Supreme Lord

Chapter 1975

Cang Yan knows.

An ancient nameless bet once in the era of no way. If anyone participated in the gambling of this era and what the bet is, Cangyan may not know, the only thing he knows is in that gambling. Eternal Wuming not only lost everything, but also lost his soul and self.

“You took a gamble in the era of innocence in the past, do you want to gamble again in the era of innocence in the future?”

Cang Yan’s voice came. , Gu Wuming shook his head and said: “I have lost nothing to lose. I won’t bet anymore, I don’t dare to gamble anymore, and I am not qualified to bet the last one.”

” I have lost nothing to lose, why not give it a go.” Cang Yan said: “Anyway, there is nothing. Even if the last bet is still lost, the situation will not be worse than it is now.”

An Gu Wuming stared at Cangyan, and said: “Are you persuading me to bet the last one?”

“You are already betting the last one.” Cang Yan and Qian Gu Wuming stared at each other and asked back Said: “Isn’t it?”

The ancient nameless silence for a moment, and three words softly returned: “Perhaps.”

“You didn’t break Gu Tianlang into the market back then. Instead, when it was renamed Gu Qingfeng, you had already decided to gamble for the last time.”

“When Wudao Mountain came, you watched him ignite the original sin karma without interference. , You have entered this gambling game.”

“When you decide to meet him in person, I know that you have started to bet.”

Walking slowly in this world in the darkness like this, listening to what Cang Yan said, he responded: “Perhaps…”


Cang Yan was faint laughed and said: “When you declare that the original sin is not a crime to this All Heavens Myriad Realms, this gambling has already kicked off…”

“The prelude to this gambling is ten thousand years late For a long time.” The ancients stopped without a name, looking up at the night sky, and said: “It should have been opened as early as the beginning of this ancient era.”

Cang Yan asked: “Then why did you not pull the curtain until now? Open it?”

“I didn’t open the prologue.” The ancient nameless said: “It’s him.”

“It’s true.”

Cang Yan helplessly said: “Back when Wudao Mountain came, he lit the original sin karma fire and awakened the original sin, and he had already started the prelude, but…he had been sleeping for ten thousand years, and the prelude that had already been opened also ended. “

Speaking, shook her head, Cang Yan couldn’t help but sighed, and then said: “Whether it’s a great wilderness giant, or Heavenly Paradise, or samsara reincarnation, it’s still a disaster. , The people of original sin that have been cultivated have grown up and take on their own.”

“This is just the great wilderness giants and Heavenly Paradise, apart from this, Nine Nether, forbidden land Ho ly Land, ruins of ruins, heaven and hell, abyss of purgatory…the original sin of these existences is even more terrifying…even terrifying beyond imagination. “

“All kinds of supreme treasures, all kinds of primordial bloodline, all kinds of taboo avenues, all kinds of Divine Weapon Magical Artifact, all kinds of True Spirit incarnation, Divine Consciousness…”

Cang Yan murmured, looking particularly helpless, and said: “Just thinking about it is already a headache…”

Next to it.

Ancient silence He said nothing, just looked at the night sky and didn’t speak.

Cang Yan suddenly asked: “Those ancient clansman, have you found… Divine bow to destroy the magic arrow? “

The ancient nameless shook his head and said: “There shouldn’t be. “

“Should? Cang Yan said: “Don’t you know?” “

“If they find the Divine Bow Killing Arrow, the first one to shoot is me. “An ancient nameless very said in a tranquil voice: “Now that I am still alive, it means they haven’t found it yet.” “

“You said that the Divine Bow will definitely be born. “

“I definitely will. “The ancient nameless said affirmatively: “With the opening of the era of innocence, not only the divine bow will be born, but the Donghuang Bell, Xuanyuan Sword, Pangu Axe, Monster Refining Pot, Clear Sky Tower, Shennong Cauldron, Kongtong Seal, Kunlun Mirror, Nuwa Stone… will be born one after another…”


Cangyan didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, I don’t know how to describe it. My feelings at this moment.

“What should be born will eventually be born…what should happen will happen after all, and no one can stop it…everything is already doomed. “

“Fate no longer exists, how is all this destined? “

“Although destiny is not there, cause and effect depend on it. “

“Causality is a disordered cause and effect. “

“No matter how confused the cause and effect is, it is still cause and effect…”

This time it was Cangyan’s turn to be silent, and she sighed then said again and asked: “No name, I Can I ask you a question? “

An ancient nameless lightly saying: “You want to ask who I am putting the bet on. Is it Little Jin’er or him, right?” “

Cang Yan is nodded, she really wanted to ask this question, and said: “When leaving, he asked you whether Little Jin’er was the variable of original sin…and asked Little Jin’er if it was possible Becoming the Allah of Original Sin, this question… I also want to know. “

“Not only you, I also want to know. “

“Don’t you know what kind of existence Little Jin’er is?” “

“I don’t know. “

“Jin’er…isn’t it the Allah of Original Sin?” “

“I hope Little Jin’er is. “

“Hope? “

Cang Yan was surprised by the unknown answer, “Why?” “

“Because Little Jin’er is too terrifying if it is not the original sin… “

Cang Yan thought about it carefully, but couldn’t figure out this ancient and unknown sentence, and asked: “You mean Little Jin’er, if it’s not Allah of Original Sin, Gu Qingfeng… May become the original sin of Allah, so very terrifying? “

“If Gu Qingfeng becomes the Allah of Original Sin…Perhaps it will not be so terrifying, but it is a pity…It shouldn’t be chosen him. If he wants to become Allah of Original Sin, he can only be taken by force. , And the hope of success is very slim, even less than our chance of becoming the Allah of Original Sin. “

Cang Yan became more confused as she listened, and continued to ask: “Why is this again?” “

Ancient Wuming didn’t answer this question, but murmured: “The existence of Little Jin’er…maybe beyond our imagination. “

I don’t understand.

Cangyan is still confused.

Ancient Wuming called Cangyan’s name and asked: “You want to open Taoist era? “

Perhaps I didn’t expect that Eternal Wuming would suddenly ask such a question. Cangyan couldn’t help but startled, and she answered not at all directly, but instead asked, “Don’t you want it?” “

Ancient Wuming also didn’t answer directly, and asked the same: “Why do you want to open the era of innocence?” “

“Like you, I also want to find myself. After answering, Cang Yan asked again, “Isn’t it stumping you?” “

“If you open the era of innocence, after you find yourself, but you find that the self you find is not the self you want, what shall you do? “

“I haven’t thought about this question, how about you, have you thought about it? “

“I thought about it, but I don’t know what to do. “

Cang Yan stared at the ancient nameless in a very suspicious manner, and asked: “Why are you talking upside down today? “

“I don’t know why, I just feel so confused…”

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