Supreme Lord

Chapter 1915

“Oh, when did the Youdi big brother become so humble? Your servant knows that the Youdi big brother has always been very romantic. He often dazzles with a lot of Empresses. What is Empress? What is Empress? There is Empress Empress…Netherworld Empress, even Saintess Empress in ancient times has a deep affection for Youdi big brother.”

“No way.” Gu Qingfeng sat on a chair with a mysterious woman in his arms Xiaoman waist shrugged, and said: “Why is the charm of the Lord so great.”

Raising the index finger to lift the chin of the mysterious woman, evil said with a smile: “Not even you I am a black liquid Empress who is also fascinated by my grandfather now.”

“he he he……youdi big brother is really romantic……”

“Of course, as the old saying goes, people are not in vain! Hahaha!”

Gu Qingfeng laughed loudly, holding the black liquid Empress in one hand, and the Dragon Cauldron wine glass in the other. After a while, I looked at the obsidian tripod on the table again, and said, “You guy who drinks alcohol looks great.”

“Do you like the big brother Youdi?” black Liquid Empress is nestled in Gu Qingfeng’s arms. The silky silk robe is bare with fragrant shoulder, and her chest is faintly discernible. She lifts a flourishing jade hand and strokes Gu Qingfeng’s plain cheek, a pair of attracting spirit seizing soul He stared into Gu Qingfeng’s eyes charmingly, and said softly: “If your emperor big brother likes it, your servant can give it to you.”

“Really?” Gu Qingfeng squinted. The black liquid Empress looked carefully at Heiyao’s three-legged tripod, and said: “Such a good thing, are you willing to give it to the Lord?”

Black liquid Empress got up and sat on Gu Qingfeng’s lap, with his hands hooked to Gu Qingfeng’s neck, and his cheeks moved closer, his sexy flames’ lips almost pressed to Gu Qingfeng He said softly: “Your servant’s people are all from the big brother of Youdi, so what can I not give up…”

As he said, the black liquid Empress was about to kiss. Suddenly, A finger was erected in front of the mysterious woman’s lips. The finger was Gu Qingfeng’s finger. He said with a smile: “Sister, I am a serious person. “

“Your servant didn’t say that Youdi’s big brother is not serious…”

“That’s true. “

“Youdi big brother, come…” The black liquid Empress pushed Gu Qingfeng’s finger away and insisted on kissing.

“What anxiously. “Gu Qingfeng refused, summoned two glasses of Dragon Cauldron wine, and said: “Let’s have a glass of wine first. “

“Okay…your servant listens to the big brother of Youdi…”

On the black liquid mountain, Gu Qingfeng and mysterious woman are in full view of the public. At this moment, Gu Qingfeng’s bohemian look looks like a wandering son, and the charming and charming look of the mysterious woman looks like a fox and demonic girl.

This scene brings together in the Lingluo Tianyu. Everyone in sky is very uncomfortable, especially some women, who bow their heads, turn around, or close their eyes, sorry to look again.

“He damn it! “

Among the crowd, the old bachelor Huo De looks blushing and swears in his heart.

Guy boy has a big heart too!


Lingluo Tianyu does not know how many experts lie dormant, Three Thousand Great Daos is also staring at him, and this kid actually hugs and hugs the black liquid Empress of Rao Shizi, and motherfucker drank a cup of wine.

This guy, one will give him a hug, and the other will not refuse.

One is coquettish and charming, the other is bohemian.

One is better than one to have no shame!

Thanks to so many people watching, otherwise, looking at this posture, it is possible for these two to strip the clothes and dry directly.

This is too motherfucker to be unscrupulous, regardless of the law and of natural morality!

Clearly knowing that Three Thousand Great Daos is staring here, and motherfucker is doing this, I don’t take Three Thousand Great Daos in my eyes.

In the distance.

Tian Xian Yun Wan looked at Gu Qingfeng and black liquid Empress on the black liquid mountain, maybe she also continued to look sorry, turned around, and muttered something in her mouth. What? Asked again: “Lian Grandmother of Flowers, do you know this black liquid Empress is who? “

Lian Grandmother of Flowers is, after all, an Old Senior who has been cultivation for many years. Looking at what is happening on the black liquid mountain, there are too many mood swings in a pair of calm and composed eyes, she shook her head , Said: “The old man has never heard of black liquid Empress. “

“Mother, can’t you see through?” “

“Can’t see through. “

“Can’t even see the mother-in-law?” Yun Wan said in surprise: “Then she will be who?” “

“I am afraid that its existence is beyond my imagination. “

“Then what does she intend to do this time?” Isn’t it…really just looking for Youdi like this…”

“It should not be! “Lian Grandmother of Flowers shook his head again, and said: “As for what happened to her appearance this time, the old man couldn’t understand for a while. “

“Mother-in-law! There is one more thing, I don’t understand. “Yun Wan frowned and asked: “The Imperial Capital has appeared, and a lot of mysterious powerhouses dormant in the Lingluo Tianyu have emerged. Three Thousand Great Daos is also staring here, but… why is it so quiet? They all seem to be waiting for something. “

“You are right, they are indeed waiting. “

“What are you waiting for? “

“Waiting for an opportunity. “

“When is it?” “

“When is the time, there are too many terrifying existences behind this incident, and they have only one purpose to fuel the flames, and that is to provoke the nine-day immortal dao war with the emperor You, exactly It is said that some people want to use the nine days immortal dao to test the original sin of the emperor You emperor, and some people want to use the emperor you to cause turmoil in the wilderness and push the nine days immortal dao from the position at the head of the avenue. “

Lian Grandmother of Flowers looked at the crowd gathered in the void of Lingluo Tianyu, and said: “If the old man guesses well, someone will stand up later and use the help of condemning the name of the emperor. Asking the nine days immortal dao, as long as someone dares to stand up, then the people who lie dormant in the dark will respond one after another, and there are many people who want You Emperor to die without reincarnation. “

Close her eyes, Granny Lianhu said: “There are Heavenly Paradise like Dandinggu, there are also Great Immortal Realm like True Martial Immortal Realm, and there are such ancient inheritances as the Aristocratic Family. Clan, there are too many existences who want You Emperor to die, they all hate You Emperor, and they all want to take this opportunity to force Jiutian Immortal Dao to do it. “

“It’s just that these existences are hidden deep, and they won’t show up easily, and they don’t dare to show up, so that’s why Sheng Yang Gong was pushed out. “

paused, and looked towards Shengyang Duke surrounded by a group of heavenly officials, Lotus Grandmother of Flowers said again: “Originally, Shengyang Duke is the best candidate to denounce You Emperor. The staff are all over the universe, the power is in the hands, and they don’t say anything. They are both the Tianyu Controller and the immortal dao Ruler. The time and place are right and the people are all available. If he appears to criticize, other people will help the flames, and the momentum will rise suddenly. Unfortunately, those The existence dormant in the dark, no one would have thought that Lord Sheng Yang was too afraid of Youdi, did not hold on to it at the last critical juncture, was frightened and paralyzed. “

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