Supreme Lord

Chapter 2042

I saw him leaping up, leaping into the air, and then falling suddenly.

When both feet fiercely stepped on the mountain, there was a loud bang, the whole mountain range trembled violently, and the rocks disappeared in an instant.

The mountain range has disappeared.

Instead, is a giant cauldron lying in the desert.

Sure enough, as Gu Qingfeng guessed, this was originally not a mountain, but a magic weapon.

giant cauldron is like a mountain, in cyan-gray color, is a eight-legged tripod, eight-legged like a dragon, lifelike and vivid, wrapped around the body of giant cauldron.

Gu Qingfeng stood on the giant cauldron like an ant moving insignificantly. He took out Divine Consciousness to investigate and found that although the giant cauldron had lost its luster and the structure was chaotic, it still had’viability’.

The existence of’life’ means that the source of the magic weapon is still there.

Heaven and Earth have their origins.

Sage Fiend, demons and ghosts, including Cave Mansion, world Secret Realm, etc., all spirituality has its origin, and magic weapons are no exception.

The origin of human beings is the soul. If you lose your soul, you will no longer have life. Only an empty shell remains, which will eventually be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

If the world loses its origin, there will be no laws, the structure will collapse, and the world will disappear.

The same is true of magic weapons.

If you lose your origin, it is like a person loses his soul.


Although this giant cauldron is’seriously injured’ in danger, it still has its origin.

Think of this.

Gu Qingfeng continued to take out Divine Consciousness to explore the source of the magic weapon, and it didn’t take long to find out. When he flashed out, people had already entered it.

Giant cauldron has a cave inside, like a Cave Mansion, there are many great halls and secret rooms, but more of them are bones.


These bones should have been broken in later, most of them were violent deaths. Gu Qingfeng wondered whether these people would kill each other in order to snatch some treasure after they broke in?

This kind of thing is very common, especially in Ancient Vestige.

human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, a rare baby can often change fate, since ascending to the skies with a single leap, many people will fight to the death.

even more how This is still a relic of the ancient times.

To say what terrifying catastrophe happened in the barren ancient times, perhaps no one knows, but one thing, many people know, that is that the countless powerhouses fell in the barren ancient times, and many of them are avenues. Senior and ancestor of Dao.

What does this mean?

It means that countless magic weapons are buried in the ancient times.

Many giants in the Great Wilderness, including the 36 Cave Sky Seventy Two Blessed Land Inheritance, most of the magic weapons of the Great Dao were lost in the ancient times, such as the Donghuang Bell, Xuanyuan Sword, Pangu Axe, Monster Refining Pot, Clear Sky Tower, Shennong Cauldron, Kongtong Seal, Kunlun Mirror, Nuwa Stone, etc., the legendary Divine Weapon destroying heaven extinguishing earth was lost in the ancient times.

Someone once said that if you can enter the ruins of the ancient era, even if you just find a stone, it is a rare treasure.

In the past, Gu Qingfeng always thought that these legends about the ancient era were too exaggerated.

Until this time I entered the ancient black hole and entered the ancient vestige again, I learned that the legend about the ancient era is not an exaggeration. He has entered more than a dozen ancient vestiges, all without exception. In the endless desert, even the space has no origin, all the bones are scattered at the touch of a touch.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know whether it was the catastrophe of the ancient era that destroyed it, or the endless years that destroyed it. In any case, the thing that survived the ancient era, even if it was really just a stone, Definitely called rare treasure.

So, previously, he put the stone tablet with the word Renzong broken into his bag.

Now I found such a giant cauldron in this ridiculous ancient vestige, and it is also a giant cauldron with ‘viable’. Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know for the time being whether this thing is a magic weapon, even if it’s not. This is at least a Protecting Sect Treasure.


What makes Gu Qingfeng a little bit puzzled is that if these bones really killed each other for some treasures, why is this giant cauldron still here?

is it possible that these people killed each other, and finally all died?

Not right.

Because Gu Qingfeng discovered that whether it is the outside of the giant cauldron or the inside of the giant cauldron, there are only bones. There is no magic weapon. Since the bones have not decayed, the magic weapon will not decay. It should be given by the last survivor. Roll away.

In the end, the survivor and the Taoist people grabbed the magic weapon. Impossible would leave such a vital giant cauldron behind.

Gu Qingfeng thought there were only three possibilities.

Either the last survivor cannot take the giant cauldron away from this barren ancient vestige.

Either the last survivor swept away other treasures and left alone, or he died here.

If the survivor has neither left nor died, then he must still be here, and in this giant cauldron.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng did not hesitate, speeded up his pace, and went straight to the source of the magic weapon.

When he came to a great hall, he was startled by the scene in front of him.

Bones, there are bones everywhere.

One by one, almost full of the great hall.

There is a well in the middle of the great hall, and the head of the well is colorful, as if it was sealed.

Gu Qingfeng can see at a glance that the source of the magic weapon is hidden in this well. This well is nothing but the eye of the magic weapon.

He didn’t go forward at all, but stopped at the door, frowned slightly, staring at the person next to the magic eye.

Said it is a human, more like a corpse, shriveled, sitting cross-legged, ragged, head down, white hair scattered like dry grass.

This person is still alive.

But it’s just alive.

It’s already exhausted, and the lamp is dry, dying, as if only a breath is left.

Beside this person, not only was piled up with bones, but also piled up with various magic weapons and various resources.

The bones are dead, and various magic weapons and resources are also dead. The Spiritual Qi of the resources is exhausted, and the source of the magic weapons is drained.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingfeng already knew that this person was probably the last survivor who killed each other. He didn’t leave, not that he didn’t want to leave. More probably, he couldn’t leave. If he could leave, then Will not stay here to die.

I really wait to die.

Exhaust the whole body’s cultivation base bit by bit until the oil runs out and the lamp dies.

In order to survive, I not only drained the Spiritual Qi of all the resources, but also drained the Spiritual Qi of all the magic weapons. The ones that can and can not be sucked were all sucked up by him. Glancing at the mountain of bones, Gu Qingfeng even suspected that these bones were not killed by him during his lifetime, but the essence of his body was sucked up by him.

If this is the case, then the time this person has been here is definitely an extremely long time.

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