Supreme Lord

Chapter 2104

The desolate black hole has neither heaven nor earth, nor the sun and moon, only space, countless and countless spaces.

No one can tell whether the abruptly appearing Scarlet Land is an ancient vestige or not, even everyone in the space does not know if it is a space.

With the appearance of the scarlet blood cauldron, the already tense atmosphere in the field became more tense and more depressing.

No one speaks, all standing in the air, holding a magic weapon cautiously guarding, holding your breath, sometimes looking at the scarlet blood cauldron, then looking at Gu Qingfeng, and then all eyes are on The body of Emperor Changfeng.

They are very clear in their hearts that if they want to grab this scarlet blood cauldron from Gu Qingfeng, Emperor Changfeng is their only hope.

If the Great Emperor Changfeng does not show his attitude, no one would dare to act blindly without thinking.

Everyone is waiting.

While waiting, many people also found that Gu Qingfeng seemed to be covered by a lot of Divine Consciousness. Who is the owner of these Divine Consciousness, and where did they come out? Why, again no one knows.

In the eyes of many people, this may not be a bad thing. On the contrary, it may still be a good thing for them.

These people, either the Old Ancestor of the Great Wilderness Giant, or the Old Ancestor of Heavenly Paradise, naturally know that in the ancient times above heaven under earth, whether it is Nine Heaven or Nine Nether, whether it is Holy Land or Forbidden land, whether it is the ruins or the ruins, many deep and unmeasurable powerhouses are just like them, glare like a tiger watching his prey on Gu Qingfeng’s body.

Suddenly so many Divine Consciousness staring at Gu Qingfeng, as everyone thinks, most likely it is the original sin of Gu Qingfeng.

Think of this.

Zixia Immortal Realm, Feathered Immortal Realm, including Old Ancestor in Loulan Fudi, can’t help but feel a little secretive in their hearts. If these dozens of Divine Consciousness are all directed at the original sin of Gu Qingfeng, then These giants, Old Ancestor, can obviously follow suit.

In the distance.

Black Pig Monster King looked around, slowly backing away bit by bit, getting farther and farther away from Gu Qingfeng. Don’t say that other people’s qualities are not good at first, just want to help face Gu Qingfeng. With those dozens of Divine Consciousness, Black Pig Monster King is also powerless, and the only thing he can do now is to stay away from Gu Qingfeng, the farther the better. It is important to save his life first.

In the field.

Gu Qingfeng has been standing in the sky from beginning to end, the white clothed of the snow is a little gray in this dark and bloody place, and three thousand ink-like long hair dances slightly in the blood mist. With.

He has a plain face, his face is pale, and his expression looks a bit heavy. He frowned, squinted his eyes, and stared at the scarlet blood cauldron.

Turning to close my eyes, as if I was feeling something, took a deep breath, opened my eyes again, looked up at the sky, did not speak, and then glanced at everyone in the field. The unfathomable mystery smiled, a bit playful.

“This tripod looks unusual, does anyone want it?”

No one would have thought that Gu Qingfeng would suddenly ask such a strange sentence at this time.

Zixia Immortal Realm, Yuhua Immortal Realm, Loulan Fudi and many other Old Ancestors, look at me, I look at you, no one dares to answer.

The scarlet blood cauldron is indeed unusual.

And still very very unusual.

Although the scarlet blood cauldron looks evil, this is not a big problem. At least, it is not a major event for the great wilderness giants and Heavenly Paradise. Looking at the roads of Innate Magical Treasure, there are Which one is not evil? After all, whether it is evil is a very subjective question, as long as the person who sacrifices the magic weapon is not evil.

Everyone wants the scarlet blood cauldron.

No one doesn’t want it.

The question is, who dares to ask?

So everyone once again set their sights on the Great Emperor Changfeng, hoping that the Great Emperor Changfeng would stand up and preside over this justice.

The Great Emperor Changfeng hasn’t moved anything, his attention is more on the dozens of Divine Consciousness that shrouded Gu Qingfeng’s body, and it seems that he is not at all interested in the scarlet blood cauldron.

“Gu Changfeng, the Great Emperor of Changfeng…” Gu Qingfeng smiled and asked: “Whether you are interested, for the battle between you and me, if you are interested in this tripod If you do, I will give it to you today.”

“You Emperor, do you look down on my Gu someone too much?” Changfeng Great Emperor shouted, “If I want this tripod, Gu Changfeng, Why don’t you come to let me!”

“hahaha! Worthy of immortal dao the great Gu Changfeng, hard enough!” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “In this case, you are strive for high and low with me , Grab this cauldron?”

The Great Emperor Changfeng shook his head and said: “Although I don’t know what this cauldron is, I can see that this cauldron is extremely evil, and the breath of blood evil is rare in the past. Gu thinks that impossible to subdue can’t bring down this trip.”


The Great Emperor Changfeng said to the others in the field: “At the same time, I also advise you not to regret for a lifetime because of temporary greed. This cauldron is not trivial, beyond imagination, and cannot be suppressed by people like me. “

The meaning of the Great Emperor Changfeng has been very clear. He has shown his attitude. He is not prepared to fight for it, and he also persuades others not to fight.

This disappointed everyone who was expecting Changfeng the Great to come forward to preside over justice. They were extremely disappointed.

The scarlet blood cauldron is extremely evil, they don’t know it, they can also feel the terrifying breath of blood.

Leave aside whether it can be suppressed for the time being. Even if you can’t suppress it, you can grab it first, and then notify others to come over. There are so many powerhouses in the Great Wilderness, as long as everyone joins forces to suppress this scarlet blood Ding is definitely not a difficult task.

The question now is not whether the Scarlet Blood Cauldron can be suppressed at all, but rather You Emperor Gu Qingfeng.

You can’t kill him, as long as you can suppress him.

What everyone didn’t expect was that Emperor Changfeng gave up without even doing anything.

Is this still the Great Emperor Changfeng in Ancient Era?

Is it still the Great Emperor Changfeng who fought You Emperor from Nine Heavens to Nether?


Zixia Immortal Realm, Yuhua Immortal Realm, and Old Ancestor of Loulan Fudi have all sound transmission whispers to persuade Changfeng the Great.


The Great Emperor Changfeng turned a deaf ear, as if he hadn’t heard it, he didn’t even bother to talk to him.

He really wants to fight Gu Qingfeng heartily, but if he fights with Gu Qingfeng in order to fight for some baby, he will never do it. This is both an insult to him and Gu Qingfeng. Qingfeng’s insult.

The most important thing is that he personally has a good opinion of the so-called Great Desolate Giant and Heavenly Paradise not at all. After mixing for so many years in Nine Days, he knows the virtues of the Great Desolate Giant and Heavenly Paradise’s Old Ancestor too. Now, all of them are unprofitable and incapable of premeditating. They are superficial and secretive, and they can do anything for profit.

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