Supreme Lord

Chapter 2037

A white clothed dress is better than snow.

Three thousand black hairs are like ink.

Let the turbulence of the ancient black hole go crazy, the clothes never flutter, and the hair never flutters.

Gu Qingfeng here is like a statue standing in the deep sea, as if not affected by the turbulence of an ancient black hole at all.

He closed his eyes and stood with his hands under his hands. There was an expression of indescribable joy on his plain face, and there was a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth. He seemed to be feeling something, and It seems to be experiencing something.


Since waking up from sleep for thousands of years, Gu Qingfeng’s body is completely chaotic and decayed, and within the body is also full of impurities, not only blocking the meridian acupoints tightly, but even internal organs and even blood All dried up.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Like I can’t breathe fresh air, I feel dizzy and move my hands and feet a little bit. I feel a little breathless and feel very boring.

Now it’s finally all right.

The acupuncture points were forcibly opened by him with endless turbulence. The meridian was also smooth, the blood was smooth, the dantian was smooth, and the internal organs felt like drilling out of the soil. Like the buds, the bones and muscles of the whole body are also refreshed like steel washed off the rust.

The roar just now was also Gu Qingfeng’s long-suppressed roar, and a roar also completely vented the long-suffered anger in his heart.

This feeling is really refreshing.

Just like shedding body and exchanging bones, the whole person feels a lot easier.

However, the only thing that puzzles Gu Qingfeng is that although the meridian acupoints have been opened up, the internal organs dantian bones and muscles have also been renewed, but his body still seems to be asleep, without any vitality. lifeless.

Like a rusty antique, even if the rust is washed away, the antique is still dull.

Now his body is like this. Although his acupuncture points, meridian, muscles and bones are still intertwined and chaotic, the impurities within the body are gone, everything that should be passed is gone, it should be empty It’s all empty, and everything that should be cleaned is also cleaned, but it’s just that.

In the past, Gu Qingfeng’s acupoints can be said to be extremely mysterious and abstruse. Every acupuncture point is like a world, with its own changes in the universe. Now his acupuncture points look more like The abyss is the same, and it is still an abyss full of death.

In the past, every one of his bones was poured with the Nether-supporting Pillar, like the Heaven-supporting Pillar, more like the Nether-supporting Pillar, with the Nether Fire glowing, indestructible and Indestructible Diamond, but now his bones It looked like tarnished scrap iron, dull and unglamorous, and never glowing with Nether Fire.

In the past, his meridian was alive, like Azure Dragon, entrenched within the body, but now, although it is still like Azure Dragon, it is no longer alive, and looks more like Azure Dragon’s decayed skeleton.

His blood used to be like a boiling lava fire sea, vigorous and mighty, flowing arbitrarily within the body, and now his blood is still like a lava fire sea, as before, within the body It’s flowing, but it doesn’t boil anymore, and it’s no longer strong and mighty, just like stagnant water.

In the past, his dantian like Heaven and Earth was more like chaos, lightning and thunder, howling wind and torrential rain, the sea roared, and volcano exploded, but now his dantian is still like a side world, just never There is no lightning and thunder, nor the roar of the sea, just like a barren world, empty and nothing.

As for the internal organs, it is even more exaggerated, just like a Divine Idol, it doesn’t even move.

Gu Qingfeng wondered if it was because of his failure to awaken the original sin, which caused his body to become lifeless and lifeless.

After thinking about it, I feel wrong.

The body is the body, and the body is the body.

These are two different concepts.

I did not awaken the original sin, and the body of original sin will be affected. Impossible is the body, even more how Gu Qingfeng does not have the body of original sin.

But if it were not for original sin, why would one’s own body be dead?

It’s hard to say that it’s because your soul is sleeping?

This is unlikely.

Gu Qingfeng’s soul is the soul of Asura, who is in a deep sleep state all the year round. It used to be like this. Before his body is not at all lifeless, on the contrary, although it is very weak, it is still full of life. of.

Perhaps it is caused by the weakness of your own essence? Or is it caused by the lack of spiritual Qi?

It’s hard to say.

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t tell why he came for a while, so he could only find a chance to explore carefully in the future.

No matter what, now the meridian acupuncture point is unblocked and there is no impurities within the body. This is definitely a great thing for Gu Qingfeng, and it is also a good start. As for why the body has no vitality , Gu Qingfeng believes he will figure it out later.

Open your eyes and look at the great monk who is like a frightened bird in the distance, Gu Qingfeng not at all feels any surprise, he has noticed it when the great monk appears, not only that, I also know that the witch has also appeared, but then left. Although when the turbulence vortex was used to impact the impurities within the body, I don’t know what the witch and the monk talked about, but through the expressions of the two, Gu Qingfeng knows that they know each other, it may be more than just knowing.

“Daxing, the two of us are really destined. We have met three times in this ridiculous ancient black hole.”

“Guy boy! You…”

The big monk looks like he was scared by the roar of Gu Qingfeng just now. Until now, he has not come back to his senses, staring at Gu Qingfeng with his eyes, like watching a monster. I looked around and asked: “You brat’s meridian acupuncture points are all opened and opened?”

“Oh, not simple, can you see this too?” Gu Qingfeng played with the taste : “Yes, all the meridian acupuncture points are now open, don’t mention how refreshing.” He said, he stretched his waist fiercely, and the whole skeleton suddenly made a crackle sound, shaking the surrounding turbulence for a while. Shaking.

Looking at this scene, the monk only felt his scalp numb.

“Now I feel at ease all over the body, and I can’t play with it.” Gu Qingfeng’s mouth was filled with an evil smile, suddenly took a deep breath, and saw the turbulence around him. Like Spiritual Qi, he was sucked into the body within the body and said: “Even absorbing the turbulence in this barren ancient black hole is like absorbing fresh air! One word, cool!”

If the turbulence of Gu Qingfeng stretched and shook for a while, making Daxing monk feel scalp numb, then at this moment Gu Qingfeng sucked all the turbulence into the body like Spiritual Qi, and it would make Daxing seizure. The monk felt dizzy, his mind was shaking, and the muscles around his mouth were twitching unnaturally.

Because of this scene, motherfucker is really abnormal!

It was so perverted that even a well-informed existence like the Daxing Monk felt unacceptable.

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