Supreme Lord

Chapter 1741

“Ah-old miscellaneous hair! Do you dare to hurt me! Today I let you die without a burial site!”

Yuan Wu’s face was pale and ferocious, regardless of his own injuries, crazy Running within the body immortal spirit, when jumping up, the violent immortal strength burst out again, forming another bright day in the sky.

I saw Yuan Wu holding the Flying Sword in his hand and suddenly picked it up. In an instant, a silver white rainbow rose from the ground and rushed straight into the sky, running through the bright sun.

That round of bright and big Hitachi flickered crazily, every flicker contained infinite mysterious and infinite changes, really extremely mysterious and abstruse, wonderful and wonderful, the power of good fortune was even more incomparable!

No one at the scene does not recognize this good fortune!

It is precisely the fame of the Emperor Fusheng, and it is also the Megatron Great Wilderness, which is regarded by countless immortals as the classic Xiao Qianhua, rainbow piercing the sun.

Rainbow piercing the sun is able to shock the great wilderness, because this small thousand good fortune can make the great sun shine to the fullest, and at the same time it can also stimulate the power of the bright bloodline within the body, within the The body immortal strength will also boil, and its own strength will become stronger.

The most terrifying thing is that if you are enveloped by rainbow piercing the sun, you can say that there is nowhere to hide, you can’t escape, you can only resist.

It’s okay if it can be blocked. If it can’t be blocked, Changhong will be pierced on the spot, and it will not die or be disabled. Scattered ashes and dispersed smoke is not impossible.

At this moment.

In the sky, Yuan Wu was set off by Xiaoqian’s rainbow piercing the sun. His whole body was shining with golden light and looked extremely sacred, like a War God, with pure immortal strength spinning like crazy. As powerful.

“Old Miscellaneous Mao! Go to hell!”

Yuan Wu, holding a fairy sword, is another pick. A long rainbow thread emerges from Huode’s feet, making It is shocking that Huo De dodged and escaped with no difficulty, which is really incredible.

“I see when you can hide!”

Yuan Wu held an immortal sword and raised upwards frantically, one after another white rainbows condensed out, what is jaw-dropping, The Bai Hong who Yuan Wu took out was avoided by Huo De.

“Rainbow piercing the sun, the sun is in the sky!”

Yuan Wu was extremely angry, holding the fairy sword towards the bright sun.

There was a loud noise, and a huge white rainbow of 100 meters rose into the sky like a Flood Dragon.

This time Huo De did not dodge, but shook his body, and the black and white brilliance of the whole body bloomed. He spread his legs, squatted down, straddled his horse, and pinched a secret art with both hands. , Shouted: “Motionless As Mountains!”


When Bai Hong rushed out under his feet, instead of the fleshy body that penetrated Huo De, he was forcibly down by Huo De!

“Rainbow piercing the sun is indeed an amazing Xiaoqian fortune, a pity! Your bastard has not yet reached home with cultivation! Want to kill Laozi? You are not even qualified!”

The fire virtue of horse-stepping, the changes of the fingers of both hands, the secret art of secret art, raised one finger to face the big sun in the sky, shouted: “Ten thousand swordsmanship, break for me!”


The Peach Wood Sword, which had been hanging behind him, appeared in a flash and turned into a sword glow, which instantly pierced the bright sun hanging in the sky.


That’s right!

Yuanwu’s Guangming Day was pierced by Huode’s Peach Wood Sword. The so-called Xiaoqianzaohua rainbow piercing the sun also disappeared, and Yuanwu was pierced because of Guangming Day. Wearing it, the fleshy body is affected, wow, vomiting blood, falling from above.

“little bastard! Roll over to the old man!”

Huo De jumped forward, and directly reached out and pinched Yuan Wu’s neck, pressing him in the air.

Yuan Wu is scared.

I’m completely scared.

He wanted to struggle, but because he was seriously injured, within the body immortal spirit was exhausted and exhausted, and he had no strength to resist and struggle again.

“What are you guys trying to do, kill him! Kill him quickly, kill him for me!!!”

Yuan Wu screamed, just Before the voice fell, wa’ed, vomiting blood continued.

Not far away.

Those seniors are all people from the cultivation of Immortal Realm belonging to Yuanwu. They go out with Yuanwu to protect their personal safety.

After all, Yuan Wu is the immortal of immortal dao. Immortal Realm really spent a lot of resources to train him. Usually Yuan Wu goes out, there will be many Immortal Realm Senior with him.

These Immortal Realm Seniors are all Old Guys who have been cultivation for many years. They have a profound cultivation base and rich experience. They are not incapable of seeing the existence of Huode deeply and unmeasurable, but they didn’t expect Huo De to talk about it. , And the strength is more terrifying than they thought.

Not only did Yuan Wu’s great good fortune be smashed with a palm, but even the rainbow piercing the sun displayed by Yuanwu was also pierced by a sword.

Under this situation, how dare they make a move!

The answer is yes.

They dare not make a move.

Yuanwu not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, but they do.

Looking at Huo De pinching Yuan Wu’s neck, these Seniors didn’t hesitate, so they rushed over, cup hand to hold fist.

“Yuan Wu has no intention of offending, I hope you will show mercy!”

“Yuan Wu is young and ignorant, and he doesn’t know how to advance or retreat. You can just give a lesson. It hurts their lives!”

These Old Seniors knew they were invincible, and in desperation, they had no choice but to stand up and plead for Yuanwu, hoping that Huo De would leave a way out.

“Old miscellaneous hair! My Yuan Wu is a descendant of the Lingluo Tianyu Bai Ye Family clan, and also the discipline of the Lingluo Tianyu Five Spirits Immortal Realm. It is also the immortal dao imperial immortal, today you are If you dare to kill me, our Hundred Ye Family clan will certainly not forgive you, and our Five Spirits Immortal Realm will not forgive you. Nine days of immortal dao will also cure you of the crime of rebellion!”

To say this Yuan Wu is really arrogant and arrogant enough.

At this moment, he was seriously injured and Huo De was pinched by his neck. As long as Huo De was willing to snap his fingers, he could kill him.

Even so, Yuan Wu dared to be so rampant, trying to bring out his family background to scare Huode.

Don’t say it.

Yuan Wu’s family background is indeed very deterrent.

Whether it is their Hundred Ye Family family or the Five Spirits Immortal Realm, they are very influential in the Lingluo Tianyu, especially the Five Spirits Immortal Realm, which can be said to be one of the ten Great Immortal Realms in Lingluo Tianyu, for ordinary people. I really didn’t dare to provoke him, not to mention killing him, even if he injured him with a shot, he would also face the chase of the Bai Ye Family and the Five Spirit Immortal Realm.

The most important thing is that Yuan Wu is after all the immortal dao imperial edict, carrying the immortal dao imperial edict on his body, just like the emperor’s disciple, his status is very noble, killing him is tantamount to rebellion Jiutian immortal dao is also disrespectful to Jiutian immortal dao, and will be punished by the Jiutian immortal dao. When the time comes, there is only dead end.

You must know that immortal dao dominates Heaven and Earth in this and ancient era. There are Immortal Mansion established in nine days in all heavens of the Great Wilderness, and All Heavens Myriad Realms also have immortal dynasties established in nine days. The arrest warrant of immortal dao is absolutely no place to hide, no place to escape.

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