Supreme Lord

Chapter 1805

“You brat is really… you said that you are called old man. How do you say you are.”

If it was before.

Huo De may still be able to guess Gu Qingfeng’s inner thoughts. As for now, don’t guess, he can’t even understand Gu Qingfeng’s inner thoughts.

In his opinion, if it is the original sinner, the vain me, or the present and ancient variables, Heaven and Earth cannot be tolerated. Knowing that after waking up, Three Thousand Great Daos will definitely do everything possible to do it. Deal with him, change to be anyone, will not just sit and wait for death, right? I will definitely prepare in advance.

This thing is the same as Transcending Tribulation. Since we know that Transcending Tribulation is dangerous, everyone will prepare in advance for the upcoming catastrophe, and no one wants to die in the catastrophe.

However, Gu Qingfeng is indifferent.

Don’t say prepare.

He didn’t seem to take this matter seriously at all. Not only was he not prepared, but he also drank small drinks leisurely and had fun everywhere.

Just like…Heaven and Earth doesn’t tolerate him, but others.


Huo De really couldn’t understand Gu Qingfeng’s inner thoughts.

Although Gu Qingfeng’s situation is rather special, it is as special as being cursed by fate, but things are not at all to the point where they are irreparable.

At least.

Huode knows that Gu Qingfeng’s situation is far from this level.

Not only that.

He believes that as long as Gu Qingfeng is willing, this matter may not turn around.

For example, go to Saintess Empress Su Hua.

Huo De is very clear, if Gu Qingfeng speaks, Su Hua will definitely help Gu Qingfeng at any cost.

And with the influence of Saintess Empress today, as long as she comes forward to help Gu Qingfeng, it can be said that even if the Three Thousand Great Daos really wants to move Gu Qingfeng, they have to weigh the consequences.

It’s a pity.

Gu Qingfeng would never go to Saintess Empress for help, he didn’t even bother to see it.

This makes Huo De very helpless, and what makes Huo De helpless is that since his previous life has mentioned the three clansman, Cao Suo, Maha, and Kassapa, and the one that Gu Qingfeng was looking for woman.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, please investigate and figure it out first. Maybe if you find the woman, you may really have a better chance.

As for the news of the three clansman, Posuo, Maha, and Kassapa.

This is not difficult at all.

As long as you go to Mystery Old Person, who is unknown in history, you can definitely know the news of these three clansman, and even the news that Gu Qingfeng is looking for that woman may also know.

It’s a pity.

Gu Qingfeng seems to be a little disgusted with the ancient nameless, it can be said to be a bit disgusting, and also too lazy to see it.

Huo De pondered.

No matter what the result is, you have to try it anyway.

There may be hope for a try.

If you don’t try, you won’t even have any hope.

And now Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to even try it. It feels like Huo De, as if he is sitting and waiting for death and has no desire to improve.

Stupefied the old boy really resigned?

As this kid said, he had already tossed in his youth in order to survive in the past, and he does not want to toss in the second half of his life for the so-called causal destiny. He just wants to live. I don’t want to live for any hope of survival, or for some causal destiny, I just want to live for myself.

Huo De originally wanted to persuade him, but when he thought of what Gu Qingfeng said, after thinking about it, he didn’t speak again.


Speaking of which, sometimes thinking about it, Huo De also feels that these words Gu Qingfeng said are very reasonable.

In the whole life of a person, it is neither long nor short.

Since you are alive, you should live for yourself, so why bother about those messy things.

Instead of this, it is better to live one day and one day, live one day and one day.


This kind of thinking can only be thought of.

Huo De is just Huo De, he is not Gu Qingfeng, and his heart is not as big as Gu Qingfeng, he can’t do Gu Qingfeng’s kind, even if the sky falls tomorrow, he will have to eat and drink today. Free and easy.

Whenever I think of this, Huode admires Gu Qingfeng very much. This kind of admiration is admiration from the bottom of my heart, and it is also a prostrate oneself in admiration.

It’s night.

Gu Qingfeng wanders around this world.

I don’t know if the more alive people are, the lazier people become, or if it’s because they are too weak. Gu Qingfeng now feels a little tired and panicked when he moves a little.

Before running around with Huode’s past life, and then in order to suppress Huode’s past life, he was really tired. After Huode’s consciousness awakened, Gu Qingfeng thought about finding a place to sleep well. Last sleep.

I thought that this place should be a secular world, but after walking around for a while, I found that this ruined place didn’t even have a silhouette, and it was lifeless. When I looked up, I realized that this world is a barren world. To be precise, even the world is not even considered.

Because there is neither Riyue Gengxin nor World Source, it can only be regarded as a Secret Realm, and it looks like a deserted Secret Realm.

Gu Qingfeng took out the astrolabe and looked at it. Unfortunately, the Secret Realm’s mark on the astrolabe was not at all, and asked: “Where is the place where the bird does not shit?”

Huo De also took out the astrolabe and looked at it and shook his head. Obviously, there was no mark on the Secret Realm on his astrolabe. Then he took out four or five astrolabes in a row, but unfortunately there was no Secret Realm. “The old man thought that this place was supposed to be a Secret Realm before. What kind of catastrophe might have been encountered? The people in Secret Realm have either died or left. Anyway, what happened to this Secret Realm? It looks like the kind of ruined barren land.”

In the great wilderness, there are countless countless places like this barren land.

Basically, as Huo De said, he suffered some calamity. Since then, he has been desolate, has gradually lost his vitality, and has been abandoned.

As for the catastrophe, this is hard to say.

It may be a turbulent storm in the wilderness, or it may be affected by natural storm disasters and so on.

Maybe it was slaughtered by Demon.

Things like this happen from time to time in the great wilderness, and it is not uncommon.

Seeing that Gu Qingfeng did not respond, Huo De asked: “Gu boy, where are we going?”

Gu Qingfeng yawned and said, “Find someone first Where to go to sleep.”

“Why do you sleep again?”

Huo De said depressedly: “You brat sleeps in addition to eating and drinking on the boat. Didn’t you sleep enough?”

“In order to stare at your crazy past life, I have been behind my ass, and I haven’t been idle for a moment. After tossing for so long, shouldn’t you sleep for a while?”

“Yes! Listen to you saying that, the old man has to thank you very much, right?”

“Otherwise, what do you think? Master jumped up and down because of you, you old fellow Shouldn’t you be rewarded?”

“Old man, ancient ancestor, leave here later, old man can find a place to treat you well, can you?”

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