Supreme Lord

Chapter 1889

Shengyang Duke first knows with affection, and then moves with reason, advising Mo Ruyi.


Mo Ruyi is one sentence from beginning to end. The ancient world belongs to Nine Heavens, and he only listens to the will of Nine Heavens. There is no will of Nine Heavens.

Shengyang Duke buckled one big hat after another, as small as maintaining world order, as large as guarding the safety of the common people, placing himself at a moral commanding height, so as to use morality to kidnap, if not cooperate He, then I’m sorry, Heavenly Venerate, and I’m sorry for the world.


Mo Ruyi looks like neither water nor fire can approach, and she doesn’t eat hard or soft, and she won’t be indifferent if you say that it’s too big.

This time.

Shengyang’s face is a bit ugly, not only can’t bear his face, but also can’t get off the stage.

After all, he came here this time on a big sun dragon, and he brought hundreds of Celestial Elders and tens of thousands of Celestial Celestial officials. Before coming, he had expected that Dingmo Ruyi was a difficult bone. Sheng Yang has been in Lingluo Tianyu for so many years, he naturally knows that the existence of the ancient world is more complicated, and can be canonized by Jiu Tian as the lord of the ancient world, and he can also let Jiu Tian separate the ancient world, Sheng Yang knows The existence of Mo Ruyi is definitely not simple.

Because of knowing, it is only for such a big show today, not only to shock Mo Ruyi, but also to let the other party know how resolute his attitude is.

It’s just that Shengyang Gong did not expect that he was the ruler of Lingluo Tianyu. For the sake of the overall situation, he was 30% courteous, and this Mo Ruyi didn’t even give any face. !

Although Shengyang Gong was unwilling in his heart, he was helpless.

After all, Jiutian has a will. The ancient world is not under the jurisdiction of Lingluo Tianyu’s fairy court mansion. Even if he is the Great Elder of Tianyu, he is both the Controller of the Tianyu Law and the Ruler of immortal Dao. Dare to blatantly violate Jiu Tian’s will.

“Since your immortal dynasty refuses to cooperate, the old man will naturally not reluctantly, but…”

After thinking about it, Shengyang Gong can only retreat to second place, said solemnly: “The ancient world is the hometown of the criminal of Naiyou Emperor. The old man suspects that he might be hiding here. If your ancient Immortal refuses to come forward to search, then the old man will do it yourself. Although Jiutian has the will, you will not be the ancient world. Under the jurisdiction of our Lingluo Tianyu, but the old man, the Great Elder who dominates Lingluo Tianyu, should be eligible to search here, right?”

“Shengyang Gong.”

Mo Ruyi Staring at Sheng Yang, his tone was still very flat, and he said: “I advise you not to mess around in the ancient world. If something happens, you can’t afford it.”

“ha ha ha ha! “

Shengyang laughed loudly and proudly said: “As the celestial domain in charge of the Great Elder, the old man is responsible for guarding the safety of the Lingluo celestial domain, immortal dao, the old man is willing to striving to the Utmost, after death, even if something big happens, the old man alone will bear it. There is no responsibility that the old man can afford!”

The voice fell.

Shengyang Duke waved his big hand, shouted: “Go!”

Watching Duke Shengyang take a group of grandiose’s heavenly officials to leave and stand on the big sun dragon In the air, Mo Ruyi shook his head slightly, and said: “It seems to be righteous and selfless, but in reality it is wild ambition, dominating the court, greedy for fame and fortune, nine days immortal dao, if you fall, you pedantic and ignorant people will definitely make great contributions. .”

A light smile crossed the corner of the mouth, as if a little contemptuous, and muttered to himself: “In ancient times, you shouldn’t be dead. In ancient times, you may not have such good luck. God’s sins can be forgiven. You can’t live in sin.”

Speaking, Mo Ruyi looked towards Northwest, that direction is Red Clouds Sect, and murmured: “I don’t know how much stormy sea he wants to set off in the great wasteland this time. “

“He knows that someone behind this incident is fueling the flames. The purpose is to use him to mess up the wasteland, and to use nine days to test his original sin. He knows, he must know, but since he knows, why Still insistent on this?”

“Does he want to take revenge on the nine-day immortal dao, or does he also want to disrupt the great wilderness Heaven and Earth?”

Slightly shook his head, Mo Ruyi sighed. Sigh, then said: “If he just wanted to retaliate for the nine-day immortal dao, that would be fine… But if his purpose was not just to retaliate against the immortal dao, it would have been too bad.”

In the air.

Duke Shengyang took the big sun dragon scorpion and took a group of grandiose officials to the center of the world.

“Shengyang, where are we going now?”

“Naturally, it is Shangqing Sect.” Shengyanggong’s voice came from inside the Da Rilong Nian, saying: “You The sinner of Emperor You used to be in Shangqing Sect cultivation, and I heard that he had a Master who lived in Shangqing Sect as well. It is said that every time You Emperor came back, he would come to Shangqing Sect to visit his Master. If the sinner of You Emperor died and came back to life , His Master must know.”


A Tianyu Elder on the side was quite worried and said: “Shangqing Sect’s background is too complicated. If we rashly If you go to search, will it be a little wrong?”

Shangqing Sect is not only the number one Sect of the ancient world, but also the First Sect of the Lingluo Tianyu, even here in All Heavens Myriad Realms. number one Sect.

This number one Sect.

Not only does it mean that there are many disciplines and huge influence, but also, if the background is complex, Shangqing Sect is definitely a well-deserved First Sect.

As for how complicated the background of Shangqing Sect is, it can definitely scare you to death.

According to the legend, behind Shangqing Sect is Shangqingdong, one of the 36 cave days, and behind Shangqingdong is Shangqingtian, one of the nine heavens, and behind Shangqingtian is the real Heavenly Dao, the overlord of Heaven and Earth.

Despite the modern and ancient times, immortal dao is known as the leader of the avenue and dominates the great wilderness of Heaven and Earth.

But it’s just a name.

In other words, it is the head of the avenue in name. Heavenly Dao still dominates Heaven and Earth. The reason is simple. Heaven and Earth Source has always been dominated by Heavenly Dao, and only Heaven and Earth Earth Source, the real hegemon of Heaven and Earth.

It’s just that Heavenly Dao has been asleep in Ancient Era. Even if the ages are opened for thousands of years, Heavenly Dao has never recovered. There is little news about Heavenly Dao in the great wilderness, so many people think Heavenly Dao has really fallen. As for whether Heavenly Dao has fallen or not, no one knows, except that the immortal dao has been managing the law of order of All Heavens Myriad Realms for thousands of years.

Because of this, there is a saying of nine days immortal dao. Many people in modern and ancient times also think that immortal dao represents nine days, and nine days is immortal dao.

Not really.

Nine Heavens is the Bright Holy Land, and also Nine Layers Heaven, and immortal dao is nothing but the mysterious heaven that’s all that dominates one of the nine heavens.

Apart from this, Buddhism and Taoism also dominate the Western Heaven, one of the nine heavens.

And Heavenly Dao also rules the sky, one of the nine days.

Because of the ancient times, Heavenly Dao has awakened and has not recovered, and Buddhism and Taoism are also in a semi-hidden state. Only the immortal dao has been relatively high-profile in the nine days. It is also known as the head of the avenue and is in charge of the Heaven and Earth order. Over time, in the mind of many people, immortal dao also represents nine days.

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