Supreme Lord

Chapter 2038

“Gu boy…your body is now…” The Daxing monk swallowed his saliva, walked over and cautiously asked: “What kind of treasure is it?”

Gu Qingfeng playful said with a smile: “What do you guess?”

“Couldn’t it be…really a legendary immortal body, right?”

hearing this.

Gu Qingfeng was amused and couldn鈥檛 help laughing heartily, his laughter was particularly unrestrained, and quite proud, and said: “Daxing, I have to say that you old bald donkey still have some eyesight, yes, Lord’s fleshy body is the legendary immortal body! hahaha!”


Looking at Gu Qingfeng who is laughing heartily, the monk opened his mouth and wanted to speak again. After a long time, he said: “Old Na has little knowledge, you brat don’t fool me!”

“What, don’t you believe it?”

He shook his head, then nodded, and then shook his head again, saying, “I don’t believe it! Although Lao Na has never seen a legendary immortal body, he also knows that the immortal body has a very obvious characteristic, that is, the shape is not scattered, the body is not Extinction.”

“yes and how? is it possible that the Lord’s form is now scattered, and the body is also destroyed?”

“Don’t think that Lao Na doesn’t know, you brat has silence The ability of extinction and rebirth, every extinction and rebirth form will dissipate and be reborn again. If you brat’s fleshy body is really a legendary immortal body, it is basically impossible to perish and rebirth, and there is no need for dying and rebirth!”

“Hehe, Daxing, I didn’t see it, but I still know a lot.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Master can tell you very responsibly, the body will disappear when he perishes and rebirth, but , It won鈥檛 be anymore. As you said, I don鈥檛 need to die and be born again.”


“Because the fleshy body of the Lord is the legendary eternal The immortal body that is indelible, and it is the immortal body that was burnt when the original sin karma was ignited in the past! You can’t accept it! ha ha ha ha ha!”

Listen to Gu Qingfeng. The monk is also a little uncertain whether Gu Qingfeng鈥檚 fleshy body is not a legendary immortal body. After all, after igniting the original sin karma fire and dying and rebirth, Gu Qingfeng has never been reborn again, whether or not the original sin karma torch Gu Qingfeng鈥檚 fleshy body was burned. With the immortal body, it’s really bad to say that the monk of the great evil spirit.

Gu Qingfeng is laughing.

The smile was a little brazen, and a little frantic.

In fact, he himself doesn鈥檛 know what鈥檚 going on with his fleshy body. The Daxing Monk has never seen immortal bodies, and Gu Qingfeng has not. The reason why he lied about immortal bodies is entirely to scare him. It’s just a fun to play with a big monk.

“That’s right!”

Although the monk is very curious about Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body, at this moment he is not at all thinking about it, and said: “Gu Qingfeng Boy, Lao Na asks a question, did you understand the Profound Mystery of Space in the ancient black hole?”

“Yes, there is such a thing.”

” In other words, now you can not only travel freely in the turbulent flow of the ancient black hole, like walking on the ground, but you can also blend into the turbulent flow of the ancient black hole without distinguishing each other?”

Gu Qingfeng is not modest, and responds Said: “It is true.”

“putting it that way, as long as you brat is willing, you can get out of the deserted ancient black hole?”

Gu Qingfeng looked up at the deserted ancient black hole The huge vortex rubbed his chin and said, “Master thought it should be okay.”

“Very good!” Daxing monk happily said, “In this case, let’s leave now.”

“Leave? Why?” Gu Qingfeng asked: “Master just came, I haven’t had enough fun yet.”

“This motherfucker is an ancient black hole, not a playground, you Have fun!” Daxing monk blushed and shouted: “Do you know how terrifying existence stared at you just now? Tell you, there is no one thousand at least, there are hundreds of them, this is just Lao Na You know how many ghosts you are aware of and those you haven鈥檛 noticed.”


“What did Lao Na lie to you!”

Gu Qingfeng knew that Daxing Monk not at all deceived himself, and only then when he hit the meridian with endless turbulence and vortex, he also noticed that there are many mysterious beings staring at him. Of course, Daxing Monk said The number may be exaggerated, but there should be quite a few.

“Those mysterious beings are more terrifying than a terrifying. Since they appeared in the ancient black hole, they are most likely to be directed at original sin, and you brat ignited the original sin karma back then, even if the Allah sought by original sin is not you , Even if you brat does not fight for the original sin, they will never let you go.”


Gu Qingfeng laughed lightly and said: “If the ancient black hole If there are not so many mysterious existences, the Lord might really leave. Since so many mysterious existences have emerged from the ancient black hole, the Lord will not leave anything.”

“No! This… Why is this?”

“The answer is very simple. It means that the Lord has come to the right place. There may be some secrets of original sin hidden in this ridiculous black hole. Maybe it can help him awaken the original sin. Maybe!”

“Gu kid, you can’t awaken original sin!”

“What?” Gu Qingfeng asked with interest: “Why can’t you awaken original sin? You Isn鈥檛 the old bald donkey trying so hard to abduct the Lord here because he hopes that he can awaken the original sin? What’s the matter, after meeting the witch Empress, he changed his mind? I don鈥檛 want the Lord to awaken the original sin?”


The Daxing monk was shocked, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and said: “you brat… how did you know that Lao Na had met with the witch Empress, and how did you know Lao Na? I brought you here to awaken your original sin? It’s the witch Empress who told you?”

“She didn’t tell me this.”

“How about you brat You know?”



Gu Qingfeng nodded, he did guess it, and guessed it It is not difficult. After being abducted by the monk, he knew that this old bald donkey was definitely not for the remains of their Zen Sect. After entering the desolate black hole, he was more certain in his heart. According to the words and behavior of the monk, Gu Qingfeng knew it was the original sin after a little thought.

Not only that, why did the monk change his attention after meeting the witch Empress, he can more or less guess one or two, but he is afraid that after becoming the Allah of Original Sin, he will dominate the secret scourge of the era of no way common people.

“Okay! Now that you brat already knows, then Lao Na will not lie to you anymore. Lao Na deceived you. The original intention was indeed to hope you brat would awaken the original sin in the ancient black hole. , Lao Na is for Heaven and Earth Grand Dao all living beings. When I was younger, it was Lao Na鈥檚 selfishness, but…now that it doesn鈥檛 make any sense anymore. The key is that you brat is in a dangerous situation now. The mysterious existence of the ancient black hole is glare. like a tiger watching his prey, staring at you brat!”

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