Supreme Lord

Chapter 1888


A sound of dragon’s roar resounded throughout the ancient world.

I saw a huge monster soaring in the air.

The head resembles a camel, its horns resemble a deer, its eyes resemble a rabbit, its ears resemble a cow, its neck resembles a snake, its belly resembles a mirage, its scales resemble a carp, its claws resemble an eagle, its palms resemble a tiger, and its mouth has a beard and chin. There is a pearl under the throat and a reverse scale under the throat, call the wind and summon the rain.

Good guy!

This turned out to be a dragon!

A silver white dragon.

This White Dragon soar into the clouds and mount the mists, shuttles through the clouds, just like roaring in the sea of ​​clouds, accompanied by billowing lightning and thunder, the mighty fairy power makes people tremble even more.

This holy White Dragon is pulling a huge giant dragon, which looks like a sacred big sun.

This is obviously a noble dragon.

This dragon nun is holy light. At first glance, it is the great day dragon nun bestowed by nine heavens.

In the Great Wilderness, only those who have made great contributions to the Jiutian immortal dao can receive the Jiutian rewards.

This is a very high honor. It is no exaggeration to say that riding on this big sun dragon can simply walk unhindered in the great wilderness, even if it is the Avenue Star Monarch, you have to pay 30 courtesy to see the big sun dragon. %, it can be said to be very noble.

And looking at the entire Lingluo Tianyu, the only person who has such honor, since ancient times, is Shengyang.

To say that the ostentation of this Lord Sage Yang is really big enough.

Not only is riding on the noble big sun dragon wing, dozens on both sides of the sky Elder follow, all directions also have tens of millions of sky domain officials clearing the way, it must be more prestigious and prestigious Big.

The people gathered in the ancient world are hiding far away, looking at the big sun dragons above the clouds, with envy and awe in their hearts.

“The Holy Sun is coming, the officials of the ancient world immortal dynasty are not coming to pick you up!”

A celestial domain official shouted.

The voice fell.

A group of hundreds of people rushed out of the fairy dynasty, all of them were sincere and frightened, afraid to neglect, one after another saluted.

“Have you received the old man’s decree?”

The majestic voice of Shengyang Gong came from inside the big sun dragon, a fairy dynasty Elder in the ancient world Replied cautiously: “Reporting back to Shengyang, I’ll wait…I’ve received your will.”

“Since the request was received, why hasn’t it been the old man’s will so far? Execution?”

“This…” The Xianchao Elder trembling with fear responded: “Reporting back to Shengyang Duke, the lord of the Xianchao said…say…We are directly in the nine days, no Under the jurisdiction of Ling Luo Xian Ting, so… so… no need…”

Before the voice was over, Sheng Yang screamed: “impudent!”


With such an angry shout, the immortal sprayed blood into Elder’s trembling nose and mouth, and passed out on the spot.

“Where is the lord of the immortal dynasty, and call her to see the old man!”

Look at me, I see you, the lord of the immortal dynasties in the ancient world. They were all scared complexion pale, and they didn’t know how to respond. They neither dared to offend the Sage Yang who was in Lingluo Tianyu, nor did they dare to call them the lord of the fairy dynasty.

The people gathered in the ancient world saw this scene, they were all discuss spiritedly, they also wanted to see the master of the immortal dynasty of the ancient world in this ancient era.

Everyone knows that the lord of the immortal dynasty of the ancient world will not end well.


Several times before and after Ancient Era, the lord of the immortal dynasty were violent death, and they were all killed. The one who died was uglier than the other, especially the last two lord of the immortal dynasty of Ancient Era.

One was killed by the hand of the Empress Jun Xuanji. It is said that he was fighting with Jun Xuanji for the origin of the ancient world. As a result, he was hit by Jun Xuanji with scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

The last lord of the immortal dynasty died even more tragically. He died at the hands of Emperor You, and he was still held in front of the Nine Heavens immortal dao. The lord of the dynasty has shed eight pieces.

I thought that no one would dare to come to the ancient world to be the lord of the immortal dynasty in this ancient age, but didn’t expect another one, as if she was still a woman with the surname Mo and the name Ruyi.

As for the woman named Mo Ruyi who is who, no one knows.

I don’t know what identity, background, and origin.

Everything about this Mo Ruyi is like a mystery.

Even for thousands of years, few people have seen her.

Some people say that the origin of Mo Ruyi, the new lord of the immortal dynasty, is certainly not trivial. He may also have high hopes for Jiutian, because before the ancient times, the ancient world has always been under the jurisdiction of the immortal court of Lingluo Tianyu, and since this After Wei Mo Ruyi came, Jiu Tian immediately announced that the ancient world would not be under the jurisdiction of Ling Luo Xian Ting from now on, and was directly under Jiu Tian.

This alone is enough to show that Mo Ruyi is not simple.

Just as everyone was discussing, a cold voice came.

“Thousands of Celestial Immortal Officials cleared the way, hundreds of Celestial Elders followed right and left, riding in the big sun dragon’s roar, it is really a big pomp, worthy of the famous Shengyang Duke.”

A woman appeared in response.

The woman is dressed in a dark red robe, standing in the air, standing with her hand held down, with a ponytail, her face looks ordinary, not beautiful and alluring, but a pair of eyes pitch -black as ink, as deep as an abyss, quietly a bit strange.

It is the legendary master of the mysterious immortal Mo Ruyi who stumps her?

I don’t know.

No one has seen it.

“You are Mo Ruyi, the lord of the immortal dynasty of the ancient world?”

It was Shengyang Gong who asked, obviously, he didn’t know it either.


No one would have thought that this woman was the lord of the immortal dynasty of the ancient world, perhaps because Mo Ruyi’s existence seemed so ordinary that everyone All have some doubts.

At this moment, Shengyang Gong has already walked out of the big sun dragon nun, dressed in a holy white robe, his face is solemn, staring at Mo Ruyi as if to see through it. After a while, he said: “The old man previously ordered all the worlds in Lingluo Tianyu to open the dual rules of world and immortal dao, why are you the only one who did not execute the order?”

“The ancient world is directly under the command. Nine days, it is not under the jurisdiction of Xianting Mansion, and naturally you don’t need to obey your orders.”


The Holy Sun Lord coldly snorted shouted: “You eternal world though It is not under the jurisdiction of my fairy court mansion, but after all, it is within my Lingluo Tianyu. Now our Tianyu is in crisis. We should work together to work with a common purpose. Now all Great Worlds in Lingluo Tianyu have Martial law is enforced, and the whereabouts of the criminal of the Emperor You are fully searched, but you are still indifferent to the ancient world!”

Mo Ruyi said lightly: “I said that the immortal dynasty of our ancient world belongs to nine days, and Only listen to the will of the nine days.”

“As the lord of the immortal dynasty of one world, it is your duty to maintain the stability of the world, and it is your duty to protect the safety of all beings in the world. How can you just sit and watch No matter!” Shengyang Gongda shouted: “As far as the old man knows, the ancient world is the hometown of the criminal of Youdi. He is very likely to hide in this world. The old man will ask you if it delays the major event. , Failed to obliterate the criminal You Emperor in time, causing him to harm the common people, can you bear this responsibility!”

Mo Ruyi repeated the expressionless words just now: “I still said that, we The immortal dynasty of the ancient world directly belongs to Jiutian, and only listens to the will of Jiutian.”

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