Supreme Lord

Chapter 2109

“Don’t forget that the most terrifying thing in Youdi is not the forbidden avenues that you have learned, but the legendary Asura and Shangqiongbiluoxia Yellow Springs incarnation. So far, he has not had either of these two kinds of good fortune. took out.”

Lieyin’s Old Ancestor’s voice came, and Tian Kui retorted: “If he could take out, he would have taken out already, so how could he fall into the scarlet blood cauldron.”

Tiankui has naturally heard of Gu Qingfeng legendary Asura and Shangqiongbi fall into Yellow Springs incarnation. Gu Qingfeng is now trapped in a scarlet blood pot. Not only can he not get out of trouble, but within the body of the original sin. The blood has been swallowed a lot, and even Essence, Qi, and Spirit are as weak as a small flame in the twelfth lunar month, as if they would go out at any time.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng’s lifeless body here, the whole person looks as if he is dead, Tian Kui is more determined in his mind.

“We don’t know what’s the situation of Youdi now.” Lieyin Old Ancestor continued: “Because we don’t know, we should be more cautious.”

“Caution Caution is always cautious!” Tiankui coldly snorted and said: “If you miss the opportunity, everything is too late!”

“Don’t worry, the opportunity will not be missed.” Lie Yin Old Ancestor said very sternly He said: “All we need to do now is to wait and wait for others to do it!”

“Wait for others?”

The Yuyang Immortal King next to him also asked: “Old Ancestor means to wait for Loulan Fudi? Feather Immortal Realm them?” Shaking his head, he said, “They probably won’t do it easily like us.”

“no! No need to wait for them. “

“Then Old Ancestor means…” Suddenly, Yuyang Immortal King thought of Emperor Changfeng and said: “You mean waiting for Emperor Changfeng to take action?”

Lieyin Old Ancestor shook his head again, looked towards the Great Emperor Changfeng, and said: “I know the Great Emperor Changfeng. He can bear the four characters of heroes and heroes, so he can’t do things that take advantage of others, even more how Just now, Emperor Changfeng kindly persuaded Emperor You, I don’t think he would take action.”

“Neither the person waiting for Loulan Fudi nor the Emperor Changfeng, then who shall we wait for?”

Yuyang Immortal King does not want to miss such a good opportunity. If it is in the Great Wilderness, a letter can call all the powerhouses of the entire Zixia Immortal Realm. The problem is that this is not a Great Wilderness, but a Wilderness Ancient vestige, a letter still went out, and there was no sound. Now the other Old Ancestors of Zixia Immortal Realm don’t know which ancient vestige they are in, so they can’t get in touch.

“Why do you forget that when the Scarlet Blood Cauldron appeared, dozens of Divine Consciousness dropping from the sky enveloped You Di.”

Heard Lieyin Old Ancestor Mentioning this matter, Yuyang Immortal King moved in his heart and said: “Old Ancestor means waiting for those mysterious powerhouses to take action?”

Lieyin Old Ancestor heavily nodded, said: “This above heaven under earth thinks There are too many people who want to obliterate You Emperor, and there are too many to count. I think the reason why the dozens powerhouse covers You Emperor is precisely because of this.”

The existence of the Ten Paths of Divine Consciousness is unknown.

Tiankui does not know, Yuyang Immortal King does not know, and Lieyin Old Ancestor does not know either.


One thing they can be sure of is that the owner of dozens of Divine Consciousness is absolutely beyond imagination.

“The dozens of Divine Consciousness that had previously enveloped You Emperor and then unfathomable mystery left. How did Old Ancestor know that they would kill You Emperor?”

“So, we Just wait!”

Lieyin Old Ancestor murmured: “The dozens of Divine Consciousness will never cover Youdi for no reason. They must have a plan. As long as they have a plan, they must We must not miss this opportunity. We must be calm, and we must remain calm, waiting for those mysterious powerhouses to make a move, and only if they make a move, we will have hope!”

Killing Gu Qingfeng, they may not be able to grab the original sin.

But if they don’t kill Gu Qingfeng, they will definitely not get the original sin.

The former is somewhat hopeful, while the latter is hopeless.

even more how Gu Qingfeng, apart from the original sin, the other destinies are stronger than the other, not to mention, the only one Asura, the upper and the poor, the blue and the Yellow Springs are all called Heaven and Earth is the best, if it can get one, it is enough to laugh at the wild.

There is another more important reason, that is, this time in the wild, the true son of original sin will be born.

Now they all think that Gu Qingfeng is the true son of original sin.

Only by obliterating Gu Qingfeng, other people have the opportunity to become the new son of original sin.

There are too many reasons to obliterate Gu Qingfeng.

No matter which reason, it is worth their risk to gamble on it.

By the way, Zixia Immortal Realm, Yuhua Immortal Realm, and Loulan Fudi, these Old Ancestors are all old and sophisticated. They are the masters of don’t act without some incentive, even To take the risk to bet this one, the prerequisite is to be able to escape safely.


The giants of the wilderness and the Old Ancestor of Heavenly Paradise are all playing their own selfish calculations.

Not far away, the Great Emperor Changfeng has been staring nervously at Gu Qingfeng who is deep in the scarlet blood cauldron.

He didn’t know what the Scarlet Blood Cauldron was, he couldn’t even detect it.

The only thing I know is that the scarlet blood cauldron is extremely evil.

Therefore, I only persuaded Gu Qingfeng before.

It was not until Gu Qingfeng was deeply trapped in the scarlet blood cauldron that Changfeng the Great realized that the existence of the scarlet blood cauldron was far more terrifying than he thought.

He could see that although Gu Qingfeng temporarily held the powerful suction of the scarlet blood cauldron, it was not swallowed.

But the situation is very dangerous.

As the mysterious rune of the scarlet blood cauldron flickered, the blood-colored vortex in the scarlet blood cauldron became more and more crazy, and Gu Qingfeng’s breath became weaker and weaker.

Especially looking at Gu Qingfeng, who is lifeless and like a dead person, the Great Emperor Changfeng feels very uncomfortable. He can’t help it. Just about to help out, he suddenly found that his wrist was tightly tightened. Clasped.

It is not someone else who clasps his wrist, but his immortal fate Dao Companion Chiba Immortal King.

Chiba Immortal King stared at her solemnly, shook his head, and sound transmission whispered: “Don’t go!”

“But…” Emperor Changfeng clenched his fists , Shouted: “I can’t just watch You Emperor being swallowed by the strange cauldron of Rao Shizi!”

“If you are sure to save You Emperor, I will definitely not stop you. “Chiba Immortal King knows too much about what kind of person Changfeng the Great is. She asked seriously: “Are you sure?”


Emperor Feng was speechless for a while, he was not sure, not even a little bit.

“You are not sure, not at all. The Blood Cauldron even You Imperial Capital can’t get out of it. If you go, what can you do? You can’t do anything. Not only can you not help You Di, but you will Put yourself in.”

Even if the Great Emperor Changfeng didn’t want to, he still had to admit that what Chiba Immortal King said was the truth. He didn’t see how the Scarlet Blood Cauldron swallowed You Emperor just now, right? Because he saw it, he was not half sure.

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