Supreme Lord

Chapter 1914

Looking at this scene.

Everyone gathered in the void of Lingluo’s universe couldn’t believe their eyes.

Who is Shengyang Gong.

That is the Old Senior of Ancient Era, cultivated hundreds of thousands of years, the power has been in the hands of the people, the protégés are all over the universe, it is the Controller of Lingluo Tianyu, and the Ruler of Lingluo immortal dao. With these two noble identities, Sheng Yang Gong is the God of Lingluo Tianyu. As long as he is in Lingluo Tianyu, he is absolutely not afraid of anyone.

No matter how strong your cultivation base is, and how mysterious your good fortune, even if it’s the Avenue Star Monarch, and even the Avenue Throne to the Lingluo Tianyu, you will have to be afraid of Shengyanggong 30%, because everyone knows that Tianyu’s law and immortal How powerful the dao law is, it is not something that can be resisted by personal strength.

And this is the Shengyang Duke, facing You Emperor, but forcibly frightened Qiqiao hemorrhage kneels in the air.

I was so frightened.

Everyone can see clearly that Shengyang Gong can’t bear the fear in his heart, causing his mind to collapse, his blood spurts countercurrently, hemorrhages from the seven orifices, and his fleshy body is involuntarily paralyzed.

And in the meantime.

Youdi just walked slowly, talking and laughing.

He didn’t have any cultivation base all over his body. He didn’t do anything. Even if the tone of speech was as gentle as the spring breeze, there was a sense of leisure and ease in his speech and behavior.

But it was such an ordinary Youdi who couldn’t be more ordinary. He even scared God Shengyang from Lingluo Tianyu into bleeding.

Looking at the desolate Sage Yang, who was kneeling in the sky, and at the terrified heavenly immortal officials, everyone in the field thought this scene was extremely funny and extremely irony.

Not long ago, Shengyang Duke once again announced the Tianyu, and it was all under martial law, and even took the big sun dragon’s scorpion and took the Tianyu immortal official to search for the whereabouts of the emperor. What a prestige, for this reason, I did not hesitate to go against the will of Jiutian immortal dao and searched in the ancient world, and even Saintess Empress and Empress of Nature were not given the face, saying that for the sake of the common people, I would kill the Emperor at all costs and kill the people. .

Now You Di is here.

The soul flew away and scattered all those heavenly immortal officials frightened, all hid away, and Shengyang Gong himself was frightened and bleeds.

In the face of You Emperor, they didn’t even have the guts to do anything, and they couldn’t even stand firmly. How could they kill You Emperor for the Dao people?

This is not a big irony. What is it?

In the distance.

Gu Qingfeng came.

There was a faint smile on his face.

The red leaf demon fruit is eating in his mouth.

Taking a leisurely pace under my feet.

A white clothed dress wins snow, and three thousand long hair is like ink.

Talking and laughing leisurely, Heavenly Wolf is not in the breeze.

This is Gu Qingfeng here, both of his hands are behind him, coming slowly, raised hand and beckoned, Heavenly Lingjian and immortal dao Lingjian in Shengyang Gong’s hand appear instantly His hands.

“I heard that you are the Old Senior of Ancient Era. It’s been 100,000 years since the cultivation. Old Seniors like you have to either retreat and learn about the road, or live in seclusion for some leisure. Days, or children and grandchildren can enjoy the happiness of family.”

Gu Qingfeng played with two rules, Lingjian, and said: “What do you think you are tossing about, and what is there to toss about? Why? Why do you have to toss, toss and toss, you can’t toss me, if you can be tossed to death, you will have been tossed to death long ago, and there is no turn to toss.”

“I said just now that I will give you a chance today. If you dare to do it, the Lord will not kill you, but you dare not do it. So, today, your fortune tells you to the end.”

Gu Qingfeng played with the two laws of Lingjian for a while, as if he had no interest, and after shaking his hand, he still held the two Lingjians in front of Shengyang, as casual as they were still two branches.

“You have tossed these two lingjians all your life, and I will return them to you now. Take advantage of this time, go and explain your own funeral, and then come back and die, just as your master. In the copy of your cultivation hundreds of thousands, I will give you a face.”

Gu Qingfeng came.

I just walked here, I never stopped under my feet, and when I passed by Shengyang, I didn’t even look at it.

“Youdi big brother has always been cold and ruthless, killing people like scything flax, and regards life as grass and mustard.” On the black liquid mountain, the mysterious woman still leaned back on a chair with her elbows on the table, Fingers propped his forehead, his legs slightly bent, a charming face with a wicked smile, holding a Dragon Cauldron wine glass in his hand, said with a smile: “When did the big brother Youdi become so kind? It’s done.”

“I’m kind, but the heavens don’t allow me. I have to force my good to be a prostitute. What can I do?” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “What do you mean, eldest sister, is this the truth? “

“I’m kind, but the heavens don’t allow me to force me to be a prostitute…he he he!”

Mysterious woman gave out a playful laugh, which was like the laugh of a hell devil With the same sound, the laughing person’s scalp numb, have one’s hair stand on end, and like an angel from heaven laughing, the laughing person’s heart is rippling, and the heart is fluctuating. The mysterious woman raised her head slightly, looking up at the sky, and said: “Everyone can hear After what my Youdi big brother said, he he he he…it’s so good.”

Walking to the water of Black Mountain, Gu Qingfeng stopped suddenly.

“Come on, my dear Youdi big brother, come up, your servant has been waiting for you.”

“This mountain looks familiar.”



Gu Qingfeng raised his foot on the black liquid mountain. When the toes fell, the black moss on the black liquid mountain undulated like a swamp, like seaweed floating on the sea. ripple.

“Of course you are familiar with your big brother. You have been here before.”

“Are there?”

Gu Qingfeng has already gone to the black liquid On the top of the mountain, I was not polite. I found a chair and sat opposite the mysterious woman, and asked, “Why don’t you remember this?”

“Of course.”

Mysterious woman changed her posture, looked at Gu Qingfeng on the opposite side, and said: “Did you forget the big brother Youdi? You are drinking with your servant on this black liquid mountain.”

“Speaking of this black liquid mountain, Lord, I’ve been up there. As for drinking with your arm around you, I don’t have any impression of this matter.”

” hehe .”

Mysterious woman swept a smile across her mouth, holding a glass of Dragon Cauldron wine, got up and walked to Gu Qingfeng’s side, then bent back, nestled in Gu Qingfeng’s arms, her eyes blurred And looking at the mysterious woman provocatively, including said with a smile: “Isn’t your big brother hugging your servant on the black liquid mountain now?”

Gu Qingfeng looked startled and laughed blankly. Said: “Dare to love here waiting for the master, let alone, master, I have lived for most of my life, hooked up with a lot of big girls, I think the ability to slap girls is not bad, I saw you today, I know there are Mountain, there is a heaven beyond heaven.”

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