Supreme Lord

Chapter 1772

If I were to be someone else today, Fairy Centrifugal would be unceremoniously angry, to have no shame!

Just facing Gu Qingfeng, facing the ancient Youdi.

Even if the centrifugal fairy finds it ridiculous in his heart and feels ironic again, he dare not say anything.

Not only did she dare not, but she had to stand obediently and honestly, brace oneself said, the most ridiculous and ironic one she said in her life: “Yes, we believe… Lord, you are a good person.”


Qingqing also said: “In the past, Junior believed those rumors and felt that the Great Lord… was lonely, arrogant, bloodthirsty and cruel. It was not until the days when Junior was in contact with the Great Lord that Junior knew about Those rumors of the Great Lord are all false…The Great Lord is kind to people, good-tempered, approachable, is…a…good person.”


Fairy Centrifugal glanced at Qingqing with a weird look, as if she couldn’t understand at all, a person with a cold temperament like Qingqing could say such ridiculous things against his will, and he still didn’t blush. Don’t pant, it’s the same as the truth.

In her impression, Qingqing never lied, let alone flattering and fawning, why now… in order to please Gu Qingfeng, can you even say such things that are against your heart?


The centrifugal fairy is right.

Qingqing really doesn’t lie. She has never lied in her life, and even flattering and fawning.

Although these words are a bit counterintuitive, they are not to please Gu Qingfeng, but the true feelings in my heart.

through childhood, she has heard too many terrifying legends about Youdi, and it is also influenced by these terrifying legends. She thinks Youdi should be just like the legend, aloof Domineering, ruthless, bloodthirsty and violent.

Alone and domineering will not tolerate any disobedience, ruthlessly regard life as grass, and bloodthirsty and violent shots are killing blood flowing into a river.

Until I met Gu Qingfeng this time, she really felt that Gu Qingfeng and the legendary Youdi were simply two people, and they were still two people who were not related.

This great Lord looks really approachable, and doesn’t have any temper at all. Not only that, but he is also not very particular about himself. He is very casual, just like a worldly mortal. It may be a bit reluctant to say that he is a good person, but It is definitely not a bad person, compared with the legendary terrifying Youdi, it is more on the ground one day at a time.

When Qingqing wants to come, either the Great Lord in front of him is not the real Youdi, if he is really Youdi himself, then the legends about Youdi are most likely to be false.


The centrifugal fairy next to her words definitely disagrees.


This great Lord does not look as ruthless, bloodthirsty and violent as in the legend, even less arrogant and arrogant as in the legend. If it doesn’t go well, he will kill him.

But it’s just what it looks like.

You must not just look at the surface.

The ghost knows what terrifying emperor is hiding under this easy-going surface.

Different from Qingqing.

Most of the Youdi imagined by Qingqing are those legends about Youdi.

But the centrifugal fairy has really met Youdi himself, and clearly knows that the legends about Youdi are not false, not only are they not false, and they are not even exaggerated. , The real Youdi is the kind of arrogant, ruthless and ruthless like the legend.

Fairy Centrifugal also feels that the Great Lord in front of him is either not the real Youdi, if he is really Youdi, it looks easygoing on the surface, and he is definitely pretending to be.

The opposite.

Gu Qingfeng lay on his back in a chair, listening to the words of the two of Centrifugal and Qingqing, it seemed that he was in a good mood.

Perhaps through childhood, the reason Gu Qingfeng has never been a good person in his life.

Maybe it is until now. When I hear my name, I am either a wicked criminal or a hegemon who commits any imaginable misdeed.

It is even more likely that every man has a heroic dream that everyone admires since childhood.

So, sometimes Gu Qingfeng especially wants to hear others say that he is a good person.

As for the reason, he himself is not clear.

Sometimes I really want to listen.

Even though he knows that what the two people say is a bit contrary to his intentions, he does not care. He can hear people say that he is a good person, even if it is a lie against his will, Gu Qingfeng will be satisfied and happy .

“Don’t be stunned, keep talking.”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, and both Fairy Centrifugal and Master Qingqing were a little puzzled, and the fairy was cautiously. Asked: “I don’t know what the Lord wants us to continue to say?”

“Said that Lord is a good person.”

When I heard this, both Fairy Centrifugal and Qingqing were stunned. Lived, even the look in Gu Qingfeng’s eyes changed, and he even wondered in his heart whether the guy in front of him was the real Emperor. This guy looked at it from side to side, no matter how he looked at it, he didn’t correspond to the legendary terrifying. And, how can I still force myself to say that he is a good person.

Is there such a wonderful Youdi?

Is this a bit shameless too to have no shame?

Although the two have a lot of doubts in their hearts, they dare not ask more. They can only brace oneself and continue to say that Gu Qingfeng is a good person.

On the deck of the big ship, the two talked over and over again.

On the outside of the ship, since the centrifugal fairy turned on Formation, people on the outside can no longer see the situation inside. Even Divine Consciousness can hardly penetrate in, and thousands of people outside are also There is no mind and no courage to take out Divine Consciousness to probe the situation inside the ship, and one thing is being discussed at this moment.

That’s why the two of Fairy Centrifugal and Shangxian Qingqing are so respectful to a Master of Rao Shizi?

They are not fools, so naturally they can see that if it is just to thank Gu Qingfeng for presenting the Lingyu Sword, the two of the centrifugal fairy and the Qingqing Shangxian will definitely not be so disregarded for longevity in the public. Ge’s respectful face, and also beat Bai Ze half to death in public.

But if it was not for gratitude and not for repaying, what would it be for?

The master who stumped the Lao Shizi, his existence is really terrifying than imagined?

Is this possible?

The centrifugal fairy is the child of Ancient Immortal, and Qingqing Shangxian is the personal discipline of Emperor Fusheng. With their status as the two of them, everyone can’t figure out what kind of existence is terrifying. So that the two of them would rather give a massage to Qi Qu’er and do something that harms themselves and the face of Changshengge, even if they beat Bai Ze half-dead, just because they dare not offend him?

I don’t know.

No one can think of it.

And just as they were discussing, not far away, a group of hundreds of grandiose, aggressive people flew here.

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