Supreme Lord

Chapter 1979


As Gu Qingfeng’s five fingers increased their strength, there was a crackle of crackle, and the arrow of inches shivered violently, and the blooming brilliance gradually weakened.

“hmph! Don’t be proud of you, this is just a virtual arrow shot by Cangye Banyue Bow, if I shoot a real star arrow with Cangye Banyue Bow, now you are already scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!”

“Then use your Cangye Banyue Bow to shoot an arrow of stars and let me see!”

The voice fell, Gu Qingfeng suddenly used force With a blast of ka-cha, the crystal clear and near-transparent arrow of inch-light shattered and disappeared on the spot, and the Divine Consciousness attached to the arrow turned into a gleam of light and rose into the air, shouted: “You Di, you wait for me. The day we actually meet is when I, Ye Tianxiong, will kill you!”

“In this All Heavens Myriad Realms, there are so many people who want to kill Laozi, and I have to go back. How old are you!”

Gu Qingfeng stood with his hand in hand, staring at Divine Consciousness into the air. When the murderous intention was opened, he sternly shouted, and said: “Kill me!”

With such a stern shout, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, tyrants the ancients and the modern, and instantly scatters the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke that wants to escape the Divine Consciousness shock.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the night sky, as if thinking about something.

“Cangye Banyue Bow, star-inch mans arrow, legendary possesses might of Grand Dao, Yeyue’s momentum, Power of Stars, can penetrate space barriers, unstoppable, unstoppable defense , There is nothing to break, the arrow is coming, and you are looking at it.”

A flat voice came, and the one who appeared in response was a person who was entangled in white cloth.

It is Bai Chou.

She appeared out of thin air quietly, looking at the direction of the arrow that had just been hit, and said: “Unexpectedly, the Cangye Banyue Bow just shoots a virtual arrow. With the strength of terrifying, I can’t imagine how terrifying the real star-inch-bright arrow should be.”

Cangye half moon bow, star-inch-bright arrow.

Gu Qingfeng has also heard about it. It is a kind of legendary avenue treasure.

The so-called Dao Zhongbao, also known as Da Dao Magical Artifact, is said to be when nature conceived the Three Thousand Great Daos, the ancestors who possessed great magical power were refined with Dao Tianyuan. What is produced not only contains the power of Grand Dao, but also contains the power of Grand Dao. The formidable power is extremely terrifying.


Most of these great treasures disappeared with the end of the mysterious era of the innocent era, and a small part was unknown whereabouts with the end of the barren era. Although some great treasures of the great road inherited, they were mostly incomplete. Incomplete or exhausted, even if there is no incomplete exhaustion and complete inheritance, these great treasures cannot be sacrificed by anyone who wants to sacrifice.

If you don’t have a strong strength, you can’t surrender the great treasures and forcibly sacrifice yourself, you will surely suffer from its backlash, ranging from severe injuries to the body, and scattered ashes and dispersed smoke on the spot.

Like some great wilderness giants, as well as 36 Dongtian seventy two blessed land, among them there are great treasures with complete inheritance. However, since ancient times, few people have been able to sacrifice.

As for the bow of the half moon in the dark night and the arrow of the stars, although Gu Qingfeng has heard of it, it is nothing more than that. What impression of this thing is not at all, and I don’t remember who this thing belongs to. All, even Gu Qingfeng had never heard of the self-proclaimed Ye Tianxiong Divine Consciousness just attached to the arrow of the inch.

“Cangye Banyue Bow, Star Inch Mang Arrow should be found in the ancient vestige of Heavenly Paradise, these great wilderness giants, but outsiders don’t know that’s all.”

Bai Chou whispered softly: “As for Ye Tianxiong, he may be the original sin person who has been secretly cultivated by a great desert giant, or he may be conforming with destiny it’s person, or he may be a samsara reincarnation person. Who knows? Too much, too much……”

Bai Chou looked towards Gu Qingfeng and said: “Since the ancient namelessness declared the original sin not sin in All Heavens Myriad Realms, the prelude to the era of innocence has been opened. Heavenly Paradise, Nine Nether, and Three Thousand Great Daos’s original sinners will gradually surface. It’s like this kind of thing that challenged you with the big treasure of the avenue just now. I think it’s just the beginning. There will only be more in the future. The trouble has just begun…”

Gu Qingfeng has no interest in these things, so he didn’t even bother to ask. He glanced at Bai Chou and said: “You’re looking for me?”


“No.” Bai Chou’s whole body was entangled with strips of white cloth, only a pair of eyes that looked like an abyss appeared, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and said: “It’s just… to send you off.”

“Send me?”

Gu Qingfeng laughed.

“Why? Can’t it work?”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t speak, he knew that Bai Chou appeared, it was definitely not just a gift for himself.

Sure enough.

After a while, Bai Chou asked: “Are you… determined to get rid of the original sin?”

Gu Qingfeng did not hide it, nodded said bluntly: “Yes. “

“If you want to get rid of original sin, you must first become the original sin.”

“I know.”

“But after becoming the original sin, you are the original sin , How do you get rid of yourself?”

“I don’t know.”

“Have you thought about the consequences?”


“If you haven’t thought about the consequences, you might as well look at me.” Bai Chou said: “I was the same as you back then, I only wanted to get rid of the original sin, but after becoming the original sin, I finally realized that I couldn’t get rid of myself. , I don’t want to be lost, and I don’t want to be a puppet of original sin. Therefore, I am now like this.”

“It’s okay to be like you.” Gu Qingfeng looked up and down Bai Chou said seriously: “Gai Minger, if I really cannot get rid of the original sin in the end, I will also find Gu Wuming to order me a white cloth, no! I want black cloth, when the time comes, we two one black one white , You can make a combination, it’s called Black and White Impermanence.”

Bai Chou said: “I didn’t make a joke with you. You must persist in your own wrong doings. You can’t get rid of the original sin at all.”

“You are you, and I am me.” Gu Qingfeng responded indifferently: “We are not the same.”

“We are all the original sinners, within the The body is flowing with the same blood of original sin. You are the original sin variable, and I am also the original sin variable. Why is it different.”

“Because you are a woman, I am a man, your name is Bai Chou, and my name is Gu Qingfeng, so we are different.”


Bai Chou glared at Gu Qingfeng, feeling speechless, she shook her head and said: “I’m here this time. I didn’t persuade you.”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“We are not relatives and you are not me Okay, I’m not your lover either, so what do you persuade me to do.”


Bai Chou laughed blankly and said, “This is the truth.”

“What’s the matter, I have to hurry up, Lord.”

“Someone asked me to bring you something.” As he spoke, Bai Chou waved his hand. When the brilliance flickers, G u Qingfeng raised his hand and grabbed it. With five fingers spread out, there is a stone in his palm. The stone is very ordinary, like a natural unpolished jade that has not been carved. There is no strange place. At least, Gu Qingfeng can’t see it.

“What is this stuff?”

“I don’t know.”

“Who asked you to bring it to me?”

“You will know in the future, take care, I am leaving.”

The voice fell, Bai Chou’s silhouette gradually disappeared, and the voice came: “I hope you will be the same when you see you again. “

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