Supreme Lord

Chapter 1974

Gu Qingfeng did not speak any more, but walked out of the pavilion and walked to the house in the yard. When he stepped onto the steps, he suddenly stopped and said: “Jin’er is also the person of original sin.”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t seem to be asking, at least, the tone was not, the tone was not, but Eternal Wuming answered him: “Yes.”

“Jin’er is also a variable person.”


“Jin’er may also become…The God of Original Sin.”


Gu Qingfeng said three In other words, Gu Wuming also answered three yes.

“Tomorrow I will ask Jin’er, if she stays, let her stay. If she wants to go with you, I will not force it.”

Then, Gu Qingfeng opened the door and walked in.

Following the bang, the door was closed tightly, and this conversation between Gu Qingfeng and the unnamed late arrival came to an end.

While Eternal Nameless and Cangyan did not stay long, after the two left Red Clouds Sect, Eternal Namelessness raised his head slightly and closed his eyes, as if feeling something, as if recalling something. After a long time, she sighed deeply.

Sigh is sorrow, sigh is helpless.

Sighing is hesitating, and sighing is also at a loss.

Next to it.

Cang Yan also sighed. The difference is that she sighed as if she was relieved, muttering: “Talking to this guy is really a painful thing. After all this time, I’m physically and mentally exhausted…”

“Walk around with me.”

An ancient unknown voice came, Cangyan nodded, she knew, Talking with Gu Qingfeng, even myself is exhausted physically and mentally. I am afraid that the ancient nameless is even more so. This conversation seems to be an ordinary chat, in fact, Cangyan knows in his heart that the ancient nameless has been under tremendous pressure, especially Talking with Gu Qingfeng, it is not an exaggeration to call it fearful.

Because every word and meaning expressed in Gu Qingfeng’s ears, every word and meaning expressed by the ancient nameless, may have a great impact on this All Heavens Myriad Realms, this great way of life, and even this ancient era. Cause unknown terrifying effects.

Are you exaggerating?


No exaggeration at all.

Gu Qingfeng’s existence is too special. It’s so special that every word and deed, even a single thought, will cause unimaginable consequences. This consequence includes whether the Three Thousand Great Daos will perish, whether the ancient era will end, nothing Whether the Taoist era has begun…

This is also the fundamental reason why the eternal and unknown reluctance to meet Gu Qingfeng for so long, because she is afraid.

I am not only afraid of being confused by Gu Qingfeng’s causal relationship with me, but also afraid that my words and deeds will affect Gu Qingfeng’s heart.

“Whether we admit it or not, fate can sometimes make fun of people.” Cangyan sighed: “Since ancient times, that many people of original sin, that many variables of original sin, why is he alone? It’s really ironic when I think about it. Many original sin variables have spent my whole life searching for original sin. In order to become the Allah of Original Sin, at all costs, even willing to sell my soul, in the end… it is a big dream. In a game, there is no way to ask, some scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, some lost themselves, some became puppets of original sin…”

“And this guy, rejects cause and effect, resists With destiny, not to seek original sin, but to get rid of original sin all the time, the result… not only did not get rid of it, but it got deeper and deeper, so deep that it was impossible to extricate itself, and it was so deeply related to the fate of the era of innocence…”

“There is no way to search for original sin, but to get rid of original sin is getting deeper and deeper. This is really… too ironic.”


The ancient nameless unfathomable mystery said three words: “He does not fight.”

hearing this, Cangyan startled, questioning: “He does not fight?”

“Struggle is not to fight, not to fight is to fight, husband is not to fight, and the world cannot fight with it.” The ancient nameless murmured: “His do as one pleases mindset is inaction, and inaction is the great way. He…perhaps he has peeked out the true meaning of the Dao.”

“The existence of this guy is really incredible!” Cangyan asked: “It’s just… the Dao of Wuwei that he spied out is unintentional or intentional. “

“If it is intentional, it is impossible to do as one pleases, nor to let the flow go.”

“It is true.” Cang Yan also sighed: ” Whether it’s going with the flow or doing as one pleases, it’s unintentional, everything is free, and only unintentionally may be able to see the true meaning of the Dao’s inaction.”

When it comes to this, Cang Yan Shaking his head, sighed helplessly.

“Why sigh?” The ancient nameless asked: “Do you think fate is unfair?”

“Fate is unfair.” Cangyan helplessly said with a bitter smile: “I think I have been searching the avenue for endless years, and have not been able to step into the door of the avenue, and that guy stepped into the door of the avenue casually. Do you say that fate is fair?”

“Fate is fair. “An ancient nameless asked: “If you want to exchange with him, would you like it?”


“He must be willing.”

Cang Yan asked again: “Don’t talk about me, what about you, would you like to exchange with him?”

“I don’t want to.”

” Come on.”

The ancient nameless wandered slowly in the night sky of this world, muttering to himself: “He has too many things on his back, and too heavy…not only him, all the original sins This is true for all variables, but most of the original sin variables are either lost in their minds, lost in themselves, or overwhelmed by what they are carrying… Only he has neither lost mind nor lost self, let alone lost. I was crushed, and I still maintain a normal heart. To be honest, I really admire him.”

“Just admire him, don’t move other thoughts, let alone be like Huaer It’s the same, and I gradually admire it in my heart…”

hearing this, he looked at Cangyan helplessly and shook his head again.

“Okay, no kidding, but one thing, I especially want to know, do you regret that you didn’t beat him into the Guixu? If you beat him into the Guixu, then The situation of the times may be different.”

“It’s really different. If I had beaten him into the ruins back then, the situation in modern and ancient times may not be as bad as it is now, but it may be even worse than it is now. Oops, I don’t know what the situation will be like in modern and ancient times. I don’t dare to bet because I don’t know.”

“You have always been very courageous.”


“I am timid because I can’t afford to lose.”

“You always say you can’t afford to lose, but you never lose.”

“I I have gambled and lost. I gambled once a long time ago. The bet is mine. As a result, I lost and lost everything.”

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