Supreme Lord

Chapter 1870

“These youngsters don’t care whether You Di is the original sin Allah in the rumor. They don’t even care about the true or false appearance of You Di. For them, how to improve in this sensation caused by You Di Your own prestige is the most important.”

“The news of Youdi’s death and resurrection has spread throughout All Heavens Myriad Realms, and the heroes and heroes of Great Immortal Realm and Great Immortal Realm have also followed all directions. Come here, it is no exaggeration to say that the sensation caused by this incident is no less than any grand event in the sky since the present and the ages. It may even be recorded in the annals of history in the future. Just ask, whoever aspiring Don’t want to take this opportunity to be famous for All Heavens Myriad Realms, and leave a name in modern and ancient history?”

A middle-aged man followed: “It’s true. Youdi is full of evil. Disturbing Heaven and Earth turning upside down, in the rumors of the ancient times, he is the God of Original Sin again, threatening the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, all living beings, if you can obliterate the emperor, he will definitely stay in history, but…”

paused, the middle-aged man shook his head and said: “If you want to obliterate the Emperor, just shouting slogans will not help.”


Elderly, who seems to be profound mystery, said: “Don’t underestimate the role of slogans. These avenues stood up and shouted slogans in the public. One, they told All Heavens Myriad Realms, they are here, and two. , And also told All Heavens Myriad Realms that they are not afraid of Youdi. Three years later, they can tell All Heavens Myriad Realms that they will fight against Youdi for the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, and for all living beings.

“Old Senior, do you really think these youngsters can obliterate the emperor?”

Elderly replied: “They naturally don’t have this ability, but you must not forget, You The existence of the emperor is not allowed in Heaven and Earth, as long as he dares to show up, nine days immortal dao, and even Three Thousand Great Daos will not be indifferent. They all know this truth, just because they know Therefore, these so-called avenues dare to shout slogans so unscrupulously. With such a big backing of Three Thousand Great Daos, how can they feel awe of You Emperor. “

“Old Senior, do you say that Three Thousand Great Daos will really do something about Youdi?” Why hasn’t it been so long, I saw these great Dao princes appear, Three Thousand Great Daos seems to be nothing. “

“The old man is not quite clear. Perhaps Three Thousand Great Daos has already prepared, but we don’t know that’s all. “

“It’s not possible. If Three Thousand Great Daos really wants to do something to You Emperor, don’t say anything else. Why doesn’t even a great character appear in the immortal dao here? This is not justified. “

“I heard that there are already a lot of avenues, Star Monarch, and avenue thrones, including the avenue of the Emperor’s seal have come to Lingluo Tianyu. “

“It’s just heard, who has seen it for so long? “

“We haven’t seen it. Others should have seen it. After all, they are the destiny of the Dao Dao. You think you will stand up and shout slogans like these Dao prides. It’s too shameful. “

“That’s right, the point is… after so long, it seems that the Immortal Mansion of Lingluo Tianyu hasn’t been moving. No matter how you think about it, it feels weird and it’s evil. Jiutian dare not do anything to You Emperor, right? “

“Impossible, how Jiutian is also the overlord of Heaven and Earth in this and ancient era, and now Grand Dao Source has recovered, and Old Ancestors have also revived, so that they will not dare to do something against You Di . “

The profound mystery Elderly said: “The things between the avenues are not something that we people can touch at all. We are here to say that these are meaningless. Everyone is obediently and honestly watching the excitement. , For other things, it is best not to get involved. “

“Old Senior can’t agree with this. What does it mean to watch the excitement?” Stupid you, Senior, are you here to watch the fun? “

“Otherwise? “Elderly asked rhetorically: “It’s hard for you to want to be the same as these great masters?” Want to take this opportunity to stay famous throughout the world? “

“The history of Qing Dynasty stays in the name? You Senior also value us too much. We know that we have a few kilograms, and we don’t have the ability and the qualification to stay in the history. We are not here to be famous or to watch the excitement. “

“Then what are you doing here? “

“Old Senior, are you really confused or pretending to be foolish? The rumored existence of Youdi is Allah of Original Sin. In the future, he may slaughter the avenue and end the ancient era. This matter is for everyone. The future is also about everyone’s survival. We can’t just sit back and wait, right? Don’t worry about you Senior? “

“ha ha ha ha! “

The Old Senior laughed heartily, and everyone around the laughing felt a little unfathomable mystery, and some even wondered if there was something wrong with the Old Senior’s brain, and they didn’t know what was funny about it.

“Funny! It’s so ridiculous! “

“Old Senior, what do you mean? “

Old Senior said with a serious expression: “Do you know what original sin is?” “

The people around you look at me, and when I see you, they all shake their heads. They only know that the word original sin means primordial sin. But what is primordial sin? I can’t say it clearly.

“You don’t even know what the original sin is, but if you listen to the rumors, you have to shout something. Don’t you think this is a ridiculous thing? “

“But the book of destiny records that if the original sin is to find God, the road will fall, and the ancient times will end…”

“the book of destiny, have you seen ? No, how do you know this is recorded in the Book of Destiny? Known as causal incarnation, the messenger of destiny, Mystery Old Person, has ever said this about it? No? Since even Mystery Old Person has never said this, why do you believe such rumors? even more how, even if it is actually recorded in the Book of Destiny, how can you be sure that Emperor You must be the God sought by Original Sin? “


Listening to what Old Senior said, everyone around was speechless, not knowing what to say, thinking about it, it is true.


“Old Senior, such a big thing, we would rather believe that it has untrustworthy and nothing, in case, I mean in case, You Di is really the Lord of Original Sin, threatening the safety of Heaven and Earth. What shall we do? Can’t wait to die, right? “

“youngster, don’t think that the old man speaks badly. Everyone is just a group of ordinary immortals. After today, I don’t know if there will be tomorrow or not. You are worried about the safety of all beings in this world. Don’t you think you are ridiculous? In this world, the safety of sentient beings, do we need mortals to worry about? Does Three Thousand Great Daos eat dry rice? “

Everyone around Old Senior’s words are red.

“To put it ugly, those clamoring vain attempt to obliterate the emperor of the Great Dao, kill us more than squeeze an ant. Simply, for us, the threat of these proud masters is much greater than the threat of Youdi.

Someone asked: “Why?”

Old Senior indifferently said: “Because we are standing at the foot of the mountain, and Youdi is standing at the top of the mountain. We are far, far away, as if one is in the sky and the other is underground. We and You Emperor are basically impossible, and what he does will not affect us, but these great masters are standing at us. On top of his head, as long as these avenues are a little unhappy, our lives will come to an end.”

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