Supreme Lord

Chapter 2003

“Oh! Daxing, you old bald donkey can finally give up, I thought you were going to hide for a lifetime!”

When Daxing monk came out, the fire head yelled “What’s the matter, I don’t know your second master Huo?”

“How can it be.”

The Daxing monk looked frivolous and said: “Old Na does not know who I can’t help but know your Huo Erye?”

“ha ha ha ha! I love these words!” Huotou Tuo said with a big smile: “I haven’t seen you for many years, you old bald donkey talk It’s still so nice.”

Followingly, Feng Siniang teased again: “Daxing, I remember you used to cultivation with hair, what about your hair? Why are you bald now? Huh? he he he .”

The big monk touched his bald head and smiled and responded: “Bald head is good, bald head is so cool.”

Huotou Tuo, Lei Gong After Dianmu and Feng Siniang saw the Daxing Monk, you and I ridiculed each other, and you can see that the four of them know the Daxing Monk. Not only do they know each other, but they also seem to be very familiar with each other.

“Daxing, I heard that you have been able to endure.” Huotou Tuo stood there with a height of nine meters, like a mountain, with a deterrent effect.

In contrast, Daxing Monk looked very small, and asked: “What do you say?”

Huotou Tuo looked down on Daxing with his arms. The epic monk said: “I heard that you brat is going to collude with outsiders to plot Zen Sect’s baby, is there such a thing? If some are recruited according to the truth, Huo Erye can give you a good time, otherwise, Huo Erye Jiner I tore you alive.”

“Lao Na plots Zen Sect’s baby?” Daxing lunatic asked: “I said Huo Erye, do you believe this?”

“The second master Huo is asking you, so you can answer honestly, don’t make these twists and turns with your second master!”

“Enough, Second Brother, don’t continue to mess around, retreat Go down.”

At this time.

The land man stood up with a cane, looked at the Daxing monk, and said: “Daxing, I haven’t seen it in many years, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

“It’s OK.” Daxing monk said: “When did the Old Master leave the customs?”

“We haven’t left the customs for a long time. I heard Shuiyue Bodhisattva say you the other day Zen Sect wants to collude with outsiders to plot Zen Sect Supreme Treasure, so a few old man siblings will come over and take a look.”

“This is good.” The monk said with a smile “If the Old Master is willing to help, now we Zen Sect will be saved, but…”

Speaking, Huode looked towards the black clothed person standing next to Shuiyue Bodhisattva, Asked: “Junior Sister, this is…”

Shuiyue Bodhisattva, wearing a simple monk robe, stood while holding the large Qingkong gate, and faintly responded: “My Friends.”

“Friends?” The Daxing monk walked over and asked: “I haven’t asked you about your surname?”

The black clothed person did not respond, and Shuiyue Bodhisattva bluntly said: “You don’t need to know.”


The big monk shook his head helplessly and laughed, and said: “It seems that Junior Sister still doubts me.”

“I’m not suspicious of you, I just don’t believe you!”

“That’s not the same thing.”

Sighed then said, and said: “Why, you are here today to invite them to deal with Lao Na?”

“You are wrong, I asked a few seniors to come here not to deal with you, It is to protect the Supreme Treasure of Zen Sect.”

After Shuiyue Bodhisattva said, the land said: “Daxing, regarding the current situation of your Zen Sect, the old man has already listened to Shuiyue in detail. I have said that although you and I have not seen you for many years, the old man can still trust Daxing your personality. Shuiyue is not disbelieving you, she is just…a little too cautious, I hope you can be a Senior Brother Understand.”

“Understand, Lao Na can certainly understand, Shuiyue is Lao Na after all Junior Sister, how can I, Senior Brother, not understand her. “

Although Daxing Monk said so, he actually knew in his heart that Junior Sister might no longer doubt himself, but he would never believe in himself. Not only did he not believe it, but he was also on guard. If not, I won’t invite the Five Monsters of Black Mountain, let alone such a mysterious black clothed person.

“As long as you fellow apprentices don’t suspect each other, then this will be fine. It’s too much. Old man hopes that you abandon your previous suspicions and sit down to discuss countermeasures. After all, old man and the others are just outsiders, and don’t want to intervene if you don’t want to be a last resort. “

“Old Master’s words are out of sight. Your Senior is no stranger to our Zen Sect. “

The words of the Daxing Monk are not polite, but facts. If we talk about the origin, the Black Mountain Five Monsters are indeed not outsiders. In a sense, the Black Mountain Five Monsters are also It’s half a Zen Sect disciple, because the old mother Black Mountain practiced Zen Sect Dharma. It is said that the old Black Mountain mother was also instructed by the ancient Buddha of Dipankara. As for true or false, it’s not known, anyway, it’s the same. The Zen Sect Buddhism practiced by Black Mountain’s mother is also true.

“It’s another matter whether it’s related or not. The Zen Sect matter is still discussed by your fellow apprentices. We are here just to help. . “

“The two of us have nothing to discuss. The plan can’t keep up with the changes. Now Zen Sect has become a mess. No one knows. According to the old man’s plan, let’s enter Xiaochan Secret Realm first. The most important thing. “The great monk looked towards Shuiyue Bodhisattva and asked: “Junior Sister, what do you think?” “

Seeing that Shuiyue Bodhisattva did not respond, the Daxing Monk said again: “If you agree, let’s set off for the Secret Realm of Xiaochan now. Lao Ya is thinking that the remains of Zen Sect are almost born. We’d better go early, when the time comes, it might be how Zen Sect’s Old Guys will deal with us. “

“It’s not impossible to leave for Xiaochan Secret Realm, but…” Shuiyue Bodhisattva lightly saying: “Please invite your two friends out first, I know they are already here. “

“It turned out to be this. It’s easy to talk about. “The Daxing Monk waved his hand, and after Guanghua flashed, Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian also appeared.

“Mo Wentian! “

Seeing Mo Wentian, Huotou Tuo and the others seemed very surprised, and said: “Why did you brat come?” “

“It turned out to be Emperor Xiaoyao, Mo Wentian, hehe…”

“Mo Wentian, you brat escaped last time, I didn’t expect you to be alive. “

Mo Wentian is worthy of being Mo Wentian. He is so famous that he even knows the Black Mountain Five Monsters.


Mo Wentian Tian did know the Five Monsters of Black Mountain. Not only did he know, but also when he was in Ancient Era, Mo Wentian had fought with Huotou Tuo and Thunder Father and Electronic Mother. However, he and the Five Monsters of Black Mountain were also considered out of blows friendship grows. , I had a fight, not at all, so I settled complaints. Of course, although I haven’t settled any complaints, I’m not a friend. At best, I only know that’s all.

“Mo Xiaoyou. “The land is fair:” See you again. “

“Momou has seen Lord Die, Shuiyue Bodhisattva, seniors. “

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