Supreme Lord

Chapter 1740

No one thought that as the discipline of the Changsheng Pavilion, and the Junior Sister of the Emperor of the Floating Emperor, he would stand up and say that the Emperor of the Floating Emperor cannot be mentioned on equal terms with the You Emperor, and that the Emperor of the Floating Emperor is the most admired person. No one, and this sentence was said by Emperor Fusheng himself.

Is this true?

Emperor Fusheng really said this?

It is still said that the centrifugal fairy is just low-key and modest, and said so deliberately.

I don’t know.

No one knows.

Yuan Wu was there for a moment, not knowing what to say, quite embarrassed.

In the field.

Huo De not at all cares about these. When Bai Ze, Mo Baiyu, Yun Zhou and the others stood up one after another and said that You Di was an ancient sinner, he had been observing Gu Qingfeng in secret.

Especially when Yuan Wu said that You Di was not qualified to carry shoes for the Floating Emperor, Huo De’s heart all mentioned in his throat. When he wanted to come, if someone said You Di was an ancient Sinner, Gu Qingfeng may be able to bear it, and he doesn’t mind, but if You Di doesn’t even have the qualifications to carry shoes for Emperor Fusheng, Gu Qingfeng will definitely not tolerate it.

What he absolutely didn’t expect was that Gu Qingfeng would lie on his back in a chair and drink a little wine all the time, watching the excitement, that plain face, There is always a faint smile.

When others said Youdi was an ancient sinner, he did not respond.

When Yuan Wu said that Emperor You did not have the qualifications to carry shoes to Emperor Floating Emperor, he did not seem to have any reaction, it felt as if it was not him but someone else.

This caused Huode’s hanging heart to gradually fall.

He was really afraid that Gu Qingfeng didn’t hold the fire for a while, and then shot these little bastard to kill.

It doesn’t matter to kill these little bastard.

Huode does not care, nor is he worried.

Even if the bastard of Changsheng Pavilion is killed, Huode does not care, nor is he worried.

What worries him is that if Gu Qingfeng kills people here, even if the person killed is not from the Changsheng Pavilion, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the Changsheng Pavilion, and once the suspicion of the Changsheng Pavilion is caused, then Gu Qingfeng’s identity as Emperor Naiyou is not far from being exposed.


Gu Qingfeng doesn’t mind or care about these, otherwise, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Just when Huo De was frightened, in the distance, Yuan Wu might be trying to cover up the embarrassment of the talent, and said: “The centrifugal fairy is joking, how can such heroes and heroes of modern and ancient times like Emperor Fusheng I can’t talk about the ancient sinner mention on equal terms with Emperor You, how can I admire the sinner You Emperor…and…”

Before Yuan Wu finished speaking, Huode shouted loudly: “little Bastard! Give you a face, right? You’re never finished. Then motherfucker dare to say a word, I will kill you Xiao Wangba baby!” At this moment, Huo De has the face of Old Zhang , With a solemn face, glaring at Yuan Wu, murderous-looking in his eyes.

Originally, this incident was over. Since Gu Qingfeng was not angry, Huo De didn’t bother to talk nonsense with these bastards, but he didn’t expect Yuan Wu to stand up and say what his mother was. The emperor was a sinner in ancient times, and this immediately angered Huo De.

“Only you? Want to kill the immortal?”

Huo De can’t tolerate it, and Yuan Wu can’t tolerate it even more.

Huo De endured Yuan Wu for a long time, and Yuan Wu also endured Huo De for a long time.

This time Yuan Wu made Huo De annoyed, and Huo De’s anger also completely annoyed Yuan Wu.

A moment of rush.

Yuanwu’s body brilliance flickers, incarnation is a round of light hegemony, the majesty of the big sun erupts, and the surrounding photos are brightened. Those ancient Old Seniors are all complexion greatly changed, I dare not hesitate. Immediately retreat, the power of this Guangming Domination is particularly powerful, and they can’t stop it.

The Yuan Wu of the incarnation Guangba Ri, pointed at Huo De majesticly and shouted: “Today I am standing here, you can try to move my own?”

“I went to your grandma!”

Huo De’s body is also shining brightly, as if black and white flames are burning, and like Yin and Yang are mingling, I saw him step out, and instantly Appearing in front of Yuan Wu, raising his right arm, when his five fingers are spread out, it is like five mountains rising from the ground, and one palm is more like a sky falling down. It changes in many stages and is strong as an ox. It is powerful and comparable. Heavenly Might.

What is this method?

No one knows.

I only know that when this slap of Huo De, this slap falls, the Yuan Wu of the incarnation round of the bright day is like the big day is suddenly blocked by dark clouds, the brilliance dims in an instant, and the light changes accordingly. dark.

There was a loud bang.

Huo De slapped down, and Yuan Wu’s whole body of Bright Sun burst open on the spot, collapsed and disappeared.

Looking at this scene, everyone present, there is each one, whether it is the Old Senior who has been cultivating for many years, or the immortals such as Mo Baiyu, Yunzhou, and Fuying, or Baize and Lengjue. The disciple was shocked, shocked and unbelievable.

Don’t say that they are like this. Even experts such as Golden Grandmother of Flowers and Centrifugal Fairy are also shocked by this scene.

They know that Huo De is deep and unmeasurable. They know it from the first sight of Huo De. After learning that Huo De is a Taoist priest, they are even more certain. They even think that Huo De may be deeper and unmeasurable than imagined. .

But even so, they never thought that Huo De could be so powerful, just a trifling palm, which broke Yuan Wu’s great day light forcibly with a forcibly shock.

Know that Yuanwu’s Great Sun Guangming is not an acquired or innate creation, but the Great Sun Guangming given by the nine-day immortal dao, and it is also known as the most sacred and brightest in the present age. It is also the most powerful and overbearing good fortune. If it weren’t for this, when Yuan Wu just took out the great good fortune, those Old Seniors who had been cultivating for many years would not immediately retreat.

Because they all know how powerful the power of the Great Sunshine is. Not only do they know it, but many people have personally experienced it. The power of the Sunshine is not something they can resist, even if They are the cultivation base for many years on Senior Gu.

Although Yuanwu’s great fortune is still not cultivation, but even so, it will not be destroyed by the slap of the Old Daoist Priest, right?

What’s even more incredible is that this slap of Huo De not only destroyed Yuan Wu’s great fortune, but also Yuan Wu himself was bleeding from his seven orifices from this slap.


Seven orifices bleeding.

Everyone saw it really, Yuan Wu didn’t even hum, he sat on the ground paralyzed on the spot, his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth were bleeding, and his face was pale. The expression of horror is like seeing Ghost God, the fear in his eyes.

Is it just that?


More than that.

Huo De this slap also groaned the more than a dozen experts behind Yuan Wu’s body and couldn’t stop backing.


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