Supreme Lord

Chapter 2110

“The avenue of silence is used to guard the blood, the avenue of death is used to hide the spirit, and the avenue of absoluteness is used to fight the blood-devouring cauldron. I have to say that this ancient surname is really powerful.”

Demon woman holding her arms Standing in the distance, looking at Gu Qingfeng who was deep in the blood-devouring cauldron, he said: “What surprised me the most is that his fleshy body can actually hold the blood-devouring cauldron’s roar. I want to come, even if his fleshy body is not Immortality is absolutely the same, but it’s a pity that his fleshy body has not awakened, otherwise… it’s really unimaginable.”

Glanced at the mandava next to him, the Demon woman asked: “You Care about his life and death?”

Mandala shook his head and responded: “I don’t care.”

“I don’t care.”

“Why. “

“I just said that he is a variable, and he is still the most variable. No one knows what will happen after he comes into contact with the blood-devouring cauldron. Everyone is waiting for a result. Waiting for a sign, but also waiting for an opportunity.”

“If the blood-devouring cauldron is beneficial to him, then everyone will be on his side, if the blood-devouring cauldron is harmful to him, not only will everyone not Standing on his side, he would even kill him.”

Mandala was puzzled and asked: “What is the relationship between this blood-devouring cauldron and original sin?”

“The relationship is too big.” The Demon woman murmured: “Even in a sense, the blood-devouring cauldron is part of the original sin. This is also the root cause of those Old Guys so nervous.”

Mandala: “In other words, if he gets the blood-devouring cauldron… will he become the Allah of Original Sin?”

“Maybe it is, maybe not, but there is one thing that cannot be denied. Blood Devouring Cauldron, his hope of becoming the Allah of Original Sin will be even greater, but…”

The Demon woman shook her head and said, “This probability is minimal.”

“Do you mean that the blood-devouring cauldron will devour him today?”

“Not good said, it’s not good, after all, those Old Guys in the ancients didn’t just want his life. Even more want to get the original sin of this guy, so he is not only facing the terrifying blood-devouring cauldron, but also those old guys glare like a tiger watching his prey. Today, he is either swallowed by the blood-devouring cauldron or by the ancient ones. The Old Guy obliterated, or…”

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and the Demon woman said: “Either hold on to the obliteration of those Old Guy from the ancients, and at the same time reverse devouring the blood pot, it’s just…”

Speaking, Demon The woman let out a laugh, as if she didn’t think it was possible.

In the field.

The nine-meter giant blood-devouring cauldron is more and more like an ancient ominous beast in the blood mist, especially when the mysterious rune of the cauldron flashes, the whole blood-devouring cauldron is blurred and twisted, accompanied by one after another The violent and brutal roaring might, the whole ruins of Zhen Zhen were shaking violently.

To be honest!

If it weren’t for Gu Qingfeng’s sinking into the blood-devouring cauldron, if it wasn’t for this extremely rare opportunity that I didn’t want to miss, the old ancestors of the wild giants would have already left. There are many terrifying in the imagination, and every moment I stay here, I feel worried about my life, as if it would be swallowed by the blood-devouring cauldron at any time.

That’s true.

There is each one in the field, and everyone feels this restless.

But even so.

None of them left.

All of them are fully armed, ready to go, glare like a tiger watching his prey.

The blood-colored vortex in the blood-devouring cauldron is spinning more and more intensely. Half of Gu Qingfeng’s body has already been involved in it, and the whole person looks lifeless, like a corpse.

Is Gu Qingfeng dead?

Who knows.

No one knows.

Gu Qingfeng’s existence is mysterious and weird, it can’t be detected with Divine Consciousness at all. Even if it can be detected with Divine Consciousness, no one dares to investigate at this moment.

They are all waiting.

Wait for the powerhouse Divine Consciousness that previously shrouded Gu Qingfeng’s body.

But waited and waited, and never waited, this could not help but make the giant Old Ancestors in the field very anxious, but also a little uneasy.

Stump those Old Seniors and don’t plan to do it?

I don’t know.

No one has any mentality.

“Old Ancestor! If those Old Seniors don’t plan to make a move, what shall we do?”

The Yuyang Immortal King of Zixia Immortal Realm is also waiting anxiously, perhaps today The matter was so important that he was very nervous in his heart, and even his words were a little bit awkward.

Lieyin Old Ancestor, who originally seemed very calm, was obviously a little flustered at this moment. His thoughts were like electricity, thinking about what to do with himself and the others if those Old Seniors did not take action.

Give up?

He is really unwilling.

If you give up such an extremely rare opportunity, you will regret it for life in the future.

But what can you do if you don’t give up? Direct shot? Based on the strength of these people, will you be the opponent of Emperor You? Even if you add Feather Immortal Realm, Loulan Fudi and other people, it’s awful enough, even more how, and the blood-devouring cauldron that looks extremely terrifying, who knows if it will be sucked in by the blood-devouring cauldron when it is shot.

What should I do?

At this time, Lieyin Old Ancestor also made a difficult situation, not knowing what to do.

“No! I can’t wait any longer. I can’t miss this opportunity. Even if I die today, I will bet on this one!”

Wait and wait I didn’t wait for those Old Seniors, Tian Kui was already impatient.

“You must… keep your breath down! Be sure to keep your breath down! The more this time, the more calm your breath!”

Lieyin Old Ancestor persuaded Tiankui.

But he couldn’t even persuade him, so how could he persuade Tiankui?

“I said that even if I die today, my Tiankui will bet on this one!” Tiankui looked as if he was irrational, and his eyes were full of murderous intention, staring fiercely. Looking at Gu Qingfeng who was deeply trapped in the blood-devouring cauldron, he said every word: “I want to see if my life is hard, or his life is hard!”

The voice fell.

Tian Kui didn’t care about the others anymore, and directly shouted furiously, his whole body flashing crazily, only to see him holding a Flying Sword, raising his hand with a long and narrow sword glow, rushing towards the blood-devouring cauldron like a crescent.

Although Tian Kui has lost his reason, his consciousness is still clear. He knows the terrifying blood-devouring cauldron, and also knows that Gu Qingfeng deep and unmeasurable. He does not at all approach, but displays a sword tactic, first shot Tested over.

Tiankui’s move really scared Lieyin Old Ancestor and the others. He wanted to come, even if he made the move, he would have to negotiate with the other Old Ancestors of Loulan Fudi and Yuhua Immortal Realm. There is hope, he absolutely didn’t expect Tian Kui to say he would do it.

Lieyin Old Ancestor still underestimated Tiankui’s desire for original sin, and overestimated Tiankui’s character.

But it is too late to say anything, because the sword of Tiankui has already attacked.

It’s too late to say it’s too fast.

Just as Tian Kui took out a sword tactic, there was a bang, a flash of light and shadow, and then the unfathomable mystery of his took out sword tactic collapsed in the sky.

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