Supreme Lord

Chapter 1879

In front of the gate of Xian Ting Mansion, there are many people gathered at this moment. Most of these people are the leaders of the Great Immortal Realm and Great Clans of the Lingluo Tianyu, or the head of Immortal Realm, or the head of the family. Maybe Elder and so on.

Although these Immortal Realm family and Youdi are not at all at all, they have never seen Youdi before, if they can, they don鈥檛 want to provoke Youdi, but destiny The book records that when the original sin found God, the great road fell, and the ancient times ended. According to rumors, the emperor was the God sought by the original sin. Therefore, they were very worried and afraid, afraid that their lives would be threatened.

There is a saying, it is better to believe that it is untrustworthy but not. Everyone hopes that the nine days immortal dao can come forward to obliterate the emperor You and kill the people.


There has been no movement for nine days.

They can only come to the Xian Ting mansion in charge of Lingluo Tianyu to find out the news.

As everyone knows, when I came here, I was not only turned away, but an old steward was sent to inform everyone that Xianting Mansion was also waiting for nine days, which made them all anxious.

Fortunately, the appearance of a person makes them see hope.

This person is no one else, but the sacred Great Elder of Xianting Mansion.

Shengyang Great Elder is an Old Senior of Ancient Era. Because of his integrity and integrity, he has high prestige in Lingluo Tianyu, and also because of his unselfishness, awe-inspiring justice and high moral character. Luo Tianyu, even in Dahuang is a respected Old Senior.

Especially in the mind of many a poor, humble sect Immortal Realm, the Great Elder is highly respected and respected.

Because a poor, humble sect Little Immortal Realm mostly has no background. Once conflicts of interest occur, they are often oppressed by those Great Immortal Realm families, and there are some immortals who have no family background. It’s easy to risk the mortal danger to find the superior resources, and as a result, they are snatched away by those pampered young master Yaxian’er.

Like this situation, as long as you find the Great Elder, if he comes forward, he will be fair to the little Sect and the little Immortal Realm.

Not only that.

Like the Great Immortal Realm Great Clans conflict, Shengyang Great Elder will also come forward to preside over justice. As long as he intervenes, both parties will be convinced. The reason is simple. Shengyang Great Elder is selfless and will not favor anyone. One side.

In this life, Shengyang Great Elder has no idea how many contradictions have been mediated, how many grievances have been resolved, and how much justice has been upheld.

Absolutely can bear the words of high morals.

Because of this, in Lingluo Tianyu, Shengyang Great Elder is also honored as Shengyang Gong.


Speaking of Duke Shengyang, not everyone in Lingluo Tianyu respects him, and many people are very disgusted with Duke Shengyang.

The reason is simple.

Shengyang Duke is selfless and unkind.

While being honest and clean, it is also stubborn.

Strict and mean while being upright.

In his eyes, except justice is evil, except light is darkness, fairies are all fair and just fairies, and Demon is dark and evil.

When dealing with Demon, Shengyang will always have only one word, that is, kill without mercy. Even the nine-day canonized Demon Immortal is not a good thing in the eyes of Shengyang.

Don’t talk about Demon, and don’t talk about Demon Immortal.

Even immortals, if they make friends with Demon, they will be equated with evil people in his eyes.

In recent years, Duke Shengyang may have presided over justice for many Immortal Realm families, but there are also many Immortal Realm families who have been destroyed by his harsh and mean house.

Of course.

In the face of the supreme honor of being selfless, awe-inspiring, and honest and clean, the so-called unkindness, stubbornness, and harshness seem a bit insignificant.

even more how.

Everyone is very clear that Lingluo Tianyu also needs an Old Senior like Shengyang Gong to be in charge, especially in the current situation, Lingluo Tianyu has become a mess because of Youdi鈥檚 affairs. The Great Immortal Realm families are also very anxious.

However, there is no movement in the immortal dao in the nine days, nor is there any movement in the Xian Ting Mansion, just like a group of dragons without a leader, so that they have no bottom in their hearts. However, the appearance of the Holy Sun is for the big brothers of the Great Immortal Realm family Saying it was like a straw, shouting.

“Sheng Yang! You are finally here! We are all about to worry to death. Why is there no movement in Jiutian immortal dao now? What does it mean? What if the Emperor You really appears? ?”

“Shengyang, now the All Heavens Myriad Realms well known from the return of Youdi from the dead and resurrection, there are even rumors that Youdi is in our Lingluo realm, and now our Lingluo realm is in each Great Immortal Realm. The family can be said to be at risk for everyone!”

“The Youdi is the Allah of Original Sin, causing trouble to Heaven and Earth. For the sake of the common people, we must get rid of him!”

“Pray Lord Shengyang to obliterate You Emperor for justice!”

The big brothers of the Great Immortal Realm clan shouted in unison, hoping that Lord Shengyang will hold justice for them.

In front of the main entrance of the Xianting Mansion, an Elderly stood upright. He was dressed in a white robe and looked very spirited. On the face, the high cheekbones are very unique, and his eyes are also Awe-inspiring, the expression is extremely majestic, with one hand behind him and one hand twirling a goatee, said solemnly.

This person is the Great Elder, Shengyang Gong, who is in charge of Lingluo Tianyu Xianting Mansion.

“You can understand the mood of the old man.”

The voice of Shengyang Gong is just like his person, full of majesty, and vigorous and powerful. He looks at everyone calmly Said solemnly: “After the old man learned of this, he rushed back immediately. On the way, he also learned a little about the matter.”

paused, continue to say: “Youdi, the criminal Whether it is really dead and resurrected now is still uncertain. It is not known whether it is in our Lingluo realm. Even if the criminal is really dead and resurrected, if he appears in our Lingluo realm, please don鈥檛 panic. We Xianting Mansion will never sit idly by, and Nine Heavens immortal dao will not. I hope you believe in us Xianting, and you must believe in Nine Heavens immortal dao. As long as the criminal of You Emperor dares to appear, the old man can assure you that it will be called He has come back and forth!”

Listening to the words of Lord Shengyang, the leaders of the Great Immortal Realm family in the venue were somewhat comforted, and the hanging stones gradually fell, but everyone was still very happy. Worried, I asked: “Shengyang, we don鈥檛 believe in Jiutian, but why hasn鈥檛 there been any movement in Jiutian?”

“As for Jiutian immortal dao, why is there still no will? Old man is not quite now. clear, and then the old man will send someone to ask about the situation in Nine Days.”

“Shengyang, now our Lingluo Tianyu is too messy, and if this continues, even if the emperor does not appear, it will It鈥檚 a big mess!”

“Don鈥檛 worry, everyone, then the old man will order from now on, all world Immortal Realms in the Lingluo Tianyu will be all martial arts, and will also order the great immortal dynasties to search for the sin of Youdi Only.”

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