Supreme Lord

Chapter 1880

Hearing that Shengyang Gong then ordered all Lingluo Tianyu to martial arts, and also ordered the various immortal dynasties to search for the whereabouts of You Emperor.

The big bosses of the Great Immortal Realm families who were originally restless, this time is finally relieved.

They all know that in the fairy court mansion in Lingluo Tianyu, although the incompetent shark elephant is the domain master, the real master is Shengyang Gong.

It’s not just because Shengyang Gong is a respected Old Senior.

Because of the identity of Shengyang Gong, in addition to being the Great Elder of Xian Ting Mansion, he is also known as the pillar supporting the Lingluo Tianyu and guarding the giant mountain of Lingluo Tianyu. It can even be said that Is it charisma or influence? Looking at Lingluo Tianyu, Shengyang Gong is definitely the Number One Person. No one can compare to him. As long as stomp is credited, the Three Thousand Worlds of Lingluo Tianyu must tremble.

Are you exaggerating?


No exaggeration at all.

One of them.

Shengyang Gong is a famous immortal teacher of Ancient Era.

The fairy teacher, as the name implies, the teacher of the fairy.

In modern and ancient times, immortals are worthless, and everyone is immortal. The so-called immortal master is not worth mentioning.

In Ancient Era, the immortal teacher is an absolute honorific title.

Because Ancient Era becoming immortal is not an easy task, it can be said that in ten-thousand does not have one, after becoming immortal, if you are a Direct Disciple cultivation success immortal, you can also afford an immortal master The name.

There may be many immortals in All Heavens Myriad Realms, but there are not many Seniors who can be hailed as a generation of famous immortals.

And Shengyang Gong is one of them.

He has many Sect’s Disciples. No one knows how many Sect’s Disciples. Among them is his Direct Disciple, and most of them are disciplines with art investors.

Each of his disciplines is very good, either the fairy of Ancient Era, or the emperor of modern and ancient times. They all have a certain reputation in the Great Wilderness. One of them is the throne of immortal dao. In other words, Shengyang Gong is also a teacher of Immortal King.

What’s more terrifying is that, under his blessing, all these disciplines of Shengyang Gong have established a family in Lingluo Tianyu. Some are a Sect’s Master, some are the lord of Immortal Realm, and some are the lord of the family.

Nowadays, Shengyang Gong’s discipline of grand disciples can be said to be countless. Among his disciples, there is also an immortal dao Star Monarch.

Shengyang Gong waved his arms, his discipline of grand disciples alone is no less than any Great Immortal Realm power.

If it were just that, Shengyang Gong could not afford the pillar of Lingluo Tianyu.

In fact, not only is Shengyang Gong’s discipline of grand disciples all over the Lingluo realm, but his protégés are also all over the Lingluo realm.

Be aware that Shengyang Gong is the Old Senior of Ancient Era, and in Ancient Era, he has always been the Elder, the fairy court mansion, with hundreds of thousands of years.

For such a long time, Shengyang Gong not only cultivated many excellent disciplines, but also cultivated many students.

It is no exaggeration to say that half of the Elders of the Great World in Lingluo Tianyu are the protégés of Shengyang.

You can imagine how terrifying the influence of Shengyang Gong is.

It is precisely because he knows the influence of Shengyang Gong, that when he says he will take over this matter, the masters of the Great Immortal Realm in the field will feel at ease.

It didn’t take long.

The lord of the great celestial dynasties who were on the great hall just now came out to welcome Sheng Yang.

Some of the masters of these immortal dynasties are the protégés of Shengyang Gong, and some are based on the head of Shengyang Stallion. They are all of Shengyang Gong’s faction.

Even if the leader of the immortal dynasty is not the same faction as Shengyang Gong, it is still due to the power of Shengyang Gong that is all over the court and the public. He dare not easily offend him, so he hurried out to welcome him.

