Supreme Lord

Chapter 1746

“Why is it like this?”

As the closest person to Qingqing Shangxian, whether it is the Golden Grandmother of Flowers or the centrifugal fairy knows that Qingqing Shangxian has not awakened for hundreds of years Sword Spirit of Lingyu Sword.

Looking at the Lingyu Sword, which was spinning and dancing with sword songs, they couldn’t figure out why the well-designed Lingyu Sword suddenly lost control and why the Sword Spirit suddenly awoke.

What makes them most puzzled is that the sudden change of the Lingyu Sword is obviously related to this strange man, but why on earth?

What method did this man use? Or is there something on his body that attracts Lingyu Sword, or is there any relationship between this man and Lingyu Sword?

In fact, it is not just them who are puzzled.

Even Gu Qingfeng himself is a little confused at this moment.

But soon, he felt that this Lingyu Sword seemed familiar, especially the bursts of sword songs sent by the Lingyu Sword, and the mysterious blooming of the sword. The more he looked at it, the more familiar he became. Thinking, Gu Qingfeng seemed to think of something, and asked in surprise: “Are you a cloud Water Sword?”

A moment of rush.

The aqua brilliance surrounding the Lingyu Sword is even more dazzling, like a Flood Dragon, hovering around Gu Qingfeng, soaring into the sky, and then falling on Gu Qingfeng’s palm, slowly rotating Every time it rotates, there is a ripple. The ripple is like a wave, spreading in the air, and everything around it is like drifting in the vast sea, and there is a feeling of swaying with the ripple wave.

The Xuantian ship is like that of all the people gathered in the sky.

No one is exception.

Looking at this scene, I felt the mysterious swaying of the Lingyu sword, Qingqing Shangxian, Golden Grandmother of Flowers, Centrifugal Fairy and the others felt as shocked as they were in their hearts, because they could I never knew that the power of the Lingyu Sword was so powerful and mysterious.

However, in addition to shock, there is more surprise in my heart.

Because they could see it, Gu Qingfeng clearly knew this Lingyu Sword, and after only saying a word about Water Sword, Lingyu Sword immediately responded.

What do you mean?

Frustrated Cloud Water Sword is the former name of Lingyu Sword?

Why does this man know?

What is the relationship between him and Lingyu Sword?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

“Good fellow! I said, why are you so familiar, you are really a cloud Water Sword!”

Gu Qingfeng looked a little excited, and he didn’t lie on his back anymore. On the chair, he stood up and stared at the Water Sword spinning cloud in his palm.


He is very excited.

In any case, I never thought that I would still encounter the Flying Sword that I refined a long time ago in this life.

It was really a long, long time ago. It was almost made by him when he first came to the Great Wilderness. Moreover, he made more than one, but five. He was in an ancient Cave Mansion. After finding the essence of Five Elements, five Five Elements Swords were refined with Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth Five Elements.

A purple golden sword.

A rattan sword.

A cloud of Water Sword.

A handful of Red Fire Sword.

An earthen sword.

Back then, he relied on these five Five Elements Swords to squeeze out a bloody road again and again under the encirclement and suppression of many experts. Gu Qingfeng was able to gain a foothold in the Great Wilderness back then, and these five Five Elements Swords also stood firm. He made great contributions, but he was later tried by the Dao Dao. In that trial, not only the shocked Five Elements Sword broke, but his fleshy body was also tried scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

In the end, although Nirvana Rebirth reshaped the fleshy body, but not at all back to the original place to find Five Elements Sword.

Since the incident has passed for a long time, Gu Qingfeng has long forgotten. If he hadn’t met the Cloud Water Sword in Five Elements Sword again today, Gu Qingfeng had even forgotten that he had refined five Five Elements Swords.

“Gu boy! Do you… know this fairy sword?”

Huo De ran over and looked at the slowly rotating Lingyu sword floating in the palm of Gu Qingfeng, secretly surprised. Doubt asked.

“Nonsense, this was made by the Lord back then, you said if you know him or not.”

“What!” Huo De was surprised and said: “This sword is you brat Refined?”

“Otherwise, what do you think.”

In the midst of the sky, when Gu Qingfeng said that the Lingyu sword was made by him, Qing Qing Shangxian was also shocked. Incredible.

She not at all doubted Gu Qingfeng’s words, but also believed that this Lingyu sword was made by Gu Qingfeng.

Just as the Lingyu Sword sprang out of her within the body, and then revolved around Gu Qingfeng, when the Sword Spirit awakened and issued a sword song, Qing Qing Shangxian had already guessed that Gu Qingfeng might be this. The real master of the Lingyu sword.

After all.

She re-refined the Lingyu Sword, and it has been cultivated for hundreds of years. She is very clear that only when she sees her true master, the Lingyu Sword will suddenly lose control, and the Sword Spirit will Will suddenly wake up, and only to see the master who has been missing for a long time, Lingyu Jian will be so excited, so excited.

She just didn’t expect that in her lifetime, she would still meet the real master who made the Lingyu Sword.

“You! The Lingyu Sword is really…you…refined?”

Fairy Centrifugal was also a little shocked and unbelievable, even though she had already guessed the Lingyu Sword. Maybe I met the real master, but I still couldn’t believe it was true.


Gu Qingfeng nodded, said with a smile: “However, its former name was Cloud Water Sword.”

“This ……”

The centrifugal fairy was stunned, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

She suddenly thought of a question.

Then what if Gu Qingfeng wants to return to Lingyu Sword?

She knows very well that Qingqing has made great efforts to wake up Lingyu Sword, and has also put a lot of effort and energy on this Lingyu Sword. Unfortunately, Lingyu Sword misses the old master. Don’t accept Qingqing at all.

But now the old master that Lingyu Sword has been thinking about and waiting for has really appeared, and Lingyu Sword is obviously very excited and excited. Needless to say, Lingyu Sword is most likely to continue to stay with the old master. .

This time, will Qingqing lose her Lingyu Sword?

Leave aside the many hard work and energy that Qingqing has put into Lingyu Sword for hundreds of years. The feelings that he has cultivated with Lingyu Sword over the past few years alone do not mean letting go. of.

But what can you do if you don’t let it go?

Who called the master of Lingyu Sword appeared?

If someone wants to return the Lingyu Sword.

They have no reason not to give it.

Speaking of breaking the sky, the Lingyu sword was made by others!

If you don’t give it, the reputation of Qingqing and the face of Changsheng Pavilion will be affected. The most important thing is that even if you don’t give it, you can stay, after Lingyujian meets his master, How can you be willing to stay with Qingqing?

This is really terrible.

The centrifugal fairy doesn’t know how to comfort the Qingqing here.

“You said that the Lingyu Sword was made by you? Why? Just rely on your words?”

At this time, the discipline Baize of the Changsheng Pavilion stood up and said.

Immediately afterwards, Leng Jue also questioned: “You said that the Lingyu sword was refined by you, how do you prove it?”

“Indeed! Who is in this great wilderness? I don’t know that the Lingyu Sword is the sword of Qingqing Shangxian. Why do you say you made it?”

“You don’t have the slightest cultivation base in your body, and you can make it. The powerful mysterious Lingyu sword?”

After that, Mo Baiyu, Fuying, Yunzhou, Mufeng and the others all stood up and questioned Gu Qingfeng.

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