Supreme Lord

Chapter 1869

Qing Qing said it seriously.

From the beginning of the Five Elements Cloud Water Sword meeting Gu Qingfeng and blooming a sword song, to the invitation of Gu Qingfeng to his ship.

From Gu Qingfeng sent her Five Elements Cloud Water Sword to her integration with Cloud Water Sword, she enters Sword Spirit World.

From doubting Gu Qingfeng’s identity to fearing.

From the people of the Five Spirits Immortal Realm who came to find Gu Qingfeng’s troubles, to Gu Qingfeng’s threat to deter everyone.

Qing Qing said perfectly clear, she not only explained that those who were abolished by Gu Qingfeng, they were all having only oneself to blame, but also that she was not at all threatened by kneeling, but because The fear of Youdi.

It’s Qing Qing deliberately sheltered, but the fact is.

In the words, it is not difficult to hear that she is very guilty and guilty.

When Qingqing finished speaking, the Old Master next to the open mountain took out the Five Elements Cloud Water Sword and said: “The old man had fought against You Di back then, and the Five Elements Sword he refined I know it better. After repeated verifications by the old man, the fairy sword Qingqing picked up was indeed the Cloud Water Sword, one of the Five Elements Swords refined by You Emperor.”

“So to speak.”

Shi Que solemnly asked: “Is You Emperor really dead and returned from resurrection?”

“The only thing the old man can be sure of is that this fairy sword was made by You Emperor back then. The Five Elements Cloud Water Sword, as for whether the Emperor You died and returned from the resurrection, I’m sorry, the old man has never seen it with his own eyes, so I dare not tell, and Qingqing has never seen You Emperor himself, nor can he be on the Xuantian Ship. Is the person who claims to be the emperor really real?”

Everyone has heard many people here say what happened in the Xuantian Ship, and this time I came to see Qingqing too. In order to verify that fairy sword, even though it was Qingqing himself or the Old Master who opened the mountain, they might not be able to determine whether the Emperor You really died and came back from the resurrection, but this is not the demon.

In everyone’s opinion, since the fairy sword in Qingqing’s hand is the Five Elements Cloud Water Sword, then the person who claimed to be the emperor in the Xuantian Ship was most likely to be him. After all, on that day, many people saw it with their own eyes. See, the Five Elements Cloud Water Sword bloomed with sword songs because of seeing the old master Youdi, and Cong Qingqing also personally said that she only integrated the Five Elements Cloud Water Sword into herself after getting the help of Youdi.

All the evidence shows that Emperor You really died and returned from resurrection.

For this.

The fairies and demons gathered in front of the Meihua Immortal Realm discuss spiritedly.

If they had doubts about the return of You Emperor before, after verifying that Qingqing’s fairy sword was the Five Elements Cloud Water Sword, it was almost certain that You Emperor had really returned.

“Ai, it seems that Emperor You is really dead and returned from resurrection…”

“Who said no, I think it’s incredible to think about it, Emperor You is dead and alive , I lived and died, I went back and forth many times, why can’t I die? I thought I should die after 10,000 years of death this time, but didn’t expect… actually came back alive, It’s really hard for people to know what to say, it’s too amazing.”

“You emperor comes alive, we will suffer.”

“Yes, destiny It is recorded in the book that when the original sin finds God, the avenue will fall, the ancient and the present will end, Heaven and Earth will be reborn, and the era of innocence will begin… According to rumors, the emperor is the God whom the original sin has been looking for. “

“He came alive this time, I’m afraid he came to slaughter the avenue and end the ancient times…”

At this time.

Someone in the crowd asked: “Old Senior, the rumor about the Book of Destiny, I believe you Senior has also heard of this. Is it true? You Di is really the God who seeks for sin. This time I came back to slaughter the road? Is it the end of the ancient era?”


The Old Master opened the mountain for a moment, shook his head, and responded:” The old man has indeed heard the rumors of the Book of Destiny. Whether it’s true or false, the old man doesn’t know. I would like to advise you all. The rumors are rumors after all. Before they are confirmed, I hope everyone will not increasingly distort the truth. It will cause panic.”

As soon as the words of Kaishan Old Master fell, there was an immortal dao proud man who disdainfully said: “Even if the rumors are true, what about the Lord Youdi is really the God who is seeking for sin? If he is. If we dare to appear, we will still obliterate him, and we will definitely not let him mess up Heaven and Earth!”

“Yes! No matter how powerful the Emperor You is, he is just a trifling person, and so many of us, it’s hard to come by. Are you afraid of him?”

“The ancients are the ancients, and the ancients are the moderns and ancients. The reason why Ancient Era Youdi was able to mess with Heaven and Earth is because the Ancient Era Grand Dao Source is exhausted, and the road is Old The Ancestor is sleeping, and the Grand Dao Source has recovered in the ancient times, and the Old Ancestor on the avenue has also revived. Forgive him for not being able to overcome the big wave.”

“We immortal dao now dominate Heaven and Earth. , The major Immortal Mansion Immortal Realm expert as clouds, as long as Youdi dare to show up, he will definitely be unable to eat and walk around.”

“Youdi must be scared, otherwise, it will not Hide and dare not show up.”

“hmph! As long as he dares to show up, Xu Feng will be the first to kill him!”

“Plus me!”

“There is still me!”

“With our demon here, why take your immortal dao to take the lead!”

Immortal dao, the prides stand one by one After coming out, the demon’s pride is not far behind, and the slogans of both sides shout louder than anyone else.

Look at this scene.

Some Old Senior from Ancient Era in the distance couldn’t help shaking their heads and sighing.

“Ai, really is a group of youngsters who not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth. The Emperor You used to burn nine days, cut the sky, destroy the avenue, oppose Heaven and Earth, and the Great Wilderness, what terrifying it is, How can they be imagined by Little Brat, and they actually boasting shamelessly here to say that they want to obliterate the Emperor You, really act recklessly.”

“It is even sadder that they even said that You Emperor I didn’t show up because I was afraid. This is probably the funniest joke between Heaven and Earth. Everyone knows that Youdi is lonely and arrogant, and he has a supreme courage who doesn’t even look at this world. As long as he thinks, he never dare.”

These Old Seniors who sighed have all experienced the era of the end of ancient times when You Emperor dominated Heaven and Earth. Maybe they don’t know if You Emperor is true. The original sin of Allah, but they are very clear about one thing, that is, the existence of Emperor You is powerful and unimaginable, terrifying unimaginable, and I am afraid it is unimaginable.

A senior who seems to be profound mystery said: “You all look down on these youngsters, and you think they are too simple. Only these people are one of the major universes. The very best immortal dao proud sons, whether it is a cultivation base, good fortune, or experience, are very good, do you really think they are so arrogant and ignorant as they seem?”

“no!”profound mystery The Old Senior looked at the immortal dao proud sons who came out one after another, and said: “Youdi is so famous, why don’t they know the terrifying of Youdi, don’t look at their slogans louder than one shouting, if you run into Youdi , I believe none of them dare to do it, but this does not delay them from these great heroes shouting slogans in the public.”

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