As soon as the masters of these immortal dynasties saw Shengyang Gong, they immediately began to criticize the incompetence of the Shark Elephant Domain Master.

How the Shark Elephant Territory Lord is greedy for life and fear of death, selfish, and usually addicted to wine is that’s all. Now Lingluo Tianyu is still indifferent when facing crisis, and also said that Youdi too terrifying, how many people are there? Just hide as far away as possible. Don’t say that Jiutian didn’t give up his will, that is, he did. Let’s not provoke You Emperor and others.

The lord of the various immortal dynasties, you say, I say, angered the Shark and Elephant Territory Lord for his rebelliousness. As the Territory Lord of Nine Heavens, he doesn’t respect immortal dao. Instead, he openly said that the reason why Nine Heavens did not The purpose of descending is because of fear of Emperor You.

Outside, the Lords of Immortal Realm heard these words from the Lords of the Great Immortals, and they were also very angry, whispering angrily that the Shark Elephant is not worthy to be the Lord of the Lingluo Tianyu.

They have also heard about the faintness of the Shark Elephant Territory Lord. Almost all people in Lingluo Tianyu know that the Shark Elephant Territory Lord is addicted to wine all day long.


until now, everyone can’t figure it out.

I can’t figure out why Jiutian canonized such a faint and incompetent person to be the domain owner of Lingluo Tianyu!

The last landlord of Lingluo Tianyu died in Ancient Era, and he was killed by You Emperor. Everyone thought that in the ancient times, Nine Heavens would canonize Shengyang Gong as Lingluo Tianyu’s realm. Lord, no one would have thought that such a domain master who only knew how to indulge in wine would be parachuted.

For this.

Many people can’t understand, but there is no way.

If I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out anymore. I can’t understand it. People are also bestowed by nine days.

In the field.

Shengyang Duke has been listening expressionlessly, his face has not changed from the beginning to the end, but nodded, he asked: “Where is the other person?”

“Reporting back to Shengyang Gong, the domain lord Lord is in the great hall.”

“You will enter the hall with the old man!”


Shengyang Duke was full of majesty and strode into the great hall. The lord of the great immortal dynasties did not dare to neglect, and followed closely, including the lord of Immortal Realm.

Above the great hall, the big shark elephant domain master is still sitting on the throne, eating delicious food, drinking little wine, shaking his head, humming a little song, playing in a huge palm Two skulls.

Looking at this scene, those Immortal Realm masters were so angry that they cursed that this domain master was not a thing in their hearts. The entire Lingluo realm was messed up, and the others were even more so. Fearful, but the motherfucker is still in the mood to eat and drink here, which is too faint!

Of course.

Even if they are angry, they can only curse mentally, and they dare not swear in front of the Shark Elephant Domain Master.

Even though they can’t understand why Jiutian will enshrine the Shark Elephant as the domain owner, they all know one thing, that is, the Shark Elephant is definitely not as simple as the surface. Let’s not talk about the rumors about the Shark Elephant for now. Is it true? Even if the shark elephant has no true ability, the background identity is definitely not simple. Otherwise, Nine Heavens will not be canonized for no reason to be the domain master of the Lingluo Tianyu. There must be unknown secrets, but everyone does not know. that’s all.

The most important thing is that the shark elephant is now the lord of the Lingluo Tianyu, dominating the origin of the Lingluo Tianyu, in charge of the laws of the Lingluo Tianyu, and managing the order of the Lingluo Tianyu, which is equivalent to mastering the sky. The power of life and death of all living beings in the domain, as long as he thoughts move, he will kill you if he says to kill you.


Whether it is the lord of the Great Immortal Realm or the lord of the great immortal dynasties, after entering the great hall, they all obediently and honestly chose to be silent.

And Shengyang Gong also did not speak, but stood on the great hall, a pair of yin-bird eyes staring at the shark-like domain master.


The shark elephant sitting on the throne is still humming a little song in his mouth as if he didn’t know that the Holy Sun was coming.

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