Supreme Lord

Chapter 1806

Gu Qingfeng and Huo De were chatting, they were about to leave this deserted Secret Realm, and suddenly found that there were lights flashing in the sky from time to time, and these lights galloping through the night sky like shooting stars, both of them knew These brilliances are all fairy lights blooming by immortals, and each a ray of magnificent light represents an immortal.

“There are still people in this place where the birds do not shit?”

Gu Qingfeng looked up and found that there were still a lot of fairy lights in the sky, hundreds of them .

Huo De also followed and looked around. He found these immortals flying around in the sky, as if looking for something, and said: “What heavenly materials and earthly treasures are you looking for?”

“This place doesn’t say Spiritual Qi, it doesn’t even have stale air. It’s weird if it can contain heavenly materials and earthly treasures.”

“Who knows, or let’s go Check it out?”

“Look at Mao, what’s so good about this.”

“You brat don’t like to see the excitement when you are all right?”

“It’s not bad to sit down and watch the excitement and have fun, but now I just want to find a place to have a drink and sleep.”

“Yes, then go, leave Here, in the Great Wilderness, the old man will take you to eat well, and treat you brat!”

“This is good.”

Gu Qingfeng jumped up, and in a flash Humans have appeared in the air. Huo De does not have the ability to disappear after thoughts move like Gu Qingfeng. He can only obediently and honestly take out Flying Sword and walk with the sword.

Standing in the sky, looking at Huode, Gu Qingfeng said impatiently: “I said, can you hurry up? Why is it mother-in-law.”

” Nonsense! Do you think the old man doesn’t want to hurry up? This is already the fastest speed the old man can do, okay, it’s almost impossible to use milk!”

After a long time, Huo Decai followed, seeing Gu Qingfeng mean to leave again, he quickly grabbed Gu Qingfeng and said: “Wait!”

“What’s the matter?”

“The old man has always wanted to ask you one thing, what is the profound mystery of you brat this wicked body? The old man sees you brat, whether it is walking in the void or leaping up, motherfucker is very wicked, a little careless Just disappear without a trace, don’t say that the old man can’t catch up, but Divine Consciousness can’t keep up. You brat teach the old man.”

“Want to learn?”

“Of course I want to learn.”

“You can’t learn it.”

“What is an old man? Can’t learn it? You haven’t taught it yet. How do you know an old man? I can’t learn it, I said Gu, do you look down on people too much.”

“I not at all look down on you.”

“You just look down on old man!”

“Well, you are right, I just look down on you.”


The anger in Huode’s heart, staring Gu Qingfeng, the roots of his angry teeth itchy, said: “You bastard speaks too hurt! No! Old man can’t swallow this breath, let’s make a bet!”

“What bet?”

“Don’t you look down on old man? Don’t you think that old man can’t learn it? What if old man learns?”

“Huo De, it’s not that I don’t want to teach you, I really don’t look down on you, you really don’t know how to learn.”

“Indeed, you brat is not looking down on old man, your motherfucker is too lazy to look down on old man! It’s a naked humiliation to old man. Incompetent! Today, you must teach the old man. If the old man really can’t learn it, even the old man is incompetent! But if the old man learns, you brat must give the old man an explanation.”

“… …”

Gu Qingfeng laughed speechlessly and helplessly, and said: “Okay, then listen carefully. Lord, this set of abilities is created by my own, named “Takong”, “Taking” The stepping, the emptiness is the emptiness of the space, the line is the horizontal line, do you understand? “

“What do you understand?” “Huo De said in amazement: “You brat didn’t say anything about motherfucker, you just said that it’s Takong Xing, but you are talking about the cultivation method. “

“I’ve already said that stepping is a broken step, emptiness is the emptiness of the space, and the line is the rampant line. Don’t you understand it? “

“What do you mean? “Huo De thought for a while, and said, “Couldn’t you mean that you are… trampling across the space between Heaven and Earth, right?” “

“Yes, that’s what it means, can you smash the space?” “


Speaking of fire, he stared at Gu Qingfeng in astonishment and said: “The old man motherfucker didn’t even understand the word space, how could it be broken? space. “

Huode knows that in the Great Wilderness, both Heavenly Paradise and Secret Realm are a kind of space, apart from this, Smaller Thousand Worlds, Intermediate Wide World, Great Thousand Worlds, various realms, All kinds of realms also belong to space.


He knows.

However, regarding the word space, he only knows these, apart from this, I don’t know the others.

“That’s why I said you can’t learn it. “

“I…you! This fucking…”

Huo De, you and me for a long time, and I did not have you, so I came, face is red, how embarrassing and embarrassing, he still does not believe in evil and asked: “Each There are barriers to all kinds of spaces. You brat understands the emptiness of this Rao Shizi. In other words, those so-called space barriers are like decorations to you brat? As long as you brat is willing, you can enter any world where you want to? “

Gu Qingfeng shrugged, and said: “Otherwise, how do you call Heaven and Earth run across the space?” “

“You…you fucking…you fucking really…”

Huo De held back for a long time, shook his head, and said sourly: “Forget it, old man Can you stop learning? motherfucker! It’s constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry! Old man served, really served, ancient ancestor, I served, I am incompetent! “

Huo De’s self-esteem was ruthlessly shattered by Gu Qingfeng again.

He can’t remember how many times this is.

Impression of From the time when Gu Qingfeng was in the Yunxia School cultivation, Huo De’s self-esteem began to be shattered by Gu Qingfeng’s terrifying stimulus. Later, with more and more stimulation, Huo De also gradually became numb. He doesn’t have much self-esteem in front of Gu Qingfeng. For this reason, Huode was really hit by a big blow, and even had mental problems for a while.

Not only did he feel that cultivation was meaningless, but It doesn’t even make sense to live.

Hundreds of years of hard work in cultivation can’t be enough for others’ cultivation. The immortal art of the year can’t be worthy of other people’s casual voice.

Under this situation.

Is it still a cultivation?

Even if you become a fairy, It’s not that I was slapped in the slap.

Fortunately, Huo De figured it out, thinking that Gu Qingfeng could not be regarded as a normal person, and Huo De, who was severely hit, gradually regained his position. Get up.

Everything was fine.

It’s just that Gu Qingfeng later reshaped the fleshy body and dreamed of returning to his previous life, embarking on a traditional Taoist cultivation road. All kinds of ancient Divine Ability come with a wave of hands, and have been in the modern and ancient times for nearly ten thousand years. Although it is not called the wind and summon the rain, it is definitely a spark and lightning all the way. It is really powerful.

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