Supreme Lord

Chapter 2105

“Since no one wants it…it seems that this tripod can only be owned by me.”

Gu Qingfeng’s complexion is very bad, and it is shrouded by dozens of powerful Divine Consciousness, as if by a few The ten mountains were pressed together, but even so, there was still a strange and playful smile on his mouth.

“Those years have always been starving to death and the courageous, but the father has always been very courageous.”

While speaking, Gu Qingfeng just When we were about to walk past, people still didn’t move, and only felt heavy pressure hiding the sky and covering the earth. If it was like being pressed by dozens of mountains just now, then at this moment it will be like the sky falling down. Gu Qingfeng’s face is even more ugly.


Those Old Guys who are dormant in the dark do not want Gu Qingfeng to come into contact with the Scarlet Blood Cauldron. Gu Qingfeng also doesn’t know why.

“I said you Old Senior, have you stayed in this ridiculous black hole for too long? Not only your brain is not very bright, but your eyes are not very good, right? Divine Consciousness alone wants to suppress me? “

Gu Qingfeng said with a sneer: “Did you look at yourself or look down on Lao Tzu!”

The voice fell, and Gu Qingfeng took another step.

This step fell, and the pressure contained in the dozens of Divine Consciousness that enveloped him became even stronger, and this pressure came from all directions, such as overwhelming power sweeping every inch of Gu Qingfeng’s skin. The pressure made Gu Qingfeng feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly, all the originally closed acupuncture points of Gu Qingfeng’s body were opened. Each of his acupuncture points was a world of its own, just like a side world, but this world was exhausted Heaven and Earth, saying It is Heaven and Earth, rather than an abyss, because there is nothing in his acupuncture point, and it is not bottomless, as weird as a black hole.

I saw Gu Qingfeng took a deep breath. At the moment of rushing, the acupuncture points on the whole body that were like an abyss and a black hole suddenly turned into a vortex, and they sucked in madly. What they absorbed was nothing else, it was from the number Ten Divine Consciousness’s heavy pressure.

See this scene.

The Great Emperor Changfeng was amazed. I wonder if Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body is so magical. The acupoints of the whole body call themselves Heaven and Earth. Not to mention, it can turn into a vortex to absorb the pressure? Such things are simply unheard-of.

It’s not just him. The mandala and the Demon woman who have been observing not far away felt incredible when they saw this scene, especially the Demon woman, standing there with her arms, praised Said: “This guy surnamed Gu is really incredible. It is an eye-opener to think of such a clever way to absorb the pressure, eh?”

As he said, the Demon woman seemed to find What happened, strangely said: “His fleshy body…how is it so like…”

Immediately, he shook his head and denied: “no! impossible!”

“If his fleshy body is really immortal, it’s impossible to look like this, but if it’s not immortal, how about his fleshy body…”

“It’s strange!”

“Also When his body’s acupuncture points absorb heavy pressure, why is that mysterious so peculiar? Like Heaven and Earth, the universe is spinning, what Magical Powers is this? Or what good fortune? Or what road?”

Demon The more the girl thinks about it, the more incredible it becomes.

Beside, Mandavan is interested in Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body not at all, because she knows there are so many incomprehensible and incredible things about Gu Qingfeng.

In contrast, she is more curious about what the Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness wants to do. On the surface, it seems to prevent Gu Qingfeng from contacting the Scarlet Blood Cauldron, but it only looks like this on the surface. The more I look at it, the more I feel that it doesn’t seem like this.

Although the Demon woman said that the scarlet blood cauldron is a blood-sweeping cauldron of the ancient times, the Old Guys who dormant in the ancient black hole are afraid of it, but they are not afraid to even dare to show their faces. ?

“I said, but there is no ancient man who is not afraid of the blood-devouring the cauldron. You have forgotten all kinds of past lives. I don’t know the fear of the ancient man of the blood-churning the cauldron, nor can I understand that fear.”

As soon as the conversation turned, the Demon woman continued: “Of course, this is only one of them. Second, this person with the surname ancient is a variable, and it is the biggest one. No one knows after he came into contact with the blood-devouring cauldron. What will happen.”

Looking at the dozens of Divine Consciousness shrouded in Gu Qingfeng, the Demon woman said: “In other words, they don’t know whether they should let the guy surnamed Gu touch Blood swallows the tripod.”

With a secretly sighed, the Demon woman swiped a complicated smile across her mouth, and said, “The third and most important thing, although this above heaven under earth also has many undesirable existences. People surnamed Gu become the Allah of Original Sin, but this does not mean that the guy surnamed Gu will not become Allah of Original Sin. Those Old Guys who do not show up do not want to offend the person surnamed Gu, in case the guy surnamed Gu becomes Allah of Original Sin. , Aren’t they dumbfounded?”

“After all, the ancient man is still not absolutely sure to obliterate him. This guy’s existence is too mysterious, too weird, too weird, and too unknown. Faced with such an existence Don’t say it’s them, the eternal nameless who is known as the incarnation of causal messengers have to think twice, if one step is wrong, all will be lost, no one is exception.”

“From the current situation Look, those Old Guys who want to rely on Divine Consciousness to stop him simply won’t work, nor can they stop him.”

Mandavan asked, “So, he will definitely come into contact with the blood-devouring cauldron, right? “

“As long as he wants to, no one should be able to stop it.”

“If he touches the blood-devouring cauldron, what will happen?”

Mandavha had already asked this question before, and I asked it again this time, but the Demon woman previously responded that she didn’t know, but this time she still shook her head to indicate that she didn’t know.

“After he comes into contact with the Blood Devouring Cauldron, if nothing happens, then everything will not change, but if it happens, no matter what it is, it will determine the attitude of some people.”

“Now everyone is waiting, waiting for the so-called signs, and also waiting for the so-called timing.”

“If the surname of the ancient is in the ancient vestige and the wind goes smoothly, step by step heavenly ascension If someone is watching in secret, they may bet on him.”

“On the other hand, if the surnamed person is in the ancient vestige, facing the wind and the current, it’s difficult to move, and if he is trapped everywhere, Those who are secretly watching will not only not bet on him, but will also join hands to wipe it out!”

“Many people do not believe in cause and effect, nor destiny, but facing him is the greatest Everyone has no other choice besides believing in cause and effect and destiny. You have to believe, and you have to believe if you don’t.”

“This time, what we are looking at is the Destiny Station. Who is there!”

“That is to say…” Mandavanh said: “If the guy surnamed Gu came into contact with the blood-devouring cauldron this time, if it is beneficial to him, wait and see. People don’t do anything, if it’s harmful to him…Will those who are watching secretly take this opportunity to obliterate him?”


“What about you, Are you too?”

Demon woman not at all answered the question of Mandala.

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