Supreme Lord

Chapter 2043

“Fortunately, when you run out of oil and the lamp is dry, the Lord is here.”

Gu Qingfeng walked over, still had a piece of Yuanjing in front of the person, and arranged another one at hand. Spirit Gathering Array, shrouded the man, and said: “Whether the last breath can be relieved depends on your good fortune.”

He has never been a good person. The rescue of the wounded is in the famine. I rarely do it, even more how, here is the mysterious and unknown ancient vestige. This person does not know what it is, and it is not impossible to get a bite after the rescue.


Gu Qingfeng still rescued him. It was not mercy or mercy, but he needed to save this person to learn some information.

After setting up the Formation, Gu Qingfeng did not pay attention to the other party anymore, but walked to the side of the magic weapon and observed it carefully.

Because the magic eye was sealed, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t see anything with naked eye. The took out Divine Consciousness was also to no avail. It couldn’t penetrate at all, was completely isolated, and tried several times. Not even this time, there are no loopholes in the seal, and no gaps in it.

Since Divine Consciousness cannot penetrate, Gu Qingfeng did not continue.

The seal of the Eye of Magic looks like a water mirror. After tapping it twice with your finger, it can also make waves of water halo. After closing the hand, it suddenly hit the seal with a fist, making a crash There was a resounding sound, the seal of the water mirror trembled violently, the entire giant cauldron also shook violently, and the original chaotic structure was shaken even more chaotic.

Boom! boom! boom!

I hit three punches in a row, and the formidable power of one punch was greater than that of one punch. In the end, instead of breaking the seal, the structure of the giant cauldron was about to fall apart.

“motherfucker! It’s really difficult!”

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and stared at the sealed magic weapon, quite distressed.

After opening the meridian acupuncture point, his fleshy body is as powerful as it is, and even the ancient black hole is chaotic by his shock.

If he wants to, it is not difficult to open the sealed magic eye, and he is confident to open it.

The key is.

If it is forced open, the structure of this giant cauldron will inevitably collapse, the structure will collapse, and the giant cauldron will basically be abolished. Together with the source of the magic weapon sealed in the eye of the magic weapon, I am afraid that it will not be spared, when the time comes, nothing can be done in vain.

It is easy to kill a person, but it is much more difficult to enlighten a person.

This is the situation that Gu Qingfeng faces now. It is not difficult to break the seal with brute force, but it is quite troublesome to break the seal.

No way.

I want this giant cauldron, and I want to see what treasure is sealed in the magic eye, I can only solve it with a little thought.

If you want to cut open seal, you need to understand the seal.

The so-called seal, enchantment, and prohibition are all methods of Magical Powers, and they are all born out of Formation, but Formation is too complicated. The more powerful the array, the more involved. The more profound mystery on the road, the more the Formation fell over time.

In modern times, the popular Formations of All Heavens Myriad Realms are mostly rateless arrays.

Even if there are powerful arrays, most of them are inherited from ancient times.

Today, few people can lay out a powerful array. This thing is all-inclusive. It’s not that your cultivation base is high, the perception is good, and the good fortune can be understood, but you need to know many avenues. profound mystery.

In recent years, it is not easy to understand a kind of profound mystery of great avenues. Looking at Heaven and Earth, there are not many profound mystery of many great avenues.

Therefore, it is difficult to inherit a powerful array.

On the contrary, it was born out of Formation’s seal, prohibition, and enchantment because it is not as complicated as Formation, so inheritance is much smoother.

To be honest.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know much about seals.

Not much contact, and he rarely delves into the seal, but this does not prevent him from cracking the seal.

The reason is simple.

Gu Qingfeng knows a lot, learns a lot, and covers a wider range. There are all kinds of myriad on various roads. The most important thing is that he personally prefers Formation, and all kinds of Formation are handy. And with the more experience, the more knowledge, and the deeper his understanding of Dao, the more he feels that Formation is similar to nature and between Heaven and Earth.

What is the essence of Dao.

Gu Qingfeng may not come up.

But to say which a method can best interpret the profound mystery of the avenue, Gu Qingfeng believes that there is only Formation.

With a bang.

Opened an altar of heaven and impermanence, and opened an altar of hell impermanence. After the two altars of wine were mixed, Gu Qingfeng drank the wine while exploring the sealed profound mystery.

Don’t say it.

This seal is really extremely mysterious and abstruse, wonderful and wonderful.

Furthermore, mystery is repeated one after another. Mystery is surrounded by mystery, and the mystery is like endless. It is quite complicated. The more I look at it, the more I admire this layout seal. man of.

Generally speaking, few people will seal the magic eye.

as everyone knows, the magic eye is hidden inside the magic weapon, this thing is the lifeblood of the magic weapon and the source of power of the magic weapon. It is good to be guarded, but the role of the magic eye itself is to protect It exists as the source of magic treasures, and under normal circumstances, it is no more than a few more enchantments or formations for multiple guards.

No one will seal the magic eye.

Because the seal is basically used to suppress and prevent the existence of being sealed from charge ahead.

Who would idle pain in the balls to seal the eye of the magic weapon, it’s hard to say that the person who arranged the seal did not worry about the source of the magic weapon being destroyed by outside forces, but worried that the source of the magic weapon came from the eye of the magic weapon Escape? Harming others? If this is the case, what kind of magic weapon is it?


Gu Qingfeng suddenly thought of the knife of Nine Nether.

He didn’t know what kind of magic weapon that quiet knife was. The only thing he knew was that the power of that thing was terrifying and it would also affect the mind. Gu Qingfeng still clearly remembered, quiet The magic eye of the sword is also sealed. In the end, what kind of magic source is sealed in the magic eye of the sword, he does not know, and has never cracked the seal of the sword, even the profound mystery that explored the seal. No.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but I dare not.

I really dare not.

After Gu Qingfeng holds the sword, his mind will be affected, and he will become bloodthirsty and violent, like a madman. Under such circumstances, how dare he break the seal of the sword.

The magic eye of the sword is sealed.

Now the magic eye of this giant cauldron is also sealed.

The existence of the Nether Knife is terrifying, mysteriously unknown and terrifying to the extreme, known as the Nine Nether First Killer.

Couldn’t this giant cauldron also be a powerful killer?

It’s hard to say.

After all, this is the ancient vestige, and the ancient times is a mysterious terrifying era. Many ancestors of the avenues have fallen in this era, and various legendary avenues are lost in this era. The ghost knows this giant Is cauldron one of them?

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