Supreme Lord

Chapter 1747

Gu Qingfeng’s enthusiasm as if he doesn’t care about anyone or anything, especially the leisurely appearance, has long made Mo Baiyu, Fuying and the others displeased.

However, because of Gu Qingfeng’s unfathomable, it is really unfamiliar, and they are also particularly jealous, let alone dare to say anything.

Although they don’t know why Qingqing Shangxian’s Lingyu Sword revolves around Gu Qingfeng.


To say that the Lingyu sword was refined by Gu Qingfeng, Mo Baiyu and the others do not believe it at all.

When they think about it, Qingqing Shangxian is the discipline of the Changsheng Pavilion, and the Direct Disciple with great character like Emperor Fusheng. How could it be possible to use a fairy sword made by an outsider.

The most important thing is that they have all seen the mysterious of the Lingyu Sword, and they also know the power of the Lingyu Sword. Although Gu Qingfeng’s existence is a little mysterious, he must say that the Lingyu Sword was made by himself Yes, all these people present felt impossible.


After Gu Qingfeng said this sentence, not only Mo Baiyu, Fuying and the others came forward to question, even the immortals in Shangguandong also came forward to question.


The purpose of their standing up is not only to question Gu Qingfeng, but also to behave in front of Qingqing Shangxian. For a while, they said that Gu Qingfeng is a demon. Qing Qing Shangxian’s Lingyu sword was his own, and later he said what the heretical path of the devils is Gu Qingfeng.

One is louder than the other, and the other is full of justice and indignation. I can’t wait to smash Gu Qingfeng’s corpse on the spot, and then hold Gu Qingfeng’s head to ask the immortal Qingqing for credit.

On the deck.

Gu Qingfeng sat back on the chair again, raised his legs, played with the Lingyu sword, and smiled at the hundreds of people who were filled with righteous indignation and righteousness and awe-inspiring, and said to Huode, “Huode Ah, reincarnate in the next life and be a woman.”

“Even if you don’t say anything, the old man in the next life wants to be a woman.”

Huo De nodded, expressing deep He felt the same way. After living for most of his life, he really felt it was good to be a woman.

Especially for a beautiful woman like Qingqing Shangxian, no matter how big things happen to them, they don’t even have to say anything. There are a bunch of men vying to get ahead. No wonder the old saying, one If a man wants to conquer the All Heavens Myriad Realms, to be the overlord of the Great Wilderness Heaven and Earth, he needs to shed a lot of blood, pay a lot of sweat, experience a lot of danger, and need to fight with many people, and if a woman wants to do this All Heavens Myriad Realms Overlord, it is enough to conquer a man.

Sages often say that women are disasters, but now that I think about it, it’s true.

At the moment.

Qing Qing Shangxian has been staring at Gu Qingfeng, a clear and beautiful face, the expression has also changed and changed, from the shock at the beginning, to incredible, from incomprehension, to Unimaginable, just looking at it, never said a word from beginning to end, and ignored Mo Baiyu and the others who questioned Gu Qingfeng.

After a long time, she took a deep breath, appeared on the deck, and said, “I believe you are the master of Lingyu Sword.”

That’s it. Then, immediately the people who questioned Gu Qingfeng in the field were obediently and honestly shut up, but there were others who were not reconciled. Among them was Mo Baiyu. He continued, “Going to the fairy, will you make a mistake? , How could he be the master of the Lingyu Sword!”

“Yes! Qingqing Shangxian, you must not be fooled, I don’t think he can refine the Lingyu sword like this. The mysterious fairy sword containing the Sword Spirit!”

Mo Baiyu and the others obviously don’t know the origin of the Lingyu sword. At this moment, Qingqing Shangxian didn’t have the intention to explain this to them, but looked at it. Gu Qingfeng said: “I didn’t expect to meet the real owner of Lingyu Sword here today. Junior is happy for Lingyu and feels honored for himself.”

Shang Xian Qing Qing said this The words are not polite, but true feelings.

She is really happy for the Sword Spirit of the Lingyu Sword, because she has cultivated the Lingyu Sword for hundreds of years, and knows better than anyone that the Sword Spirit of the Lingyu Sword has been waiting For its owner, because she had refining the Lingyu Sword, her mind and Lingyu Sword understood, knowing better than anyone how excited and excited it was to see the master Hou Lingyu Sword.

In addition to being happy for Lingyu Sword, she herself is also honored.

Although she has never met Gu Qingfeng before and knows nothing about Gu Qingfeng, she knows that a person who can refine the Lingyu sword must be amazing. One who can make Lingyu The master that Yu Jian was willing to wait for so long must be even more remarkable.

“Senior is here, please be worshipped by Junior!”

Everyone didn’t think it was. After saying that, the god of Qingqing was going to bow down to Gu Qingfeng, this But everyone present was terrified. When they thought about it, even if the Lingyu Sword was really made by this guy, the Immortal Qingqing wouldn’t bow down, right?

“I said the eldest girl, it’s so good, how come you still bowed.”

Just when the immortal Qingqing was about to bow down, Gu Qingfeng raised his hand and clasped it. Qingqing on the shoulder of the immortal.

“This is the wish of Junior until now. The Lingyu Sword saved Junior’s life back then. At that time, Junior vowed that if he was lucky enough to see the owner of the Lingyu Sword in the future, he would thank him in person.”

“This sword is the one who saved you, not me.”

“The Lingyu sword was made by Senior.”

“These are two different things. , Even more how, if you really want to thank you, it should be me thank you, guess yes, if it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I won’t see this old friend.” Gu Qingfeng looked at the Lingyu sword in his hand and said: “I remember This sword should be broken. Even if it is not broken, it should be broken. Did you re-refine it?”

“Junior was indeed just a Broken Sword when he met Lingyu Sword, so Junior did it. I re-refined it, but it’s a pity that Junior’s learning skills are not good, and his refining skills are not too high, and he failed to restore the original appearance of the Lingyu Sword. Also hope Senior forgives me.”

“You are pretty good. Modest.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the feather sword floating in his palm, said with a smile: “I am also thankful that you did not restore the original appearance of this sword. Otherwise, it would be too bad.”

Shangxian Qingqing did not understand, and asked: “Why?”

“Because the original appearance of this sword is really ugly, so ugly that there are almost no friends!”



Perhaps I didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng to say that, and Qingqing went to Immortal God to startled, and then said: “Senior laughed.”

Gu Qingfeng really didn’t joke, let alone the original appearance of this sword, it’s not the same as the current mention on equal terms. The Flying Sword of anyone in the field is also better than the original appearance of this sword. In the past, this sword could not be called at all. The sword is no different from those rusty iron swords, and even the embryonic swords sold in the world trade are better than the original appearance of this sword.

To say that he is in the field of refining magic weapons, he may not be able to talk about the originator of masters, but he is still barely able to survive. I dare not say that all kinds of magic weapons can be refined, but as long as At a glance, you can almost make an almost.

However, the magic weapon he refines, no matter how mysterious or powerful, has a fatal flaw, that is, it is too rough and too ugly.

It’s not that Gu Qingfeng does not have an aesthetic concept, but that he wants to refine a beautiful magic weapon, which needs to be carefully crafted. How can a lazy person like Gu Qingfeng just be good-looking? It takes effort, besides, the magic weapon he refines is generally for his own use, what will be practicality, as for whether it looks good or not, he doesn’t care.

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