Supreme Lord

Chapter 1980

“What a broken thing!”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the unpolished jade stone in his palm. After studying for a long time, he did not find a reason. Looking at the direction in which Bai Chou disappeared, he shook his head. Cursed in a low voice, after putting away the stone, he left directly and set off again to the Thousand Chance Sky Territory.

Thousands of Machines Cosmos is a very ordinary Cosmos. Like many Cosmos in the Great Wilderness, it is not at all.

The reason is simple.

Thousands of Machines have neither Heavenly Paradise inheritance from ancient times nor the great wilderness giants with power all over All Heavens Myriad Realms. Most of them are rateless Immortal Realm families. There have been a lot of famous celebrities or patrons, etc., but they are just as famous. At best, they dominate the heavens. What is the big influence in All Heavens Myriad Realms not at all.

Gu Qingfeng knows that the master samsara reincarnation as the prophet of Buddhism and Taoism has reached the domain of Thousand Chances.

But I don’t know where it is in the Thousand Machines Domain.

I found out that the master was in Yunjue Temple in the Flower and Bird World after asking someone.

The flower and bird world is a secular world.

I thought that this world has flowers and birds, so it was called the flower and bird world. When Gu Qingfeng came to the flower and bird world, he discovered that this world has neither flowers nor birds, but only a series of ups and downs. The mountain range with dense forests.

Cultivation sect is not absent, people of cultivation can also see it, but compared with the prosperous ancient world, the so-called flower-and-bird world looks a bit desolate, giving Gu Qingfeng the feeling of being like the size of Ancient Era Like the Northwest, not only is it sparsely populated, but Spiritual Qi doesn’t seem to be so rich.

Yunjue Temple is located on a mountain range.

The mountain is quite lively and there are a lot of people, just like a lively town.

speaking of which.

This flower and bird world was indeed Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances in the past. It has benefited from the revival of everything in the modern and ancient times. The Spiritual Qi is also especially full. However, thousands of years ago, the flower and bird world had a powerful The natural storm, it is said that the natural storm caused the damage to the World Source. Therefore, the Spiritual Qi gradually became loose. It was also the storm that caused many sects in this world to be wiped out, causing numerous deaths and injuries, and the survivors It was also because of this world Spiritual Qi that everything that should be moved was moved away.

Since that natural storm, the flower and bird world has begun to decline, and even the declining Xian Dynasty has moved out of the world.

Everyone knows that once the immortal dynasty moves away from the world, it means that the nine-day immortal dao has given up the world, without the blessing of the nine-day immortal dao, plus the scarcity of Spiritual Qi, resulting in a more flower-and-bird world Desolate.

Thousands of years have passed, and everyone has gradually forgotten the flower and bird world, but just several decades ago, it was reported that a Buddhist prophet appeared in Yunjue Temple in the flower and bird world.

According to the prophet of Buddhism and Taoism, he has a pair of Divine Vision. He knows astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom. You can push the past and see the future. Clearly understood cause and effect, prying into the heavens, you can solve catastrophes and give directions.

The rumors are very evil.

Some people say it is fake, while others say it is true.

There is no way to know whether it is true or false.

Because the abbot of Yunjue Temple said that the Buddhist prophet had already left more than ten years ago.

After learning this news, Gu Qingfeng was surprised.

Last time the master lived in Shangqing Sect’s view of longevity and waited for him. When he rushed past, the master left.

Now the master samsara reincarnation appears at Yunjue Temple as a prophet of Buddhism and Taoism. When he arrived, the master had left again.

How could this be?

It is difficult to say that the doctor does not want to see himself?

This doesn’t make sense.

The big master has no reason to not want to see himself. If he didn’t want to see him, then the big master would not wait for him in seclusion in the view of longevity.

Since the master is waiting for himself, then there must be something to say.

But why didn’t it catch up twice.

I want to come to Gu Qingfeng, with the ability of a master, I know I will come here to find him.

What is the reason that made the master leave again.

It’s hard to say that the doctor went to samsara reincarnation again?

It’s hard to say.

The great master is the incarnation of Kṣitigarbha. He has made a great vow that hell is not empty, he vows not to become a Buddha, and he is willing to do the best of the future, guilty and suffering sentient beings, widely set up and convenient, and liberated. Reincarnation, to resolve the calamity, only to save the common people.

Gu Qingfeng can’t say whether the master is samsara reincarnation again.

Since he is here, he is not at all anxious to go, wondering if he can go to Yunjue Temple to see if he can get some news about the master.

To be honest.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t like to deal with people who practice Buddha. Whether it’s a monk in the secular world or the Buddha of the West Heaven, he doesn’t like it. It’s not because in Ancient Era, the West Heavenly Buddha Dao once criticized him. Killed him, but most of the Buddhist cultivators he has come into contact with over the years are not good birds. They like to stand on the moral high ground in the name of eliminate demons protect the dao. They are more hypocritical than the immortal dao gang of immortals. Also shameless a bit.

Perhaps there is a small group of Buddhists who really take the responsibility of guarding the common people on the road, punishing the evil and promoting the good, and hanging the pot to help the world.

However, Gu Qingfeng is still not pleasing to the eye.

He feels that these Buddhist cultivators categorize good and evil too clearly, either black or white, good or evil, and shutting up is not to persuade people to be good, or to save a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda, what else does it say turn hostility into friendship?

Whenever I heard these words, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but to get really angry, and he just hit the spot on the spot and killed him.

He is a layman, and also a very vulgar layman.

For so long in the wilderness, Gu Qingfeng has always been binge drinking the strongest wine, hooking up with the most beautiful woman, and paying attention to eating and drinking merrily.

If you have grievances ten times, you will pay back a hundred times.


When Gu Qingfeng is taking revenge, whoever persuaded him to kill will never be merciless or merciless.

Under the mountain.

Glanced at Yunjue Temple, Gu Qingfeng took out Divine Consciousness. There were not many Buddhist practitioners in Yunjue Temple, but there were more than a hundred people. He didn’t know the abbot of Yunjue Temple, nor did he know Who is? I wondered how to find a high cultivation base. After Divine Consciousness was scanned, a monk in Yunjue Temple attracted Gu Qingfeng’s attention.

The cultivation base of this monk is the highest in Yunjue Temple.

Not only is the cultivation base the highest, but also the spiritual aura on the body.

In addition to the Buddha’s breath, there is also a mess of good fortune breath.

It’s a mess.

Not only the body breath, but also the bloodline breath, good fellow! There is still an edict, wait! There is destiny, and there is true destiny!

Under Gu Qingfeng’s investigation, he was quite surprised. This monk is really evil in his destiny, not only conforming with destiny it’s person, but also the person of motherfucker, Gu Qingfeng. What is surprising is that, Turned out to be the person of original sin.

Furthermore, after the investigation, Gu Qingfeng suddenly felt that the monk was a bit familiar.

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