Supreme Lord

Chapter 1765

“Or, let me return the Cloud Water Sword to him.”

Qingqing was very excited and very happy to be able to integrate with Cloud Water Sword today, but now, her There is no excitement and happiness in my heart. I am afraid in addition to fear, and fear in addition to fear.

When she thinks about it, if the great Lord is really the Emperor You, then this Cloud Water Sword is one of the Five Elements Swords that the Emperor You used back then. Even if she gives her 10,000 courage, she will Don’t dare to warm up this cloud Water Sword.

“You are stupid! If we go back now, would we not confess to ourselves? If he communicates with Yun Water Sword again, don’t we know that we are doubting his identity? when the time How do we explain that comes? What if he is worried that we will reveal his identity and kill others?”

“But…if you don’t return it to him, I also…do not dare Continue to warm up.”

“I said girl, the question now is not whether you dare to Wen Yangyun Water Sword, but this big Lord is now on our boat, we have to be like a How to let him go! This is the key!”

“How to send it away? If he refuses to go, we can’t drive him away, right?”

Fairy centrifugal stared After giving Qingqing a glance, he said, “Shoot him away? Thanks to what you said, he might be Youdi. How dare you to chase him away? Are you impatient?”

“Then what to do?”

At this moment, Qingqing has already panicked, and the six gods have no masters. Faced with such a terrifying existence as Youdi, she is terrifying in her heart. She is afraid of even any thoughts. Dare not move.

“It is unrealistic to drive him away, only to let him go. The problem is, we don’t know when she will leave.”

The centrifugal fairy pondered over and over and said: “This way Well, let’s just assume that this hasn’t happened before, let’s not say anything. He didn’t say that these days we are served with good food and drink, and when he thinks of what we need, we will provide conditions, then we will eat and drink. Until he starts to raise the conditions.”

“What if he keeps not raising the conditions?”

“It is unlikely, if he is really the Emperor, I am afraid There are many major events waiting for him to do it, and he has no reason to rely on our boat. I think this incident is mostly a coincidence. It happens that Youdi is idle and boring, taking a passenger boat for fun, and then it happens to let us bump into it. It’s on… It just so happens that the Lingyu sword you picked up back then was the Five Elements Sword he refined, so… he got on our ship, wait, it doesn’t make sense.”

The centrifugal fairy frowns thought hard, and said: “Even if you are idle, it is unlikely that You Di will take a passenger boat and get together with a bunch of a nobody? He also said that we should be served with delicious and delicious food. Lack of delicious food and drink? He also said that he thought of what he needed and then asked for conditions. For a master like Youdi, what else would he want? Still need to ask us for conditions? She looks down on us too much, right?”

“It’s hard to say that he is reluctant to cloud Water Sword? It doesn’t make sense. If he is reluctant, he can just not send a word. There is no need to talk so much nonsense to a nobody like us. Although our Changsheng Pavilion is a seventy two blessed land, it can be considered a bit of face in the Great Wilderness, but this face may be very big in the eyes of other people. In the eyes of You Emperor, even a fart is not counted, he is Senior He dared to burn even nine days, dare to slaughter even avenues, even if he dared to cut down the sky, how could he put our Changsheng Pavilion in his eyes, not to mention seventy two blessed land, which is 36 cave heavens, he didn’t even look at it.”

“What is the reason? He said that we are served delicious and delicious, and what is it for? What does he mean!”

She tried to break her head but couldn’t understand. Suddenly, when she saw the Cloud Water Sword in Qingqing’s palm, she seemed to realize something, and stared at Qingqing with a strange look.

And Qingqing was also stared at by the centrifugal fairy, and asked: “Martial Uncle, what are your eyes, why are you staring at me like this?”

“His Senior Isn’t it…Is…Is it after you?”


Qing Qing was frightened by the words of the centrifugal fairy, and said: “Martial Uncle , Don’t talk nonsense about this kind of thing!”

“What is nonsense, think about it carefully, if he is really the emperor, there must be a lot of major events to do, even if there is no major Event if you want to do it, he wouldn’t want to eat and drink on our boat? He must have some purpose, and… I wondered that he might have fallen in love with you. Otherwise, why would I give you the Cloud Water Sword? Why didn’t he give it to me, and… Have you forgotten? He also said a word in front of you, he said… A beautiful girl like you, but every man wants to please you, he also Same, he said it himself!”

“Martial Uncle, he was joking, how can you take it seriously?”

“Sometimes It’s not a joke to say that it’s not a joke. He probably thinks that way. Yes, it must be so. I think he might really like you.”

“Martial Uncle, don’t mess up Say okay!” Qingqing was ashamed, angry and scared, stomping her feet anxiously, and said: “I am almost afraid to die now, why are you still thinking about making such a joke?”

” Qingqing, now Martial Uncle has no intention of joking with you, I am serious.”

“Even if you are not joking, You Di is impossible to see me. You Di has Saintess Empress who has been there. Wait for him, how could he look at me!”

“Saintess Empress has been waiting for Youdi to be true, and his infatuation with Youdi is also a matter of All Heavens Myriad Realms well known, but Qingqing, Don’t forget one thing. You Di is a well-known amorous man from Ancient Era. It is said that when he was in the secular world, he would often go on hooks and go with him. , There is also the female sect of the Shang Qing Dynasty, the Empress of the World…”

“After arriving in the Great Wilderness, he was not idle either. It was either the Empress who molested this cave, or the Empress who hooked up on the blessed land. I heard There are several Empresses who have an ambiguous relationship with You Emperor. This is only our emmortal dao Empress, and the ambiguity with You Emperor and his Senior is more than immortal dao. Empress, demon way, demonic path, sorcerer way, even Heavenly Dao’s Empress has an inexplicable relationship with You Emperor. “

“These are just rumors that’s all and should not be true. “

“Qingqing, you are still too young. You Dao is empty. There may be true and false rumors about Youdi, but after so many years, have you ever seen any An Empress stepped up to clarify, no one, it means that those Empress must have an affair with Youdi, at least not that simple, and…”

The centrifugal fairy lowered his voice and said: “And… …I’m telling you that in those days, Emperor You held the trial brought down by Heavenly Dao in one hand, and the famous Wei Young Empress in the other. This is not a rumor, but I saw it with my own eyes. “

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