood on the blood-devouring cauldron holding the Blue Sky Grand Knife, staring closely at the five Divine Consciousness that surrounded him, shouted: “No matter who you are, Gu, who dares to attack Youdi today, will pass my level first!”

Five Paths Divine Consciousness incarnation took a look at the blue sky sword in his hand, They seemed to hesitate, but when looking towards Gu Qingfeng, who was deep in the blood-devouring cauldron and was dying, his eyes became firm again.

Immediately afterwards, the five Divine Consciousness incarnations were shot almost at the same time, and the ones that took out were extremely terrifying killers of formidable power. It seemed that they wanted to join forces to wipe out the Great Emperor Changfeng all at once.

The Great Emperor Changfeng may be able to stop one Divine Consciousness incarnation, two or even three with the Blue Sky Great Sword in his hand, but if five Divine Consciousness incarnations, he knew he was not a rival at all, and now took a With a deep breath, roar, the whole body cyan ray burns like a raging flame.


A dragon roar resounded.

This dragon roar is comparable to Heavenly Might, and the entire ancient vestige is shaking violently.

Along with a burst of dragon roar, the cyan ray flowers all over the body of the Great Emperor Changfeng rose to the sky and turned into a huge monster.

This is really a huge monster, which almost covers the entire place when it appears.

Huge monster has the same body cyan, head like a camel, horns like deer, eyes like rabbits, ears like cows, necks like snakes, belly like mirages, scales like carp, claws like eagles, palms like tigers, and sounds like A copper plate with a beard beside the mouth, a pearl under the chin, a reverse scale under the throat, and 81 scales on its back, with nine or nine yang numbers.


This is a dragon!

A soar into the clouds and mount the mists occludes the sky Azure Dragon.

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