Supreme Lord

Chapter 2002

After listening to the words of the monk, Gu Qingfeng understands why the so-called Black Mountain Five Monsters are neither destined nor imperial, but if they can control nature, dare to love itself is the pregnancy of nature. The innate essence essences that came out, and after becoming essences, have been nurtured by the Dharma for many years. Not only that, but they were also enlightened by the Black Mountain mother. No wonder they all look so powerful.

In the past few years, as Gu Qingfeng’s understanding of nature and Buddhism has become deeper and deeper, he has become more and more aware that there is a certain inexplicable relationship between nature and Buddhism, and even feel that Nature is Buddhism, and Buddhism is nature, just as Buddhism is Tao and Tao is natural.

At this moment, looking at the few nature spirits who have become intensive Buddhas, Gu Qingfeng has a more thorough understanding of the Buddha’s nature.

“The strengths of the five Black Mountain monsters are deep and unmeasurable, especially the five monsters teaming up. It is simply a natural storm. There is nothing to do for you. The headache is very difficult. Magical Artifacts are all made by the Black Mountain mother using their own characteristics to collect the essence of nature, and the formidable power is even more unspeakable.”

The Daxing monk exclaimed: “They learned from Ancient Era retreat, hundreds of thousands of years ago, today’s cultivation base strength, I am afraid it is even more unimaginable, I really don’t know why the Black Mountain mother would order these five crazy spirits.”

Gu Qingfeng asked: “Crazy?”

“You can’t see that the Black Mountain five monsters are abnormal?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, he really didn’t look at it. What’s wrong with the Black Mountain Five Monsters?

“The Black Mountain five monsters except the landlord, the other four brains are abnormal. The Huotou Tuo is very temperamental, and he burns the world at every turn. It used to burn continuously. Seven or eight worlds, ten Immortal Realm, I don’t know how many people died, just because the motherfucker was in a bad mood, the cheating couple of thunder father and mother is not a good thing. Make a Heaven Shaking Thunder and get a Purple Gold battery. My favorite activity is to make chaos everywhere. There is also the Feng Si Niang, who is not a good bird. From time to time, there is a gust of shaking wind, and the shame is called a stir.”

“In a word, the Black Mountain Five Monsters, apart from Duke Duke, the other four are masters who fear that the world will not be chaotic. Before the retreat, they also messed up the West Heaven, Buddhism Eight Sects I had a headache when I saw them.”

“Really?” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, said with a smile: “Master didn’t expect the Black Mountain Five Monsters to have such a great ability. You can even mess up the western sky. Why, your Old Ancestor in the western sky didn’t come forward and kill the Black Mountain Five Monsters?”

“That would have to be killed. Natural fuse together, there are so many incarnations, there are countless innumerable, how to do it? There is no way to do it. Back then, nature can’t be killed by the decline of nature. Now that nature recovers, it is even more difficult to kill the Black Mountain Five Monsters. “

The big monk shook his head and helplessly said: “even more how Black Mountain, after all, the five monsters were trained by the Black Mountain mother. You Dao is not for the monk’s sake, but for the Buddha’s, Buddhist Eight Sects Even if the Old Ancestor can kill the Black Mountain Five Monsters, I still have to ask Black Mountain’s mother to agree or disagree.”

Gu Qingfeng has been watching for a long time, looking around, and only saw four The spirits, there are Huotuo Tuo, there are other thunder fathers and daughters, and Feng Si Niang. After looking for a long time, they did not find the earth father in the mouth of the monk, and asked: “Why didn’t I see the earth father?”

tone ba relying fell, Gu Qingfeng saw a group of three people in the distance coming towards the sky.

One of them he has met, it is Junior Sister, Shuiyue Bodhisattva.

On the left of Shuiyue Bodhisattva is an old man hunched over with a cane. Gu Qingfeng glanced at it and knew that this hunched old man should be among the five monsters of Black Mountain的地公.


Compared to the landlord, he is more interested in the person standing on the right of Suige Bodhisattva.

Is a black clothed person.

This black clothed person wears a large black robe hood, which wraps the whole person tightly, only revealing a pair of dark eyes, apart from this, nothing can be seen. A very mysterious, weird and illusory feeling.

“Do you know that black clothed person?”

Gu Qingfeng asked.

Mo Wentian shook his head and said, “I don’t know, and I have never seen it.” Closing his eyes, Mo Wentian frowned, and said: “Although Mo can sense his existence , But it was only sensed, very vague.”

What Mo Wentian said is what Gu Qingfeng wants to say, because he is the same as Mo Wentian, although he can sense the existence of a black clothed person , But it is very vague.

It feels like a very faint brilliance appears in the dark in the sky. It can be seen, but it can only be seen. I can’t touch it, let alone know where it is.

This kind of feeling is not unfamiliar to Gu Qingfeng, because the feeling Jun Xuanji gave him is also such an illusory, giving people a very unreal feeling, not only Jun Xuanji, When he was in Lingluo Tianyu earlier, he discovered that several such entities had been staring at him in secret.

As for whether these existences are some who, Gu Qingfeng is unclear for a while.


Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian both looked towards the Daxing Monk again, both of them knew that if any of them knew the identity of the black clothed person, then this person must be the Daxing Monk.

It’s just that what the two of them didn’t expect was that the Daxing Monk also shook his head in surprise and said, “Old Na doesn’t know this black clothed person either.”

Mo Wentian, who was next to him, raised his eyebrows, and then took a deep look at Gu Qingfeng. Obviously, Mo Wentian had doubts about what Daxing Seng said, while Gu Qingfeng had never believed in Daxing. monk.

“Daxing! You old bald donkey!”

In the midst of the sky, the fire head that resembles a flame giant holding a crimson knife is extremely powerful and shouts “I know you are hiding here, get out of here! Otherwise, I will make you look good!”

“Daxing, if you don’t come out again, don’t blame our siblings for being rude to you Yeah.”

Huotou Tuo, Father Lei, and Siniang Feng all uttered cruel words in the air. Seeing that the monk did not come out, the four of them were ready to make a big move. The monk forced it out. At this time, the Duke who came with Shuiyue Bodhisattva said: “You must not be rude.”

Although Duke Duke looks unremarkable, what he said is very weighty. After a word, none of the other Black Mountain four monsters continued to show off one’s military strength.

If he was just a monk, he might have been hiding, but now that Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian are here, there is no need for him to continue hiding, and he will show up directly. Of course, only he appeared, Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian not at all went out, still hiding in the Formation.

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