Supreme Lord

Chapter 1702

“Master, I am too lazy to toss about this troublesome thing, you told me to help you toss?”

Gu Qingfeng was tired from sitting, stood up, stretched his waist, and walked to Ya Under the window of the room, I looked at the people in small groups in Chunman Building who were listening to Quer and drinking, and said: “even more how, according to the current situation of the Lord, it is not suitable to help you, not only can’t help, when the time comes may It will hurt you.”


“Since you know that the Lord is the body of original sin, you still don’t know why?”

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, Huo De thought about it carefully, and suddenly understood.


He knows that Gu Qingfeng is the body of original sin, and it is probably more than just the body of original sin.

But I just know it.

What is the real original sin body.

Huo De can’t be said, and at present, he doesn’t understand too much.

This is not important.

The important thing is that he knows the existence of Gu Qingfeng, now it is like a causal vortex.

Anyone who is involved in cause and effect with him may be involved in the legendary black hole of cause and effect that will cause catastrophes of the present and the ancient.


Huode remembered those women who had causal relationship with Gu Qingfeng.

Nature incarnation clouds and neon clothes, frontier queens wind by month, Yanluo female emperor Tang Hsiao, and female sect Ye Tianlan, including Empress Jun Xuanji.

These women, reincarnation again and again, are either resurrected or sealed and sleeping, and some choose to lose themselves.

For what?

It is to cut off the cause and effect with Gu Qingfeng.

Other people may not know Huo De.

But nature incarnation.

Huode is still very familiar.

First, Yun Nishang, then Red Sleeve, and Ouyang Ye, time and time again, samsara reincarnation, just to cut off the cause and effect with Gu Qingfeng.

The result.

Finally, the soul was buried and reborn without being able to cut it off.

Think of this.

Huo De was afraid for a while, but fortunately Gu Qingfeng did not interfere with his own cause and effect. If this guy interfered with his own cause and effect, wouldn’t he also be involved in the causal black hole?

Originally, I had the cause and effect of the era of innocence, which is already a very bad thing, and may even have been involved in the causal black hole, but it is only involved in it. Too deep, at least, there is hope of getting rid of it.

But Gu Qingfeng is different. He is the body of original sin. It can be said that he has completely fallen into the black hole of cause and effect, and he is still the deepest one, and he can’t get out. You may not get rid of it in your life.

“Forget it, you brat don’t help anymore. The old man is fighting with his previous life. Although the hope of surviving is very small, there is at least the hope of surviving. If you brat is dragged into the causal black hole Not to mention in this life, maybe forever is stuck in and can’t get out. Old man, the old bones, can’t withstand such a toss.”

Before Huo De didn’t understand.

I don’t understand why the people in the innocent age have lost themselves one by one, crazy, and painfully trying to end it all.

Later he understood.

Because the cause and effect of those in the age of innocence have long been chaotic, people also fell into the Sea of ​​Bitterness, fell into the curse of original sin.

After countless reincarnations, I can’t get rid of it.


They have always wanted to end it all.

Huo De didn’t want to go through the reincarnation again and again like those people in the era of innocence, to get rid of the original sin of Rao Shizi.

If this is the case, he would rather be obliterated by his previous life.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, who was lying under the window and looking at Chunman Building, Huo De pondered for a moment and asked: “This…Gu kid, can you tell me obediently and honestly.”

“Tell you what?”

“How deep is you brat in the causal black hole now? How far is it? Forget it, I won’t just say it in a roundabout way. What kind of existence are you now?”

“Don’t you know the original sin body in the age of no way, don’t you see what existence is now?”

“old The man wonders that you are not just the body of original sin, right? If you are just the body of original sin, the old man can see it at a glance. The old man knows that the body of original sin is deeper than the body of original sin. The original sin retribution is deeper into the original sin response… Are you now the original sin retribution? Or should you respond?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and casually said: “I am not the original sin now. The sacrificial body is not the answer to the original sin.”

Huo De stood up in surprise and asked: “It is difficult for you brat to get rid of the original sin after igniting the original sin karma?”

“I want to get rid of it.”

“What do you mean? Since you have not gotten rid of original sin, but you are not the body of original sin, nor the body of original sin, let alone the body of original sin, what are you?”


Huo De seemed to realize something, and he couldn’t help but chuckle in his heart, and said in amazement: “Is it possible that you brat is now…Is it already the Dharmakaya of Original Sin?”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t respond, just as if he hadn’t heard it, but closed his eyes slightly, as if he was enjoying the little tune being played by the little girl on the high platform of Chunman Lou.

Although Gu Qingfeng did not respond, Huo De had an answer in his heart.

It’s just that this answer is comparable to Five Thunderbolts for him, and it’s not weaker than the shock that he had caused after knowing Gu Qingfeng’s identity in the mysterious space.

He was stunned for a long time, and then sat down on a chair with a trance and murmured: “Back then, after you lit the fire of original sin in Wudao Mountain, original sin gradually I woke up from a deep sleep. Even though the old man was not present at the time, I could feel it in the dreams of the previous life. At first, the old man didn’t understand why you could ignite the original sin karma or why you ignite the original sin. After the karma fire, the original sin has awakened…”

“Now the old man finally understands that you brat is the original sin dharmakaya, and the original sin incarnation, samantha, should all originate from the original sin dharmakaya, and only original sin The Dharmakaya can ignite the fire of original sin karma, and only the Dharmakaya of original sin can wake up the original sin……”

Close your eyes, Huo De took a deep breath, shook his head, and sighed then said.

He knew that Gu Qingfeng might have sunk very deep in the causal black hole. When he asked Gu Qingfeng for the first time, Gu Qingfeng did not answer, he already felt something. He just didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng to sink so deeply.

It is not the original sin incarnation, nor the retribution of the original sin, nor the response to the original sin, but… the Dharmakaya of original sin.

If you fall again, it will be the original sin.

And once you become the true body of original sin, you also become the true master of original sin.

Huode heard a word.

It is said that the book of destiny records that when the original sin finds Allah, catastrophe will come, the road will fall, Heaven and Earth will be reborn, and the era of innocence will begin…

In other words, if Gu Qingfeng really becomes the God sought by the original sin in the end, then he is the one who caused the catastrophe, ended the present and the ancient, and opened the era of innocence.

This is really too terrifying.

Huode was silent for a while, and asked: “Gu…boy, what are you… planning to do?”

Gu Qingfeng not at all answered this question, still closed Focus on and listen to the small song.

It wasn’t until the end of the song that he opened his eyes, turned around, picked up a glass of wine, poured his head up, and said two words, neither salty nor salty.

“Cold dressing.”

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