Supreme Lord

Chapter 1764

“Don’t panic, don’t be afraid. Although these evidences indicate that the Great Lord may be You Emperor, it is only possible. We cannot be 100% sure that he must be You Emperor.”

Sitting on the bed dazedly, the fairy eccentric muttered to himself, sounding like comforting Qingqing, but more like comforting herself.

“Martial Uncle, in case, I mean in case, he really is the emperor You?”

The centrifugal fairy stared at the loss one’s head out of fear here. Qing, just stared at it, and after a while, he said, “If he is really the Emperor, it would be too terrifying…”

As a discipline of the Changsheng Pavilion, one of the Seventy Two Blessed Lands, Whether it is Fairy Centrifugal or Qingqing, they know some secrets that others don’t.

Others only know that You Emperor is the original sin incarnation, but they know that the You Emperor was able to ignite the original sin karma fire back then, which shows that the existence of You Emperor is not only the original sin incarnation, plus the You Emperor ignites After the original sin karma fired, the original sin gradually awakened. Some people said that the You Emperor awakened the original sin. Therefore, people have always suspected that the existence of the You Emperor is very likely to be the original sin law body.

The existence of the law body of original sin is the source of all original sin incarnation. In other words, if the emperor really is the law body of original sin, then at this moment, he has completely fuse together with the original sin, regardless of each other, he is the original sin , The original sin is him, and it is not impossible even to finally become the God whom the original sin has been looking for.

According to the book of destiny, it is reported that when the original sin finds God, the road will fall, the ancient and the present will end, Heaven and Earth will be reborn, and the era of innocence will begin…

They know even more that the appearance of calm and tranquil in the modern and ancient times has long been undercurrents, and this undercurrent is still from the era of innocence, which has been accumulated for a long time in the ancient, ancient, and ancient times.

It’s just that, whether it’s the Three Thousand Great Daos, the Ancient Supreme Experts who have returned, and whether it’s the man of fate, or the man of the original sin of the cause and effect, no one has broken the present The apparent tranquility of ancient times.

No one dares to be exact.

Because no one knows what terrifying things will happen once this undercurrent that has rolled over from the era of innocence erupts.

If You Di really died and resurrected.

Then the calm and tranquil on the surface of the modern and ancient times can no longer be maintained, and the undercurrents accumulated from the era of innocence will also erupt completely.

The reason is simple.

He is You Emperor, the You Emperor who ended the ancient world.

It is also the emperor who ignited the original sin karma and awakened the original sin.

It is the biggest variable in the modern and ancient times. In the future, it is likely to be the God whom the original sin has been searching for.

Such an identity.

It is almost equivalent to carrying the fate of original sin, returning to recovery, slaughtering this great road, ending this ancient and ancient times, and opening the era of innocence…

Even if Youdi did not do this, I don’t plan to do that.

This Three Thousand Great Daos, this All Heavens Myriad Realms, this all living beings are also impossible to accommodate his terrifying existence.


After the Emperor You returned from his recovery, what he wanted to do, whether he was the God sought by the original sin, or even the Dharmakaya of original sin, was not important at all.

The important thing is that he has recovered and returned.

Three Thousand Great Daos is impossible to accommodate him as a very threatening existence to the common people of Dao Daos.

“Martial Uncle, if that…the Great Lord is really the emperor, what shall we do…”

Qing Qing said with a sad face and anxiously.

She is not a master without own opinion. On the contrary, until now she is very opinionated. If not, she, as the longevity pavilion’s discipline, is also the master of the floating emperor, and will not be stubborn. Choosing Yibing has been unable to accept his own fairy soldiers for hundreds of years.


This incident was too terrifying and terrifying. The horror was far beyond her tolerance. She didn’t dare to act blindly without thinking. She felt terrifying even after thinking about it.

“What to do? You ask me, I ask who to go, how do I know what to do…”

The fairy shook his head.

This matter is not only beyond the scope of Qingqing’s tolerance, but also beyond the tolerance of the centrifugal fairy. For this, she dare not to act blindly without thinking. If you take a wrong step, when the time They are not the only ones who are caught in consigned to eternal damnation, but the avenue of All Heavens Myriad Realms.

Qingqing can’t carry such a big responsibility, neither can he carry it, nor can anyone carry it.

Qingqing sat on the bed, just so startled, she was overwhelmed and exhausted, just like she just came back from the gates of hell, she looked very lost.

And the centrifugal fairy sits on the bed, holding the wine jug, one cup after another, looking at the wine in his stomach, but the hand holding the wine glass can’t stop shaking, the clothes sprinkled in the glass It was everywhere, and at this moment, Fairy Centrifugal had no intention of paying attention to it. She just wanted to drink now.

It’s best to get drunk. After you get drunk, you wake up and hope this is just a dream.

Even if you are not drunk, at least you can be bold.


The more you drink, the more you drink, the more you drink, the more you become sober.

The courage didn’t grow much, but the more I drank, the more I was afraid, and the more I was afraid of the heartbeat, the more powerful.

“Don’t panic, don’t be afraid…Whether that…the Great Lord is Youdi himself, we still can’t be 100% sure, we…don’t scare ourselves, don’t be afraid… …”

Even though she said that she was not afraid, Fairy’s hands were still shaking uncontrollably. She put down the wine glass, put her hands together on her chest, and took a few deep breaths.

It’s a pity.

It doesn’t work.

Should be afraid or still be afraid.

Time just passed bit by bit, and the fairy said: “Qingqing, you must never mention this to anyone, remember! Never! Never go! Ask him if he is the Emperor You, and don’t even mention it. I would rather believe it is untrustworthy but not. Let’s treat him as the Emperor You himself now.”

paused, and said: “Now we must get I understand one question, that is, if he is really Emperor You, why did he appear on our Xuantian Ship, just a pure coincidence or some reason?”

“Martial Uncle…like…it’s you… …You insisted on inviting him to drink on the boat…”

“Is it me? Is it really me?” The centrifugal fairy thought about it carefully. He really invited him over by himself. Then he thought about it. , She said again: “Dead girl, what do you mean, are you complaining about me? If it wasn’t for the cloud Water Sword, why should I ask him to board the boat? Oh! Now something is wrong, you are complaining I’m here.”

“Martial Uncle, I didn’t blame you, I just…”

“Just what? If you want to complain, blame you for a dead girl! You said that year Why do you have to pick up a broken sword in the ruins? If you don’t pick it up, wouldn’t you have what it is today?”

“Martial Uncle.”

Qing Qing even had the heart to die, and said: “I didn’t know that the Broken Sword I picked up was one of the Five Elements Swords refined by Youdi.”

When I mentioned this incident, Qingqing also regretted it. She was dying, and she was also wondering, why did she have to sword a broken sword in the ruins?

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