Supreme Lord

Chapter 1771

“Okay, don’t kneel, just get up.”

Gu Qingfeng sat back on the chair and said: “So many people are watching, what you know is that you kneel down, no I know what happened to the Lord.”

“many thanks Great Lord.”

After thanking the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian, they did not hesitate to stand. Up.

“People have been beaten like this by you, hurry up and bring them in, the doctor who is the doctor, the cure is the cure.”

After the centrifugal fairy repeatedly thanked him, he dared to Bai Ze, who had been knocked out by her a long time ago, was carried in. When he walked to the dock, he gave Bai Ze to Jin Grandmother of Flowers and gave a few words, and then Jin Grandmother of Flowers led Qiao’er to take Bai Ze back. To the dock.

The centrifugal fairy raised his hand, and the Xuantian ship was blooming. After the Formation was opened, the inside could not be seen from the outside, but the outside could still be seen from the inside.

The centrifugal fairy walked over and raised the jug to pour a glass of wine for Gu Qingfeng, cautiously said: “Big Lord…just now we were negligent and let outsiders disturb your Yaxing, I will continue to give you Massage? Qingqing, you also play a song for the Lord again.”

“Okay, press any more, and don’t play any song anymore, I just have a few words to ask you .”

“I don’t know what the Lord wants to ask? We…surely know all the answers.”

“How do you see my identity?”

Gu Qingfeng thought it was Cloud Water Sword who told them both, but after thinking about it, he felt that it should not be because he still clearly remembered that when he was tried on Secret Realm in the tide, he had not yet aspired to Nine. With such a destiny as Emperor Nether, Five Elements Sword is naturally impossible of his own identity, and he is also quite curious about how the two of them can see their identity.

“Big Lord…we…we calculated based on the cloud Water Sword…”

Standing obediently and honestly on the opposite side, bowed his head and looked Looks very afraid of Gu Qingfeng’s existence.

“How did you calculate it?”

“Junior…After merging with the Cloud Water Sword, you entered the Sword Spirit World… I found that the Sword Spirit World has many avenues left by the trial. Traces…”

“Really?” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then asked: “You can guess my identity based on these avenue traces? Isn’t this too evil, I was not the only one who was judged by the Dao in Ancient Era? Why are you sure it was me?”

“It is true that you were not the only one who was judged by the Dao in Ancient Era, but… After making the Five Elements Sword, you were the only one who was judged on the road in Tide Secret Realm. Junior heard the cloud Water Sword said that it has four brother sisters, plus Junior is the Cloud Water Sword picked up in Tide Secret Realm, so… 鈥?#8221;

“So, you guessed the identity of the lord based on these?”

“No…we just doubt it, and…we are not sure.”


“It turns out that’s the case, what I said, but…” After a turn of the conversation, Gu Qingfeng looked at Fairy Centrifugal and Qingqing and asked: “You are just skeptical, you are not even sure. It鈥檚 just so good to the master, it鈥檚 a massage and it鈥檚 a tune-playing. It鈥檚 hard to think that you are so defiant of your image and reputation, and you don鈥檛 even care about the prestige of the Changsheng Pavilion, in case I am not… Isn鈥檛 that a big loss?”


This issue is not unconceived by the two of Fairy Xianzi and Shangxian Qingqing.

On the contrary.

They not only thought about it, but also thought about it many times very carefully.

When they think about it, if Gu Qingfeng is not the emperor, it is indeed a disadvantage for them to give such a lot of affection. They do not care about their image and reputation, but the image and reputation of Changsheng Pavilion. After all, as the disciple of the Changsheng Pavilion, massaging in the public is really detrimental to the prestige of the Changsheng Pavilion, and it will inevitably be criticized when it spreads out in the future.


In the end they chose to do this.

The reason is very simple. I’m not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, in case Gu Qingfeng is really the Emperor You, and he didn’t take care of him, offending You Emperor, the consequences are unimaginable.

After weighing it over and over again, both of them felt that it was nothing to lose face. Even the prestige that affected the Changsheng Pavilion was not a major event, but if you offend the emperor, when the time comes is more than just It is as simple as losing face, Changsheng Pavilion loses Zunwei.

“Besides, there is something, I am really depressed.”

Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes, looked at the two, and asked: “Even if you are very sure in your heart Lord, I鈥檓 the Youdi of Rao Shizi, don鈥檛 you need to be so scared? Even more how, you can鈥檛 even be sure, or just doubt… just like this?”

“Go back to Lord If we do, we are… afraid.”

“I wonder, what are you afraid of? Afraid that I will kill you? It doesn鈥檛 make sense. We have no grievances in the past. What am I killing you for?”

“We…we don鈥檛 know what we are afraid of…Anyway, we are… just afraid.”

“What are you afraid of? Yes, don鈥檛 be afraid, and don鈥檛 believe those rumors, rumors, they are mostly exaggerated, and some people deliberately wipe out the rumors made by Master Hei. Actually, Lord is a good person, really, don鈥檛 lie to you, you see, although we know It鈥檚 not a long time, but I鈥檝e been in contact for a while, anyway, do you think the Lord is like a bad person?”

Listen to Gu Qingfeng, at this moment, whether it is a centrifugal fairy or a Qingqing fairy The urge to laugh.

That’s true.

All Heavens Myriad Realms, who does not know the existence of Youdi, how arrogant and arrogant is it? How arrogant and arrogant, how ruthless? What a respectless of the law and of natural morality, how unscrupulous, what bloodthirsty and brutality, what killing people like scything flax!

And now this is the emperor who burned nine days in Ancient Era, slaughtered the avenue, cut the sky, and walked the heavens-defying road. Everyone is afraid of others, and he who carries his original sin said seriously. Is he a good person?

Will good people overthrow the immortal dynasty and slaughter endless immortals in the secular world?

Will good people burn immortal dao for nine days? Burning nine-day bones into a mountain?

Will good people be crazy? I don鈥檛 know how many worlds have been ruined by the madness? How many creatures died?

Will a good person be outraged and kill? Killing all the worlds all the way, killing the wild blood flowing into a river? All Heavens Myriad Realms killed, there are solitary souls, unbound ghosts everywhere?

Good people?

Can good people dominate Nine Nether?

Can good people hide those Nine Nether old demons that are scared?

When the murderous intention of good people is opened, will this world change suddenly? Make this great wilderness Blood Sea Overflowing Heavens?

The supreme killing realm rises to the sky, the supreme silence dominates the earth, the Vientiane Buddha statue worships, and the bloody fire sea burns all living beings. Is this motherfucker saying good people?

The sun falls, the twilight envelopes, the darkness strikes, the emperor descends, the dusk of the fairy and the devil, the end of Heaven and Earth… Does this motherfucker mean good people?

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